Page 85 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 85

Konrad Fischer's gallery in   apparent strength which comes
                                                              Düsseldorf last year he showed a   from exactly the processes which
                                                              progression of metal plates from   caused the poem to be formed in
                                                              1  to 12. The first piece - one plate   the first place.' He talks about the
                                                              - was $700, and the twelfth piece   tactile feel of words; grammar and
                                                              12 plates - was therefore $8,400.   sense are dominated by the
                                                              Xerox copies of the poems are for   independence of a word. The
                                                              sale, £5.00 black and white,   poetry is concerned with the
                                                              £10.00 colour. Art-Rite, the New   combination of separate units and
                                                              York magazine, carried an ad   so is the sculpture. The poems
                                                              this summer paid for by     cover the traditional structures of
                                                              Andre and friends which     poetry, and there are laments,
                                                              congratulated the people of North   sonnets, lyrics, Japanese haiku,
                                                              Vietnam on their victory.   a satire on Cage's random theory,
                                                                Two more fables emerge from   phonological analysis and protest
                                                              the long poems on Lindbergh and   poems. There are several works he
                                                              Brown and Emerson in the Lisson   calls Operas, lists of words for
                                                              exhibition. He became interested   up to five voices, the voices
                                                              in Lindbergh the aviator as one of   interchanging and the sounds
                                                              the first media heroes created by   overlapping. These pieces, he
                                                              the popular press. After the   suggests, are not for an audience
                                                              kidnapping of his child,    but for the experience of the
                                                              Lindbergh became a supporter of   performers. He talks of the roots
                                                              Fascism, believing that the Axis   of poetry in music, and still finds
                                                              powers would achieve the    problems he cannot resolve
                                                              'cleansing of Europe.' In the poem   between the visual and the aural.
                                                              Andre quotes lines of prose from   He has a great feeling for the
                                                              Lindbergh's book about his   sound of words: the few pieces of
                                                              flight,  We, and from other   poetry on the tape have a
                                                              sources throughout his life.   mesmeric, chanting quality.
                                                                                           Poetry and the visual arts have
                                                                The other 15-page poem    had a long infatuation with each
                                                              consists of quotations from John   other. Their marriage is the
                                                              Brown and Ralph Waldo      essence of romanticism. They
                                                              Emerson. In 1859 Brown led a   both suffer a time-honoured past
                                                              raid on the arsenal at Harpers   and an obsolete future. Yet they
                                                              Ferry in an attempt to arm the   continue to attract. When Andre
                                                              negroes in their fight against   was asked directly about the
                                                              slavery. He was caught, tried and   connection between his poetry and
                                                              hung on the eve of the revolution   his sculpture he replied, 'let's just
                                                              which began in 1860. Emerson   say the same person makes both.'
                                                              secretly believed in abolition but        Lynda Morris
                                                              had not supported Brown because
      Carl Andre                                              his actions were against the law.
       A page from Passport 1960   than any other game in the world.                      *The tape of Carl Andre on his
                                  You sit back listening to a denim-  Once the war started Emerson   poetry was published by Audio Arts
                                                                                          in June 1975. It is available from
      onto some new things and leaving   bound encyclopedia. He says that   emerged as a Unionist and   the publishers at 92-104 Carnwath
      some old things behind. So   `one problem with going to   abolitionist. Andre draws an   Road, London SW6, or from the
      Passport is I suppose my own visa   performances in galleries and   analogy with revolutionary   Lisson Gallery, price £2.80.
      stamp on my own progress as an   museums is that they seem to go   extremists in our time and the
      artist.' One of the lectures he gave   on for ever and one feels   theoretical support they receive
      in Oxford, and another at the   embarrassed to walk out;   from intellectuals (and artists)
      Tate Gallery, were an explanation   paintings and sculpture don't   tinged with caution in practice.   David Lamelas
      of Passport.                care at all if you lose interest in   The poem quotes alternate lines   ICA New Gallery
        At the opening in Oxford he   them and walk away.' In False   from the account of Brown's raid   8 July-3 August
       gave a reading of False Creek.   Creek the audience could see the   and from Emerson's Journals.
