Page 46 - Studio International - June 1965
P. 46
New sculpture fresh in old techniques
New York commentary by Dore Ashton
Although much attention has been lavished on new in stone in numerous examples. It is inexpressibly
techniques and media in sculpture. a spate of recent beautiful in the pierced marble disk called Sky which.
sculpture exhibitions indicates that within conventional with its delicately cloudy veins and its skin-soft polish
modes. there is still a great deal left to be said. Long easily induces a lyrical response. In rougher. more
practised techniques in several media-carving, welding elemental terms. the circle takes on the character of
and forging for instance-can still inspire fresh thoughts ancient runes in two variations on granite millstones.
that change the character of the work. Noguchi's ability to suggest timelessness-which
A signal instance is the lsamu Noguchi exhibition at always has the flavour of ancientness-saves his work
the Cordier and Ekstrom Gallery. This show is devoted from the desuetude that inevitably follows the fashion
to stone carvings executed within the past four years. able avant-garde approach. A sculpture that is not of
Noguchi, in a brief foreword to the show. thanks the this time can be of all time.
firm of Henraux in Ouercerta. Italy for the use of their Stone. of course. lends itself particularly well to his
quarry and machinery which. he says, enabled him purpose. This can be seen in a magnificent granite
'to pursue further the possibilities inherent in modern piece. Jamon. For this ambiguous and suggestive
tools to help reveal the freshness of stone in our times·. sculpture Noguchi chose a richly coloured granite with
Unquestionably the use of machine-driven tools predominant tones of pink, greenish-gray and black.
lightened Noguchi's task. and probably suggested new Highly polished where a curving sweep is required, the
approaches to stone. But the total impression of this granite is lustrous. Rough and earthen in character
stunning exhibition is one of a remarkable continuity. where the entryway of this temple-like form (a great
Noguchi has not forsaken his old motifs. but rather ancient gateway) cuts through, the granite speaks of
has given them fresh interpretations. time immemorial in powerful terms.
For instance. the circular image which for Noguchi Noguchi's preoccupation with the earthy character
has long symbolized cosmic forces. finds its statement of existence is exemplified in a daring sculpture. The
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