Page 47 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 47

class whose members consist of those and only   objects sui generis; but what such objects are as   semantics available. If one was to say that the
            those entities which have the property in   contrasted with 'reistic' objects is not too clear.   aim of interpretation is to 'interpret the moral
            question—but the same class may be determined   The other point is that it is not at all clear what   theory that: ". . ." ', and seek to determine at a
            by different properties.                  one's individual names and definite descriptions   metatheoretical level what such interpretations
              This is to show that one can perhaps avoid   would stand for in the theory of art.   are, then one is driven to admitting 'moral
            reference to 'art works' at the very least (i.e.   First-order systems perhaps with identity are   theory' in some way as interpretanda. The
            perhaps to show that they are eliminable from   well suited to dealing with 'concrete' or physical   `object' of interpretation is not then 'given' as an
            the naturalistic standpoint in some way). The   objects.                            object, and it is clear that it is not a 'thing' in any
            point is here, that properties are abstract   Art objects seem a bit harmless : the term is   `realistic' sense. Following this way of looking at
            entities in this system; abstract properties seem   never subject to analysis except in philosophical   it, it is not just not a spatio-temporal individual
            also to be classes —but they have essentially an   aesthetics and that invested with a reistic   lump, but it is also not just a theory of ethics, or
            intensional content. This Russellian model is   tradition. There are supposed to be synthetic   theories of ethics in any 'first-orderish' sense
            not all that useful, but it serves to indicate one   statements about 'objects' in this sense; people   either. But at the same time it might be
            way in which someone (in a non-hermeneutic   are supposed to explain them—even interpret   considered 'a fact' of sorts. It is a priori then
            way) tried to avoid 'reference' to something that   them. (It remains to be seen whether a notion of   that there are as many theories of ethics as there
            one may feel he naturally refers to !     hermeneutics as such makes any sense at all for   are 'logically' and perhaps 'practically',
              There are derivative ways of 'referring' (in a   art objects.) The point is that a survey of   independent 'moral descriptions' (and others) of
            broadly positivist framework) and they are by   `objects' and of like notions looked at   `the object'. But they (or it) are not identified
            description—but that presupposes that 'the   ontologically may not reveal anything about art   with the moral descriptions. They are logically
            object' is nameable anyway. It is not at all clear,   objects—and thus not anything about what the   intensional, yet the abstraction is itself only a
            therefore whether one can have a 'theory of art'   theory of art might be. It is not just idle to go   quasi-abstraction—but one cannot accept this;
            in the sense that one can refer to the various   back and consider the ontic status of the things   one needs some way of avoiding the dubious
            works of art in its compass (i.e. have a reference   (if such there be) in question.   ontology.
            class for the theory of art), at least in terms of   It is assumed that one can hold out a   Two methods may be suggested : one requires
            traditional theoretical notions.          constructive ontology for consideration: one   fundamental use of 'states the theory that' —the
              This in some ways is an expression of the   may contend that one `encounters' particulars'   problem here being to assure appropriate
            view that the thing/quality paradigm of ontology   and 'relations' in various orders—'hierarchies of   syntactic behaviour. Assuming that one has a
            is by no means settled—the point is that one   simples' etc. —and these he might argue, in a   `statement' that 'it is immoral to discriminate
            might well not be able to presuppose much in   spirit of constructivism, have a sort of reality   arbitrarily between "individuals"', and that
            terms of an ontological paradigm and still save   `which is not dependent on anything else'. The   there is a suitable class (or, rather, virtual class)
            the following theory.                     issue is to consider the adequacy of the notion   of premiss statements, then the reason one
              In accord with type theory the objects under   of the art work (Theories of Ethics) as asserted or   would talk of a virtual class or of a finitely long
            the present purview may not be regarded   denied (at least what the theory of art deals with   conjunction is that this would keep
            immediately as particulars—or as qualities or as   or should deal with). This makes it perhaps   (ontologically) up with the nominalistic cast of
            relations of any order. Yet in some sense   feasible to argue that the art work (Theories of   the 'model'. The question then is raised, how the
            someone might want to argue that 'art works'   Ethics) is not (or can't be) an entity in the same   semantic or metatheoretical string 'states a
            (Theories of Ethics will do) are something   sense in which its constituents may or may not   theory that' ? One is now operating (in relation
            encountered in the world. Yet, in accord with   be.                                 to one's `object'—naturalistic/intensional
            'thing'-paradigm-ridden ontology, there would                                       discourse) with a quite complex metalanguage.
            appear to be no room for them in 'the admissable   III                                 One metalinguistic expression composed of
            furniture of the world'. But this type of discourse   The interest in Theories of Ethics and the   these elements would presumably be that which
            would not lead to a well developed conception.   notions of a 'proposition' presumably go   applied a non-relational predicate 'states the
            It could be argued, at the very least that in the   together with some 'analysis of belief'.   theory that it is immoral to . . .' to the whole
            purview of a theory of art, the objects are   Propositions have to some extent been thought   finite conjunction of premiss statements. And
            objects of belief. One point which may emerge   to be the 'objects of belief' (and hence form   it does not relate the virtual class of 'premiss'
            is that such objects are intimately connected   `elements of praxis') and the Theory of Ethics is   (moral and meaning) statements to anything
            with propositions in this scheme. The point is   what the propositions express. There is no   else. A perspicuous notation is suggested by
            that there is no need to accept the traditional   analyticity as a matter of semantic necessity in   giving the predicate first.
            notion of a proposition—nor for that matter to   this notion at all, but, one could say that the   The point is that if one regards the 'premisses'
            argue against it. (Cf. Kosuth.).          a-priority of the proposition is up for   as forming a finite conjunction, then one would
              There is little doubt that at the very least there   consideration.               end up with an acceptable locution. But if one
            are some types of objects, like propositions,   It will not be all that relevant to argue against   thinks about them as a class, then whatever
            which are just as obscure—or apparently hard   the traditional notion of the proposition—but it   locution is based on the elements prescribed
            to come to grips with—as the present one. This is   would be inopportune to accept it as well. One   above, it involves an abstract ontology, albeit a
            not claimed to be an indispensable analysis of a   way that one could begin to make out the status   different one from the one one wanted initially to
            notion of an art object, but it must in some way   of Theories of Ethics is by confining attention to   avoid. One cannot regard a locution thus based
            be argued to be a help to the possibility of   contexts of the form : 'explains', 'considers',   as nominalistically acceptable. (The question,
            proliferating domains prevailing in 'art'. The   `states', etc. the Theories of Ethics. However one   what the premisses might be, need not be
            point is that propositions need not be    is not saying that he must wed Theories of   raised, though it is obvious that certain a-
            presupposed in an analysis of the 'art objects   Ethics to clauses which are analogous to 'that'   priorities are assumed.) There are also some
            which come up for the count'. And anyway, the   ones at this stage; one does not just wed ethical   questions concerning the status of notions like
            notion of a proposition, as such, will turnout to   `theories' (or, perhaps, the theoretical work) to a   `states the moral theory that ". . ."'. There are
            be made out at another `metalogical' level—i.e.   simple statement which says, what the ethical   a lot of these within the whole (metatheoretical)
            not that which fundamentally sets up a 'theory   theory says is that, this involves the admission of,   i.e. art-theoretical context incorporating the
            of art'.                                  for example, a Theories of Ethics 'natural'   required 'stating' (asserting) talk. One could ask
              One might take the individuals (if there be   ontology. Such an admission is objectionable if   if one has to opt for atomism of a sort ? At this
            any) of 'the theory of art' just as intensional    there is to be anything more than a coarse    level and in this context ? And regard every one

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