Page 49 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 49

of intension can be sorted out within such   not only to the 'things' of the naturalistic theory,   facto conceptions stand up. A historical (or
            contexts. For anyone realizing this, the   but also to the sentences (and statements) of the   historically underwritten) notion, obviously, is
            transcendentalism attached to the blithe   theory, expressions of which that theory is   included in any consideration of stipulations
            addiction to 'object languages' sticks in the craw.   partially composed. Now one's pseudo-  made.
            One can still keep 'naturalism' and do away with   semantics is the theory of how such things are   In terms of the present mechanism (and it is
            it where appropriate without a lot of     brought into relation with such 'expressions'.   really no more) Theories of Ethics (and/or 'art
             phenomenological/'culture'-mongering excess.   Failure to realize the 'semantic' structure of   works') is logically intensional. This does not
            (This approach hints at a scheme which is   `objects' has impeded everyone who has tried to   entail that the 'theory of art' (or, interpretive
            purposely 'anti-phenomenological' in language.)   raise questions of naturalistic propriety and   discourse) (which stands as `metatheoretical and
               In accord with some types of semantics,   priority. (One may argue that it is quite easy to   metalinguistic' in relation to the so-called 'object'
            `intensional objects' (etc.) are ontologically   build up an adequate notion of 'non-natural   or naturalistic context) in which one's Theories
            footless. The point is that utility or interest   objects' which is not quasi-ontological.) The   of Ethics (etc.) 'talk' (and considerations, and
            should not be confused with being a quasi-  quasi-ontological is 'sufficient' in this context;   perhaps theories) is placed, is in any way an
            ontological value of a variable. The possibility   that is to say that a sufficiently worked-out   intensional metatheoretical language structure,
            of the quasi-ontological is not just the possibility   notion of the ontological amounts to the same   in what would be here the sense of having one's
            of the simply intelligible. Now, there are some   thing.                            `intensions' sui generis, as values for the
            heuristic considerations here, that one uses on   `The object', Theories of Ethics (and that is   variables. The 'art theory' (and its language is of
            extensional basis, i.e. some features of, for   not a 'lump of matter' object), and the   the 'usual' extensional kind) is just a kind of
            example, Theories of Ethics etc. perhaps have to   assertions in it are eliminable here in the special   stipulation of interest and might be criticized
            be selected, others rejected. But criteria of   sense that 'expressions for them' are. More   elsewhere. Within this context a sort of
            adequacy are perhaps the best grounds to hope   specifically, any 'art theoretical' (or   `analyticity' can be established, and hence, also,
            that you know what you are doing (and this   interpretative) sentence containing Theories of   a notion of equivalence based on this.
            latter hope may be contrary to, or get right away   Ethics is, by definition 'shorthand' for a longer   Whether or not one follows the earlier
            from many, if not all, twentieth-century artists'   sentence in which neither that word nor its   suggestion and makes fundamental use of a
            pictures of their activity). The point is that some   equivalent (in the basic notation (rule-governed   notion of equivalence, a notion of a-priority of a
            people feel one just cannot get away with   semiotics) of that theory) is present. The   kind (in the assertions of theory) can be sorted
            resolute laymanship.                      eliminability (i.e. the possibility of getting rid of   out in terms of an extensional domain of
               Now, it may be decent to talk about 'a work',   `naturalism') in respect of Theories of Ethics does   discourse. (This is the context of Carnapian
            or 'ethical theories' (specifically) relative to a   not show that the theory (i.e. the 'art theory')   L-semantics.) It is something of a tautology to
            theory and rules of a specified (though, of   has something wrong with it. There may well be   assert that Theories of Ethics may have an 'internal
            course, not immutable) kind. The problem of   something wrong with it, but not for that reason.   structure'. In some respects what objects there
            substitutivity in relation to 'a work' (which is   The point is that Theories of Ethics (and other   are, or may be, are contained in a definite way;
            intended to be substituted by the name of a   `works') is intimately bound up with the   this (possible) way, 'being the structure of
            work) is not easy to criticize; it would be better,   `expressions'/notation of the art theory. In a   Theories of Ethics (of 'art work(s)'). To assert this
            so that you can 'know what you are doing', to   sense, every metatheoretical (art theoretical)   would be to say that (a) there might be 'atomic'
            leave it out. It is theories of Theories of Ethics   expression containing 'reference' (i.e. in a   or 'molecular' conceptions of Theories of Ethics,
            (or, at least, 'thought' in some relation to   semantic sense—in terms of referential purport)   or, (b) that Theories of Ethics might be 'atomic' or
            Theories of Ethics—even if that is not, or can't be,   is reducible to a sentence describing the way   `molecular' in relation to other 'art works' if
            `referential') which is of interest. And this might   (the terms in which) the metatheory purports to   there be any. One again stays completely clear of
            be to say that the theory, allegedly 'of' theories   `refer' to Theories of Ethics. No more is   a phenomenological account here. But any
            of ethics is indispensable in a way that would   presupposed of Theories of Ethics than that it   distinction (`molecular'/'atomic') would not be
            be more fundamental than it would be if you   (they) are no more than quasi-syntactic, or   independent of the semantic mechanism.
