Page 44 - Studio International - August 1965
P. 44

J.P. Hodin

                               European  Critic                                  by  G.  S.  Whittet

      The  drawings  illustrated  here  are  by  Oskar                           Dog  does  not  eat  dog,  as  the  saying  goes,  but  there
      Kokoschka,  made of  Hodin  when  the latter stayed with                   can  occur  a  great  deal  of  wounding  and  snarling
      him  at  Villeneuve,  in  Switzerland,  last  year.  They                  between  critics  proving  that,  despite  professional
                                                                                 association,  mutual  benevolence  is  not  to  be  con­
      were not portraits of  Hodin now but a series of                           sidered  a  normal  attitude.  So  that  the  imminent
      biographical  projections  worked  in  crayon  on paper.                   publication of the book J.  P.  Hodin  European  Critic,*
      Drawing  1  shows  Hodin  as a  young  man,  good                          a  symposium  edited  by  Walter  Kern  with  essays  by
      looking,  well-to-do  walking  with a  silver-topped  cane                 various  hands  and  published  as  a  tribute  on  his
      on  the  Corso in  Prague,  reading  Rilke,  Kierkegaard and               sixtieth  birthday,  must be regarded as a unique event.
                                                                                  Who  is  J.  P.  Hodin?  A  name certainly  that  appears
      Hoffmansthal,  interested  in  art,  literature  and  music.               above articles and  on title pages of books devoted to
      The  second  drawing  Kokoschka  tore  up.  He said                        art,  who  writes  prefaces  to  catalogues  and  is  known
      'It is not you;  it is too old,  it is too bourgeois'.  Drawing            by  name  to  many  readers  in several  languages.  If  we
      3  took  three  hours  and,  according  to  Kokoschka's                    look at  Part II  of the volume we learn more, for  Hodin
      comments,  'this  is a man of experience in life.  He has                  has several sides to his life and his career and not all of
      stood  his  knocks  but  he  is  the  man  of  passion                     them  are  known  to  those  who  know  one  side  best.
                                                                                 Vladimir  Vanek,  a  friend  and  a  diplomat,  tells  us  the
      who  takes  interest  furiously  in  life,  in  art,  in  women            early  story  of  Hodin.  Names:  Joseph  Paul,  born
      but  he  is  already  marked  by  man'.                                    17th  August,  1905  in  Prague,  son of a photographer.
      The fourth drawing and the final one is  reproduced                        Lonely,  a reader, enchanted by the melancholy of that
      in  the  book.  It  bears  Kokoschka's  inscription  in                    great  city,  he  studies  law.  After  military  service.  he
      German  'This  is  my  last  friend  Pepi  Hodin,                          writes  and  takes  part  in  arranging  musical  concerts.
      called  Magister  Artis,  from  my great  Viennese  time '.                Dresden was his first resort on leaving his native city.
                                                                                 Berlin  was  his  next  stop  where  he  wrote-articles,
      In it,  it seems to  Hodin,  he is drawing not only the                    novels,  short  stories.  But  the  Nazi  danger  drove  him
      sitter but in him traces of people he knew also in Vienna                  from  Germany to  Paris,  where he stayed for two years.
      such  as  Arnold  Schoenberg and an  old friend  Robert                     For ten years Scandinavia was  to  be  his  home  after
      Freund who died recently.  The photograph is how the                       1935 when he came to Sweden with his Swedish wife
      camera  lens  of  John  Pasmore  sees  Hodin  today.                       Birgit Akesson, a dancer and an artist. The marriage was
                                                                                 * London: Cory, Adams & Mackay. 50s.
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