Page 81 - Studio International - September October 1975
P. 81

At the Quay Gallery West
                                                                                         Coast humour and the craft
          California                                                                     tradition combined in the exquisite
                                                                                         enamel pieces of the Pencil
                                                                                         Brothers, whose trademark yellow
      In May the San Francisco                                                           pencil occurs on tiny frames,
                                                                                         light-switch covers and a wall-
      Museum of Art sponsored the
      First Artists' Soap Box Derby.                                                     hung place-setting with an
      Racing vehicles designed and                                                       asparagus fork and a pencil spoon.
      driven by artists included a giant                                                 Elfin Elisofon's little fetish
      pencil, a tumbleweed and a blue                                                    sculptures, also at Quay,
      basketball shoe complete with                                                      resemble bird nests. Made of dead
      sock. One entry was a bread car                                                    leaves, twigs, baskets and rags,
      which disintegrated shortly after                                                  some pieces include actual birds,
      take-off providing meals on                                                        wrapped up like tiny mummies.
      wheels for the crowd. This light-                                                    On Independence Day, July
      hearted, festive approach to art is                                                4th, the Ant Farm group staged
      one of the reasons why                                                             Media Burn, an event in which a
      California is such a shock to                                                      car was driven through a wall of
      earnest visitors from the East   Media Burn, an event: On                          burning television sets in the
      Coast and Europe, where art is a   July 4th 1975 Ant Farm drove a                  parking lot of San Francisco's
      serious business, or at least a   phantom dream car through a                      exhibition hall, the Cow Palace.
      business.                   wall of burning TV sets                                Ant Farm is best known for
                                  Photo: Diane Hall                                      Cadillac Ranch,  a row of ten
        Instant communication and jet
      travel between the coasts have                                                     Cadillacs buried in the desert
      created a false impression of   controversial new museum   while Carver stands in dignified   near Amarillo, Texas. Media Burn
      American cultural homogeneity.   buildings for Oakland and the   imitation of his name sake, a   also involved a Cadillac, this time
      California is 3,000 miles from   University of California   credit to his race. In another   transmogrified by 1,500 Ant Farm
      New York. It has a different   attracted international attention   'historical' painting Colescott   man-hours into a 'phantom dream
      climate, a different history and a   and quickly became focal points   gives Arnolfini a black bride. The   car'.
      different ethnic mix. The   for local artists and patrons. The   white man's legendary lust for   Before the unveiling of the
      architecture is different and so is   San Francisco Museum of Art's   black women is the subject of two   dream car, the Master of
      the art. The natives do speak   small but excellent collection of   paintings. In Café au lait, au lit a   Ceremonies announced the
      English, but when West Coast art   modern art is about to be enriched   Colonel Sanders character ogles   arrival of 'The President of the
      critics publish remarks like   by the Clyfford Still donation.   his negro maid and in Rejected   United States, John F. Kennedy.'
      'Lichtenstein deals us a heavy   This summer's SFMA    Idea for a Droste's Chocolate    A black Lincoln Continental
      one' you know you are far from   exhibitions included national   Advertisement a Dutch skater   convertible bearing American
      the intellectual territory of   figures like Judy Chicago and Sol   exposes himself to his black   flags and sober-suited 'secret
      Artforum.                   LeWitt, as well as a Cuban-born   partner.             service men' drove up and a
       West Coast artists have long   California artist, Carlos   Carol Eckman's cardboard   Kennedy look-alike stepped out.
      complained that their work was   Gutierrez-Solana. Gutierrez-  constructions shared the floor   In a passable Boston accent
      either ignored or misunderstood   Solana's work is a form of   with a large timber work by Rudi   'President Kennedy' spoke
      by the major American art   three-dimensional painting. His   Serra at the Hansen-Fuller   about the role of television in
      magazines, which are largely New   wall-hung works are stretchers.   Gallery. Using plain brown paper   what has gone wrong with
      York-based. California is another   wound with an open lattice of   boxes and bits of rough wood,   America. 'Television can only
      state and another state of mind.   ribbons, tapes and strings. The   Eckman created works both   produce autocratic political forms
      Its warm climate and affluent life-  lattice grids, which are   tough and fragile. Some pieces   and alienation. I ask you, my
      style seem almost sinfully   splashed with paint, cast shadows   connect to nearby walls with   fellow Americans, haven't you
      hedonistic to visitors from   on the wall behind for a complex   wood props or charcoal line   ever wanted to put your foot
      harsher environments and I   sculptural effect. One floor-to-  'shadows.' Serra's massive   through your television screen ?'
