Page 40 - The Studio First Edition - April 1893
P. 40

A History of Furniture

                                                                 influences, help to extend a demand for average
                              HISTORY OF FURNITURE.*
                                                                 ather than unique work. Yet we have no right to
                                A CENTURY ago the author of such a   quarrel with an author for choosing his own point
                              work as this would probably have en-  of view, and while awaiting a book that shall present
                     A titled it "Contributions towards a  —if it be possible to do so—the common furniture
                     History of Furniture," or in some way expressed  of every period, it is pleasant to find gathered to-
                     the limits which Mr. Litchfield in a notably  day so many typical examples of the more ornate
                     modest preface has recognised. For the subject is  products of many ages. The first impression of
                     too vast for any one volume to exhaust ; yet as to  such a book is apt to be—that the taste of past
                     do it full justice would require many thousands of  times is greatly overrated but that may be owing
                     illustrations, we can                                              in part to the fact that
                     but be grateful for this                                           isolated examples are
                     hand-book, which is                                               apt to assume a certain
                     valuable as a standard                                             arrogant importance
                     work of reference, and                                             that would not be ap-
                     by no means inade-                                                 parent if we saw them
                     quate as a rapid survey                                            with the surroundings
                     of the huge period it                                              of their own period.
                     covers. 	                                                          It is even possible that
                             The illustra-
                     tions are obviously                                               such a monstrous ob-
                     chosen froth all sorts                                             ject as the State chair
                     of sources, and have a                                             from the 1851 Exhibi-
                     tendency, as in most                                               tion (page 235), might
                     of their class, to re-                                             be comparatively un-
                     present not so much                                                obtrusive with the
                     the common average                                                 hangings and carpets
                     of any period, as those                                            that were no doubt
                     special pieces which                                               part of its original
                     may be called " mu-                                                environment.
                     seum" specimens. To                                                 Whatever the short-
                     one deeply interested                                              comings of 1893, it is
                     in the domestic arts,                                              with a shudder of relief
                     the common articles                                                that one thinks of Tot-
                     used in ordinary house-                                            tenham Court Road at
                     holds are far more at-                                             its worst, beside the
                     tractive than gorgeous                                             decorative orgies of
                     master-pieces made for                                             1851. Not that all the
                     special purposes. Yet                                              work of that vicious
                     one must not too                                                   period — vicious be-
                     hastily assume that                                                cause it professed an
                     some of the most elaborate specimens were com-  earnest desire for art, and produced mere extrava-
                     missioned for palaces or mansions. The pride of  gance—was either poor design or bad craft. But
                     the craftsman in his art, has before now led him  most of its important pieces, even those included
                     to expend his most prolonged labour on articles  in this volume, are examples of everything to avoid,
                     for his own home. When furniture was handed  and so far as personal experience goes, the average
                     down as an heirloom, and the tenants succeeded  furniture of the dwelling was distinctly feeble. Even
                     each other under the same roof—a special chest,  the plainer pieces, which because they have less bad
                     or armoire, was held worthy the expenditure  decoration are therefore so much better, show little
                     of much skill. Now our migratory habits, the  appreciation of beautiful proportions, of fit and
                     separate household which each newly-married pair  straightforward joinery, or of elegant line; but are
                     deem the first essential, and a thousand other  bent on displaying their cost, and using as much
                                                                 polish and ornament as the price will allow, rather
                       * -  Illustrated History of Furniture." By FREDERICK
                      LITCHFIELD. Second Edition. London : Truslove and   than aiming for utility first, and then for as much
                                                                 beauty as can be preserved without sacrificing
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