       The poem is a collection of   stack of unread cards diminish as   Each line contains a reference to   David Lamelas' new works at the
      sentences on filing cards, in   the reading drew to a close.   colour, the colour of paint and the   ICA continued to extend his
      alphabetical order of their   Upstairs at Oxford was the   colour of prejudice.     preoccupation with temporality
      subject. It is an analysis of a   narrative poem Still a Novel   The subjects of the shorter   and the structure of its
      story found in a Vanity Press   based on an incident in the life of   poems range far and wide, from   representation - narrative. His
       book. (Vanity Press is the   the photographer Eadweard   a Brooklyn slum to the Conquest   work in the past has used film,
      American term for a publisher   Muybridge. The 97 pages of   of Mexico, from De Kooning,   sequential slide projections and
      you can pay to have your own   xerox typescript resembled a   Pollack  [sic] and Gorky to the   linear mountings of printed
       book published.) The story was   series of captions almost as though   four Gospels, from a lament on   photographs, sometimes in a
      written by the mother of a   Muybridge had photographed   the Indian Wars to RI 11295 290,   spatial presentation which aims at
      Canadian artist who committed   the event. Muybridge shot and   his number in the US army. He   evincing the structural differences
      suicide in 1969. Andre is generally   killed his wife's lover, a Major   uses found texts in the poems as   which the various modes of
      uninterested in the performance   Larkins: he was tried but   he uses found materials in the   representation impose upon
      possibilities of his poetry but by   acquitted on the grounds that 'he   sculpture, and has only recently   ostensibly the same event. His
      any standards the reading was   only intended to maim him for   started to put the poems on walls.   concern with the way that the
      good theatre. Andre is confident   life.' Andre supplied the   It is tiring to read typing pasted   understanding of events is
      of his importance, and this leads   additional information that   flat on gallery walls. We read a   determined by mediational
      to an elevation of his audience's   Muybridge was defended by the   letter or a book at 45°, and we are   differences began with a
      expectations rather than personal   lawyer of Governor Stanford, an   not used to reading small type at   concentration on the material
      arrogance. The words of the   important politician and patron,   90°. Andre talks about the   differences of the sign-vehicles
      piece were poignant, but they   who had previously commissioned   patterns the poems form. He can   employed, but more recently this
      remain a vehicle for the structure   Muybridge to make the famous   remember as a child, before he   involvement has taken him much
      of the work and for the artist's   study of a horse's movements.   could read, looking at books in   further away from his previous
      presence. To English ears Andre   Andre's non-orthodox marxist   the family library and preferring   post-minimalist preoccupation
      has a nasal intonation somewhere   views have been well publicized,   poetry pages to the heavy format   with the plurality of 'realities'
      between Vincent Price and Orson   and they included a survival   of prose. 'But' he continues, 'I am   engendered in different
      Welles. He talks rapidly,   instinct that pardons necessary   not saying that is a desirable end,   representational forms. Indeed, he
      disarming the company with   evil. He plays specialist games   I would not compose poems   has never engaged in an explicit
      anecdotes and obscure       with the art market, and was one   where the words were just   materialism of the kind which one
      information. He coins memorable   of the most consistent supporters   patterns as they are in painting .. .   associates with Michael Snow and
      phrases like 'photography is the   of the defunct artist's contract. In   but the choice of words and the   the 'structuralists.' Nevertheless,
      pornography of art' and with the   New York a couple of years ago   grouping of words have produced   his earlier work has related to this
      next breath explains why    his work was on sale at 10% of   forms which do not have an   interest, however indirectly, with a
      American football has more rules    the buyer's salary per yard. At    independent strength but a very   concentration on material/formal
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