Page 48 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 48

1                       positions.  Certain forms-spiky or knifelike extensions,   connotations.  Now,  his penchant for  cylindrical  com­
      Joseph  Goto
      Number Twenty-Eight 1964/65   spiralling interior shapes, corolla and seed shapes, and  position  does  not  stem  from  his  use  of  pipes  and
      Steel                   sexual  allusions-are  carried  from  one  piece  to  boilers,  but his use of boilers and pipes seems to stem
      14¼ in. high
      Stephen  Radich Gallery   another,  enabling  thoughtful  critics  to  do  a  proper  from a concept of cylindrical composition.
                              iconographical job on his themes.                   Even where clearly identifiable screws, nuts and bolts
      Jose  de  Rivera          It is true that Lipton has approached the grand themes  appear,  as  they do  in an  excellent  small  piece  where
      Construction  No.  88  1965   repeatedly, seeking to endow his work with ideographic  they emerge from either side of an open cylinder, they
      10,l:x10x27in.          significance.  However,  the themes themselves are  not  serve only to suggest sharply active forms  in  contrast
      Grace  Borgenicht Gallery
                              always  sufficient.  At  times,  Lipton  allows  a  lapidary  to the monumental calm of their steel enclosure.
      3                       instinct to obscure the power of his motifs. For instance,   Stankiewicz also seems to be moving away from the
      Seymour  Lipton
      The Ring 1863           he often breaks a broad movement by making just one  openwork welding of his last show toward a compact,
      Bronze on monel  metal   more inversion of form,  just one fillip of the spiral too  densely  composed  imagery.  One  piece,  for  instance,
      41  in. high
      Marlborough-Gerson Gallery   many.  He  also  makes  a  uniformly  dull  surface  by  is based on a rhythm of flared curves produced  when
      4                       brazing  his  pieces  identically.  If  Lipton  is  assessed  several  carefully  shaped  steel  plates  are  fastened
      J.  Iqbal  Geoffrey     coolly,  in  terms  of  his  sculptural  accomplishment,  he  together.  This  piece  is  complicated  but  large,  heavy
      In Search  of an Ideal Landscape
      Oil on paper            must  be  seen  as  an  ambitious  stylist  whose  literary  but elegant.  It exists in an  imaginary rectangular con­
      Greenross Gallery       preoccupations sometimes get in his way.           tainer,  but  holes  and  slits  in  the  steel  produce  the
                                But  the  long  years  have  inevitably  strengthened  his  pierced, multiple spaces within.
                              hand and in this exhibition, there are several pieces of   The astringent simplicity of his new pieces is softened
                              great  merit.  I think,  for  instance,  of his two variations  by Stankiewicz'  wizardry with colour. That is, the pink
                              of The Ring with their great clapper-like shells secreting  and  orange  rust  is  carefully  designated  to  highlight
                              the  rounded,  life-containing  shapes  that  discreetly  certain  forms.  Where  these  lovely  colours  would
                              suggest his theme. I think also of the large and powerful  detract, he either burnishes the natural steel or deadens
                               The  Emptv  Room  with  its  masculine,  bold  lines  and  the surface.  Regardless of the natural  processes which
                              reminiscence  of  the  sturdy  ancient  Chinese  bronzes.   produced  these  colours,  Stankiewicz  must  be  con­
                               Here  Lipton constructs a great expanse of wall which  sidered an exceptional sculptural colorist, using colour
      1 /2

                               partly obscures and partly envelops a darkly suggestive  endemically to emphasize significant forms.
                               rounded  shape  within.  Above,  a  coil  of  fleshy  forms   Joseph Goto, another steel and iron man, works only
                               spawns a thrusting phallic image. The invitation to enter  with the raw materials. forging and welding and sawing
                               this  primitivistic  sanctuary  is  compelling.  Lipton  has  his way to a monumental style.  His new works at the
                               fashioned  an  ambiguous  object,  a  tower,  a  crypt,  a   Radich  Gallery  are  hewn  impressively  from  enormous
                               symbol of life-shelter, and given it the magical secrecy  solids of steel.  Goto has the impulses of a child, eager
                               that truly justifies the thematic approach of his critics.   to thrust his hand into living clay and push the masses
                                Much younger,  Richard  Stankiewicz has nonetheless  around.  But  the  child's  impulse  to  manipulate  earthy
                               articulated  a  unique  style  stemming  from  his  early  matter  is  transformed  by  an  adult's  ambition  to  tame
                               experiments  with  assembled  ready-made  parts.  In  the  untameable.  Certainly by working thick masses of
                               his  exhibition  at  the  Stable  Gallery,  Stankiewicz   intransigeant  steel;  by  cutting  through  its  dense
                               indicates his growing concern with simplicity and with  structure; by forcing it to defy gravity and rise at strange
                               the relationship of forms regardless of their origins.   angles,  Goto moves into the promethean realm.
                                He  still  utilizes  scrap  iron  and  bits  of  found  steel  in   As always, Goto does not depend only on the massive
                               composing,  but  he  has  long  since  destroyed  their  composition  of  solids,  but  welds  ropey,  curvilinear
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