Page 43 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 43

Frank  Kupka

          Plans  verts (II)  1930/32   surprised  that  Kupka  so  often  has  borrowed  the  titles   of  elsewhere,  an  elsewhere  where  the  demon  of  the
          23 x 25.5 cm.           of his works from the vocabulary of music.         music  reigns  and  where  furious  aspirations  are  con­
          Galerie Karl  Flinker.  Paris   Here we touch the most secretive particularities of this   stantly  evoked  to  the  total  creative  freedom  and  to
                                  man of  Central  Europe and  more precisely  of romantic   the  pure  contemplation  beyond  the  fashions  and  the
                                  Bohemia.  It is true he had become completely a subject   accidents of reality.
                                  of  Paris and of what is more  Parisian in  Paris, that is to   It is this  elsewhere  which was the real native land of
                                  say  its  boroughs:  Montmartre,  Puteaux.  It  is  of  this   Frank  Kupka.  In  our  world  he  was  appearing  as  a
                                  popular  Paris  that  his  wife  was  a  native,  his  lifelong•  spiritual.  This is to say one of these men who,  in their
                                  companion who after his death guarded his work with   retreat,  live  only  by  their  mind.  And  it  is  this  which
                                  such  fidelity.  Assuredly  all  his  work  was  produced  in   explains  this  air  of  perfect  nobility  which  emanated
                                  Paris  and  in  the  School  of  Paris;  this  is  to  say  the   from  his  person,  the  discreet  elegance  of  his  'allure'
                                  French  School  has  the  right  to  claim  it.  This  work   and the gravity and contemplativeness of  his  physiog­
                                  constitutes  one  of  the  most  important  chapters  in  the   nomy  and  maybe  the  slight  disquiet  which  could
                                  struggle  of  our  avant-gardes  at  the  beginning  of  the   sometimes  be  discerned in  it.  He  has  lived only  in  his
                                  twentieth  century,  of  cubism  and  of  orphism  and  of   work,  by  his  work  and with his  work.  And this  makes
                                  this group of the  Golden Section to which he belonged   it  difficult  to  classify  and  date  his  work.  Because  he
                                  with  his  neighbour,  Jacques  Villon  and  with  all  the   was incessantly taking up again old works, abandoning
                                  magnificent  and  bubbling  youth  which  assembled  in   the series which was on hand to go back to a previous
                                  his  studio  in  Puteaux.  But  it  is  undeniable  that  to  all   series,  but is it not thus that the hermits alternate their
                                                                                     spiritual  exercises?  They  develop  outside  time,  or
                                  the  common action,  Frank  Kupka  brought  a  personal   rather  in  a  time  which  escapes  our  measurement  ■
                                  note  in  which  we  cannot  but  hear  certain  harmonics
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