Page 45 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 45

John  Hultberg

         Grear Gun 1963          pa1nt1ngs.  Hultberg  is  creating  an  epic  of  America   Navy in the Pacific from 1943 to 1946 as a  Lieutenant.
         Oil on  canvas
         31 X 39 in.             unsurpassed in concept and originality of execution by   On  discharge  he  began  painting  again  and  took  a
         Galerie Anderson-Mayer   any  other  living  artist.  It stretches geographically  from   course  at  the  Art  Students'  League,  New  York,  from
                                 coast to coast and in space of time from the ending of   1949 to 1951.  In 1954 he  paid his first visit  to  Paris.
                                 the  frontier  to  the  industrialization  of  our  cities,  fore­  He now lives in  New York.
                                 casting  the  space  age.  Each  painting  appears  to  fit   First  one-man  exhibition  was  held  at  Contemporary
                                 a  special  place  in  a  giant  jigsaw  puzzle  of  America.   Gallery,  Sausalito.  California.  in  1949  and  in  1953  he
                                 Form  is  the  warp  upon  which  his  dreams  are  laid.   showed  for  the  first  time  in  New  York  at  the  Korman
                                 Through  the  form  he  runs  a  weft-the  psychological   Gallery.  From  1955  he  has  shown  frequently  at  the
                                 drama  of  man,  depicted  with  utmost  subtlety  and   Martha  Jackson  Gallery,  New  York,  also  in  Paris  (!:ist
                                 innuendo.'                                         at  Galerie  Anderson  Mayer  and  Galerie  du  Dragon),
                                   Hultberg was born in  Berkeley,  California. in 1922 of   London.  Germany,  Italy,  Japan,  Los  Angeles,  Detroit
                                 Swedish parents.  He began to paint when he was only   and Ghent.  He has received a Guggenheim Fellowship,
                                 fourteen  years  old.  From  1939  he  studied  at  Fresno   a  Hallmark  award  and  his  work  is  included  in  major
                                 College and graduated  in  1943.  He served in  the  U.S.   collections  in  the  U.S.A.         ■
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