Page 45 - Studio International - August 1965
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later dissolved.  In  1944  Hodin flew in to  London from   century,  writes  another  poem  of  nostalgic  impression.
                                  Sweden  and  joined  the  headquarters  of  the  Czecho­  Professor  A.  M.  Hammacher assesses  Rodin's  attitude
                                  slovak  Government  in  exile  as  a  lieutenant,  then  as  a   and  performance  in  relation  to  his  successors  in
                                   writer.  He  worked  with  the  Norwegian  Government   European  sculpture.  Barbara  Hepworth  allows  her
                                   also and spent some time in  Oslo.                Greek  Diary  1954-1964  to  be  printed  for  love  of
                                    After  the  war  Hodin  settled  in  London,  married  an   Hodin,  a  genuine  gesture  of  affection  that  has  its
                                   English  girl  and  made  many  friends  and  very  few   intimate  truth.  Bernard  Leach,  another  Cornwall
                                   enemies  while  working  with  the  newly  formed   friend,  talks  of  education  and  art;  Professor  Thomas
                                   Institute of  Contemporary Arts  as  Director of Studies.   Munro,  U.S.A.,  discusses  'Spiritual  Values'  in  the
                                   The list of works by J.  P.  Hodin printed as an appendix   aesthetics  of naturalism  and supernaturalism;  Gregory
                                   gives some inkling of the range of his interests and the   Paulsonn  writes  on  'The  science  and  culture  of  art';
                                   amount of words he has caused to be printed through­  Mario  Praz  takes  Art  Nouveau  as  his  theme  with  its
                                   out  the  world,  chiefly  about  modern  art  and  artists.   inevitable reference to the influence  of  The Studio; Sir
                                   Ragnar  Hoppe,  first  Conservator  of  the  National   Herbert  Read defends the  Modern Art  Book against its
                                   Museum,  Stockholm,  describes  the  decade  spent  in   too  puritanical  detractors;  Franz  Roh  appreciates  the
                                  Sweden  by  Hodin.  Lief  Ostby,  first  Keeper  of  the   real  Problems  of  Art  Criticism  and  Lancelot  Whyte
                                   National  Museum,  Oslo,  similarly  treats  with  Hodin's   concludes  on  'The  Unity  of  Visual  Esperience·.
                                   work and effect in  Norway.                        Nor  is  the  tribute  purely  textual.  Oskar  Kokoschka
                                    Having  heard  about  the  man  from  the  mouth  of  the   drew  no  fewer  than  four  portraits  of  Hodin  (three  of
                                   horse  that  follows the  cart,  let  us  look  at  the  gifts  the   them  are reproduced here though only one appears  in
                                   vehicle  contains.  Giulio  Carlo  Argan,  Professor  of  the   the  book);  Emilio  Greco  is  represented  by  a  portrait
                                   History  of Art at  Rome  University and  President of the   drawing;  Li  Hutchison  has  her  portrait  of  Hodin  in
                                   International  Association  of  Art  Critics,  contributes  a   bronze  reproduced;  Marino  Marini,  Giacomo  Manzu,
                                   penetrating  essay  on  'The  Russian  Avant-Garde'  that   and Alberto Giacometti have also works included.
                                   aligns  aesthetic  and political  thought  in  a  crucial  time   To know the man as I do is to see but one aspect; that
                                   for  art  and  politics.  Emilio  Greco,  one  of  Italy's  most   he  has many facets and admired by all the contributors
                                   universal sculptors, writes a poem for Hodin that evokes   to  this  symposium  is  to  realise  that  time  and  space
                                   the  spirit  he  expresses  in  his  sculpture,  such  as  the   contribute  most  to  the  appreciation  of  a  critic  who is.
                                   Bagnante in the Tate.  Michael  Hamburger, an authority   as the title of the book states justly,  so  truly  European
                                   on the German and Austrian literature of the twentieth   with all  the undertones that this implies.   ■
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