Page 38 - The Studio First Edition - April 1893
P. 38

The Fitzroy Picture Society
                     take the opposite extreme, the thin elegance of a
                                                                         HE FIRST PUBLICATIONS OF
                     Flaxman outline seems always an exotic in
                                                                         THE FITZROY PICTURE SO-
                     English art ; while the naturalistic detail of the   CIETY.
                    so-called American style—such as once raged
                     rampant around sketches set askew or overlapping T IN these days of cheap colour-printing
                    each other—is so beloved of the advertiser that it  it has long been a matter for regret, that the few
                    suggests at first sight a label for a patent medicine  pictures published in large size for the adornment
                    or a Sunday-school reward card. Not that one  of schoolrooms or similar purposes, were, as a rule,
                     need be limited to a few styles. Even Japanese  of the ordinary German style, and not peculiarly
                    decoration may be not unfitly chosen, especially  good at that. The Fitzroy Picture Society, there-
                    the French variety—half-Japanese, half-Gothic—  fore, in issuing a series after originals by Messrs.
                    that so influences the designs of Grasset or Carlos  Selwyn Image, Heywood Sumner, and C. W. Whall,
                     Schwabe. The Rococo has its admirers, and  are not merely attempting for almost the first time
                     boasts a long pedigree of famous book-plates,  to produce at a low cost large pictures which are
                    including the much-over-praised Chippendale  decorative as well as pictorial ; but are doing it in
                     style ; while the neo-Gothic, that curious Renas-  a way that leaves little chance of successful rivalry.
                    cence of the nineteenth century, which finds its   With the one exception of a series of Scripture
                    chief exponents in the pre-Raphaelites or in Burne  cartoons in gold and monochrome designed by
                     Jones, seems to be rarely used : hardly a single  W. Gunston, the style of work hitherto deemed
                     important example may be found; yet one would  appropriate for this purpose is not merely crude
                    have thought that it was the most likely style to  in colour, sickly in its sentimentality, and almost
                    be popular with modern book collectors.     beneath contempt as art, but singularly ineffective
                      Rossetti, it would seem, never designed a plate.  as wall decoration. These under notice are drawn
                     Mr. Burne Jones has made one graceful little label,  in bold black lines, and printed in simple flat
                     but it has hardly a trace of the qualities associated  colours, but are yet brilliant and rich, besides
                    with his work. Mr. Walter Crane's book-plates,  being distinguished by a certain originality of treat-
                     good as they are, are not by any means above  ment we have learned to expect from the artists.
                     the average of his work ; Sand Mr. Selwyn Image  Therefore they are not only excellent pictures in
                     so far has not used his individual talent in this  themselves, but adorn a room to an unusual degree.
                    field. Mr. Stacy Marks' clever drawings are not   The Annunciation, by Mr. Selwyn Image, as the
                    essentially book-plates ; but the one instance by  reduced drawing shows, is, a fine composition, simple
                    Sir John Millais is, if not an ideal plate, full of  in its treatment and yet preserving the dignity which
                     decorative quality, and above all a label with a de-  should surely be an essential feature of Christian
                    vice, not a picture. The designs of Mr. Sherborn  art. The scheme of colour is deep and vivid, the
                    are, as a rule, intensely German in feeling; indeed,  red of the angel's wings and the halo that encircles
                     their beauty consists more in their exquisite craft  the Virgin's head, with the broken blues and greens
                    and the vivid re-creation of forms used before, than  of the foliage being notable for transparent full
                    in their actual design. The plates of Mr. Erat  colour, rare in chromo-lithography. The cartoons
                     Harrison, Mr. John D. Batten, Mr. Alan Wright,  (46 x 31) are published at 4s. 6d. each ; a set of
                     Mr. Herbert Home, Mr. Leslie Brooke, Mr. R.  three,  "Jesus Hominum Salvator," 13s. 6d. They
                     Anning Bell, and some few others, should be added  are also issued mounted and varnished at 16s. 6d.
                     to those already quoted as exceptionally good ;  the set ; mounted and stretched and varnished at
                     but considering the growing popularity of the craze,   22s. 6d.;  and glazed in plain oak frames at £2  5s.
                     which seems yet far from its zenith, those already  the set or 15s. each.
                    attracted to it are small in number, however capable   The panels of " The Four Seasons," designed by
                    in degree. Here it would be invidious to estimate  Mr. Heywood Sumner, make a capital quartet for
                    the relative value of the designs which, owing to  the decoration, not merely of a schoolroom but for
                     the courtesy of the various artists, accompany this  home use. They are bright as a Walter Crane toy-
                     paper; and it must suffice to call attention to  book, but here, as there, the gaiety of colour escapes
                     them on their own merits, and to emphasise their  vulgarity. Well chosen mottoes from Swinburne,
                     dissimilar treatment as a healthy sign of individual  Christina Rosetti, Keats, and Shakespeare run on
                     effort to produce new types that fulfil more or less  friezes above and below each picture, which is
                     the requirements we have suggested, and are in each  33 x 17, the prices being 2s. 6d. separately,  10s.
                     case distinctly decorative in themselves.  	G.W.   for the set; or in various mountings like the first
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