            accepted the essentialistic 'tautology' of `de   nominal virtual, or `psuedo' classes. There is no   One source of interest in this distinction (i.e.
            corpore'. Now, given any theory, it may well be   assumption that these are 'legitimate-objects'.   thought of in this way) is that it would lose its
            that there will be `works'—or Theories of Ethics   The sentences in fact refer to the theoretical   constructivist ontic character (although as a
            (one need not presuppose that there is only one)   `notation', or, rather, sentences of the theory.   whole it would be hermeneutically accessible).
            which are beyond the range of the theory. But   The theory is, that of the 'object' — Theories of   The 'structure' is not ontic, but it is described in
            you can keep the theory going, i.e. supplement   Ethics.                            terms of the 'art theories', 'expressions' and
            it. On the other hand, it may be important to   Theories of Ethics is intimately linked with a   sentences.
            keep it systematic and extensional in itself.   notion of moral criticism. The point is that (for   Theories of Ethics is concerned, importantly
               In either case it is normal to presume that   example), in the pseudo-definiens of a 'pseudo-  (among other things) with 'particular
            there is no 'richest theory' in which all Theories   definition' of Theories of Ethics (or, 'art-work'),   individuals' —furnishing the 'ascription' to them,
            of Ethics (or works) can be accommodated. The   the notion of having properties or relations or   as it were, of a property or relation. (How far one
            very conception of this presupposes a notion of   pseudo properties or pseudo relations will occur   can say that the property or relation is non datur,
            all theories of ethics independent of theory   in a fundamental way. (Perhaps a priori will.)   such that it would begin to foul up one's
            (importantly, independent of the 'expressional   No matter what Theories of Ethics is, or might be,   analyticity, remains to be seen.) A generality of
            range') of theory. It is doubtful whether such a   it is not independent of a-priority; and the   art works is merely thus a congeries of (in
            notion can have much in the way of 'rules' in it.   notion of a-priority can be handled in a number   some sense) the art works' specificities; it doesn't
            However this may be, at the moment what is   of ways. Presumably one way available here   matter that this sounds somewhat Lockean. This
            proposed is the relativization of Theories of   would be a semantic notion. It might be argued   does not prohibit a notion (or set of notions) of
            Ethics talk to a specific theory (which is in a   from an analytical point of view that one can   the 'general work'. The other point is that Theories
            complex way, 'art theory' and which would be   avoid bringing in a semantic (hence, quasi-  of Ethics (and other art works) are linked also
            described all right as an 'object theory').   ontological) notion, and that a pre-analytic   with a synthetic or 'observational' experience (in
               Theories of Ethics (and, assertions in Theories   notion will do, and one of the reasons it will do   this sense they are historical 'entities').
            of Ethics) are discussed only within a 'pseudo-  is that it is appropriately vague (that, in a sense,   Nonetheless Theories of Ethics (and other art
            semantic metalanguage' (a theory). In the   means methodically vague). But this is a position   works) are not just 'factual'. They are (in order
            analysis generated by them, there is reference    which would have to make nothing more than de    to keep ontic determinacy going) to be
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