Page 83 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 83

at Christmas. The committee for   contemporary aesthetics. He
       the Kunsthalle (18 people, six   combines exhibitions such as the
       artists and the rest local figures)   Transformer show in 1972 with
       have financial and artistic control.   tactful exhibitions of the best of
         Gachnang, partly for financial   Swiss art.
       reasons, would like to develop the   Carlo Huber moved from
       idea of exhibitions organized in   Berne to Basle last year and has
       Berne travelling to other   presented two impressive
       institutions. The Penck     installation shows by Mario Merz
       exhibition is scheduled to be   and Dan Flavin. His next project
       shown at the museum in      is the complete graphics of Sol
       Eindhoven. The proposed     LeWitt. He organized important
       Clyfford Still exhibition is   drawing shows of LeWitt and
       entirely dependent on other   Jasper Johns in Berne. The
       interested museums. The On   structure of the Basle Kunsthalle
       Kawara exhibition travelled to   is similar to that of Berne, but
       the Palais des Beaux Arts in   less dependent on the GSMBA;
       Brussels, although the      and the building is large enough to
       presentation of the exhibition in   house three exhibitions at the
       Berne was devised to make the   same time, the directors all
       work more acceptable to the   co-operating on their exhibition
       public of that city. Gachnang is   programmes.
       shrewd enough to follow      Gachnang says that he wants to
       Arnold Rudlinger's slogan: the   present complex relationships
       indifference of the Bernese people   through art. He speaks of
       does not assure their support -  anxieties, constraints, resistance
       only necessary tolerance.   and convictions. They are made
         Berne is a quiet city, populated   possible by his personal desire to
       by government bureaucrats.   contribute to a culture he could
       People come from the countryside   be happy with. He hopes to
       around the city. The other main   continue his programme for a six-
       institution, the Museum of   year period, during which time
       Visual Arts which houses the Paul   the models he has in mind can be
       Klee legacy, is not in active   clearly visualized. He has made a
       competition with the        start which assures him the
       Kunsthalle. The Swiss cities of   support of artists apprehensive   Elaine Johnson
       Berne and Basle have a humanist   about half-hearted cultural agents
       tradition which gives       who only consider their own   when East and West are fairly   Ed Ruscha depicted an egg called
       contemporary art a chance to be   careers.              equally represented. Nor can the   Domestic Tranquillity. The subtlety
       recognized in an historical   The great advantage of    allocation of prizes ever be   of this print seems to have gone
       framework. They also have an   directing a public gallery in   without some political balancing   unheeded. First prize went to the
       active exhibition and acquisition   Switzerland is that it is a   out, although never again it is   West German artist Wolfgang
       tradition. Twenty years ago   politically neutral country which   hoped on the same disastrous   Troschke, with three images of a
       Georg Schmidt and Arnold    is very much concerned with   level as the Venice Biennale. At   sea geometrically enmeshed.
       Rudlinger bought major works by   national welfare. But it is also   Jyvaskyla, however, this was   The Jyvaskyla festival has been
       Gauguin, Cezanne, Picasso and   a country which is concerned   barely apparent. What was clear   inaugurated against the
       Leger. Rudlinger, director of the   with contemporary international   and intriguing in this convenient   background of a cultural revival
       Kunsthalle in Berne and then   dialectics.              venue between East and West was   in Finland. The Finnish Artists'
       director of the Kunsthalle in Basle,    Marlis Grüterich   the juxtaposition of images   Association exhibition in London
       was the first person in Europe to                       created by widely different   last autumn showed the extent to
       show American painting of the                           working situations, Never, for   which a particular local vein of
       fifties at a time when its                              example, did English work look   social realism is (for instance)
       independence made it a                                  more subtly English, Scandinavian   developing. This shows a
       formative influence on European    Finland              work more obsessively Nordic,   conscious intermingling of trends
       artists.                                                Japanese prints more energetic,   from both East and West,
        Between 1955-1961 Franz                                and American work more     observing the contemporary
       Meyer, as director of the   Graphic Creativa, Jyvaskyla,   confidently introspective. The   extensions of social realism in the
       Kunsthalle, drew attention to   24 June -3 July         varying art, thus disposed in   East together with the influences
       French contemporary art,    Graphic Creativa is a new festival.   national blocs around the   of photo-realism in the West. The
       showing Chagall and the then   Planned as a biennale, on the lines   walls of the impeccable Alvar   intricate drawings of Sven Oluf
       unknown papiers découpés of   of Cracow or Bradford, it has the   Aalto Museum, exposed both the   Westerlund, the paintings of
       Matisse. He also moved to Basle   same international aspirations. It   myths and the realities of   Harro Koskinen and Esko
       where he showed leading 20th-  forms a part of the Jyvaskyla Arts   internationalism; appropriately   Tirronen, and the figure sculpture
       century European and American   Festival, and together with the   enough within a building   of Rauni Liukko testify to the
       artists, against a background of   competition for graphic work a   commemorating a renowned   interplay of these influences in a
       masterpieces of the Swiss/German   series of exhibitions and lectures   genius who was the most Finnish   forceful way. Thus, far from
       Renaissance formed from     were arranged. These covered a   of architects.        occupying the peripheral cultural
       donations made by the citizens of   wide range, from posters from   The reality of internationalism,   sphere to which purely Western-
       Basle on the personal initiative   Chile and Portugal, and   in this context, is the ready   oriented critics unwittingly had
       of the museum's directors. The   Propaganda prints from the   transferability of techniques and   relegated them in the early 1970s,
       museum in Basle was the first   Russo-Finnish War (from both   of images across geographical and   Finnish artists have themselves
       ever public collection of works of   sides) to a collection of twentieth-  ideological boundaries, in such a   grasped the practical reality of
       art bought by private citizens.   century folk objects. The   way as to make a mockery of the   their present situation. Working
        Harald Szeemann and Carlo   Graphics exhibition comprised   flag-waving concept. The myth,   between the opposing dynasties
       Huber continued the tradition of   some 700 exhibits, of which 100   paradoxically, lies in the seeming   of East and West, they seem
       the Kunsthalle in Berne up to the   were from Finland, 200 from   reluctance of the artists   increasingly able to demonstrate,
       early seventies. Szeemann, who is   Scandinavian countries and 400   themselves to break away from   in a valid manner, the inherent
       one of the leading contemporary   from ten invited countries:   local preoccupations, such as the   contradictions in both domains.
       historians in Germany, left Berne   Britain, Spain, Japan, Yugoslavia,   Englishman's shoes (Elaine   What then emerges is a socially
       to organize the Documenta 5   Federal Germany, the Soviet   Johnson) or his soft landscapes   aware range of artistic activity in
       exhibition. Jean-Christophe   Union, Poland, France, Hungary   (Norman Ackroyd), or as ersatz   Finland that is undeniably strong
       Ammann, who was Szeemann's   and the USA.              sexism (Hannsjorg Voth and   as well as relevant on an
       assistant in Berne, organized the   Such an exhibition is admirable   Hans Voss) in Germany. Maybe   international level. It will be well
       Photo-Realism section of    in its intentions, and the calm and   in this lies the hope that the bland   worth keeping in touch.
       Documenta 5  and has continued   efficient organization was   apparatus of international       Michael Spens
       as director of the museum in   exemplary. The problem of   commercialism - credit cards,
       Lucerne to devote his programme   selection imposes inevitable   airport shops, filling stations -
       to the 'goldfish in the stream' of    constraints, more particularly    cannot blight local differentiation.

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