      suspect that puritanism also plays   ceiling piece is made up of paint-  wooden floor-piece also included   Murmurs of 'tasteless' were heard
      a part in reactions to California   spattered wood slats threaded on   a line 'shadow,' this time chalk   in the audience and an angry black
      art.                        a string, which winds and unwinds   marks on the rug describing parts   man shouted 'What is all this
       Part of the rivalry between   slowly.                 of a circle. Serra's fierce black   political garbage, I thoughtyou all
      East and West coasts is economic.   A strong indication of increased   sketches of the same piece hung   came here to put a car through a
      Financial success is often   local interest in art is the   nearby. Mysterious leather-like   tv !"President Kennedy' stepped
      determined by New York critical   appearance of a new magazine   ceramic objects by Marilyn   back into the limousine as to the
      standards which seem irrelevant   devoted entirely to West Coast   Levine appeared here and there in   tune of the Star Spangled Banner
      to California artists. Local art   Art, Currant. Although Currant's   the gallery as if abandoned by   the M.C. announced 'Ladies and
                                 glossy format is similar to that of   earlier visitors — a worn-out   Gentlemen, the Artists'. Two Ant
      patronage is also affected by the                      child's shoe, a lady's handbag, a
                                                                                         Farm members in racing helmets
      New York domination of the art   Artforum, the resemblance is   suitcase and broken bits of riding   and suits appeared and the
      market. As one San Francisco   misleading. In a defensive
      dealer put it: 'The few Californians   introduction to the magazine,   tackle on a wooden rack. Each   Phantom Dream Car was
     •  who do buy art prefer to do their   Currant's editor stated that its   crack and crease, each buckle is so   unveiled — metallic silver with a
      buying in New York for snobbish   purpose is `to capture the tone of   realistic they must be touched to   huge dorsal fin and an  I  8-foot
      reasons — even if they can get the   the West Coast  .. and the sense   be believed.   hood. The two 'media matadors'
      same things here.'         of humor. This tone sets West   Another talented ceramic artist   were strapped into the cockpit
       Christo's proposed 24-mile-  Coast art apart from the intense   was on view at the Phoenix   and opaque black shields
      long Running Fence in Sonoma   seriousness, the so-called   Gallery. Gail Cates's miniature   replaced the windscreen. The
      County north of San Francisco   "heaviness" and "toughness"   white landscapes with gently   drivers would steer using only
      has aroused the ire of local   that the East Coast considers so   undulating porcelain hills were   a video monitor mounted on the
      artists, who resent his publicity,   crucial. Without humor, the   sparsely populated with tiny white   dashboard of the dream car.
      and local conservationists, who   "weight" of art exists in a   cacti or animals. Each landscape   While puzzled San Francisco
      claim the project may open up   vacuum.'               is sprinkled with fine sand and   firemen stood by, the television
      agricultural land for developers.   The West Coast humour   protected by a low plexiglass box.   sets were set alight and the dream
      Sonoma residents fear that Fence   touted by Currant was much in   One of the simplest, Succulents,   car headed for the waiting wall.
      will be another Woodstock   evidence at a series of shows   was like a precious three-  The crash was disappointingly
      without the music. Christo's high-  presenting new talent in Bay   dimensional Morandi. Also at   unspectacular and the dream car
      technology, big- business   Area museums and galleries. At   Phoenix, Benjamin Blackwell's   emerged unscathed. But as the
      approach to art is anathema to   the John Berggruen Gallery   bizarre series of paintings,   TV tubes imploded from the
      California artists, who see the   Robert Colescott's outrageous   Secrets of the Art Museums,   heat with sharp retorts, reporters
                                                                                         hit the ground and one battlefield
      project as a sort of New York   ethnic cartoon paintings were   recalled the work of William   veteran groaned 'Man, this is
      hit-and-run mission on their   irresistibly popular. In George   Wiley. A pile of beans or a   worse than Vietnam.'
      territory.                  Washington Carver Crossing the   mouse hole is visible in the corner   Lucinda Hawkins
        Recent years have seen a   Delaware Colescott fills a small   of a room hung with parody
      welcome increase in interest and   boat with cliché characters from   paintings. A ballroom dance foot
      support for the arts in the San   American negro history,   chart outlines the course of a
      Francisco Bay Area. The     drinkin', fishin' and banjo-pickin'    museum cleaner's broom.
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