Page 41 - The Studio First Edition - April 1893
P. 41
A History of Furniture
essentials. The book commences with an accurate, cupboards, settles and chests appear, unti with the
if fragmentary, account of ancient furniture, drawn Renaissance we are fairly in a period that has sur-
chiefly from Biblical sources and from Assyrian and vived in thousands of examples. Here, at every
A SPANISH COFFER, XVIITH CENTURY (From Litchfield's " History of Furniture")
classic sculptures. In the next section, the Middle turn, are suggestions to adopt, notably the treatment
Ages, we find more illustrations from the objects of a coffer, on page 53, and also styles to avoid,
themselves, although these are, as a rule, confined such as the Italian chairs (page 54), which, excellent
to chairs of State, and may be almost regarded as as they are in design, could it be considered apart
architectural features that were by accident mov- from their use, are bad as chairs. French furniture
able, than as genuine pieces of furniture. As how- figures largely, some of it excellent ; some to be
ever we draw nearer our own times, armories and quite fair, not worthy of imitation. Among the