Page 47 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 47

Mountain,  a  great,  two-humped  gorm.            proposes the multiple sculpture which interests younger
                                   Different in character are a number of pieces in which   men now  and he  has  long investigated.
                                 Noguchi  is more rigorous,  more  mathematically  exact.   Another carver. the  Italian sculptor  Pietro  Cascella. is
                                 In  several  of  the  pieces  carved  in  Ouerceta,  sharply   clearly  seeking  a  means to circumvent the problem of
                                 faceted.  highly polished  marble  forms  are  mounted on   the base.  His  best sculptures rest with total equipoise
                                 thin. flat steel plates or on glass.  straddling the support.   on the ground.  heavy reminders of permanence.
                                 Here.  Noguchi  further  explores  the  possibilities  of   When seen from above. these large forms carved with
                                 minimizing  the  base.  These  weighty  marbles.  in­  rude  grace  from  the  broad-textured  Roman  travertine.
                                 geniously  cut  to  reveal  their  veinings  in  carefully   form  an  expansive  image.  Both  Mediterranean  Sun
                                 calculated  patterns.  stand  at  eye  level  and  produce  a   and  Pygmalion  are  composed  radially,  their  large
                                 strange  illusion  of  weightlessness.             curves  tending  to  continue  infinitely.  Cascella  seems
                                   Here again Noguchi does not propose a new problem,   most at home with the large, primitive images executed
                                 but  fresh  solutions.  He  has  long  worked  at  various   boldly in rough stone. When he polishes both travertine
                                 levels  in  space.  either  making  his  bases  very  low  or   and marble. he falls into sculptural cliches. often based
                                 high,  or  eliminating  them  altogether.  There  is.  for   on  the  memory  of  Brancusi.  His  exhibition  at  the
                                 instance.  a  low  study  for  a waterfall in  granite.  which   Bonino  Gallery  included  not  only  stone  carvings,  but
                                 balances like a gently graded slide on the ground. The   but bronzes in which he falters with small detail.
                                 base is part of the total  form which in turn conjugates   Several  direct  metal  sculptors  exhibited  recently.
                                 itself with the earth.                             Seymour  Lipton. a veteran welder. showed a large and
                                   Related  to  these  pieces  are  Noguchi's  occasional   accomplished  group  of  recent  sculptures  at  the
                                 groupings  of  interlocking  forms.  Two  is  One  lies  low   Marlborough-Gerson  Gallery.  For  more  than  fifteen
                                 in space. a rocking granite shape cradling an extending   years  Lipton has  been  pursuing  what  Duncan  Phillips
                                 armlike-form.  Here.  with  great  simplicity,  Noguchi   calls  'ideographic  idioms·  in  his  brazed  metal  com-


         lsamu  Noguchi
         Jamon  1961
         Cordier  &  Ekstrom  Gallery
          Richard  Stankiewicz
         Unm/ed  1965
         43 X  24 X 16 in.
         Stable Ga 1 1ery
          Pietro  Cascella
         Ulvsses  1963
          Bonino Gallery
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