Page 48 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 48

as not susceptible to analysis. The clumsiness of   customary in semantics)' is consistent. But it   that (a) they are 'uninteresting' or that (b) it is
    the proliferation is obvious-a different one will   might lead to a proliferation of theory levels   always done. The problem is to handle 'the
    be needed for each assertion. The next question   which finally would suggest naturalism. The   works' or Theories of Ethics not as Austinian
    is, how does one do one's analysis (definition), if   kinds of rules needed for 'that . . .' contexts (or,   `somethings' in the world (naturalistic) but as
    they are not seen in this way. One suggestion   even `so that') would have to provide an   intensional. (This latter does not need the
    might be that some are sorted (analysed) some-  `inscriptional' account of 'logical' equivalence,   positivist semanticist's `rider' fictitious'.) One
    how in terms of others. One might then say   whatever the basis of that 'logic'. If on the other   can get this approach working by pointing out
    that a whole locution on the basis of the elements   hand one presupposes a syntax based upon   that a 'maniere de parler' need not be just
    prescribed is meaningful only if the finite   `expression shapes' (this is a syntax of, or   Russellian. The definability problem, and the
    conjunction (or class) of premisses fulfils the   basically associated with, the Carnap/Tarski   need to solve it in an appropriate metatheory
    criteria of stating the theory (or making the   syntax), one can go to a notion of a priori using   and maniere de parler just means that one is not
    assertion) with reference to 'it is immoral . . .   Platonistic devices, and from these to   presupposing 'naturalism'. One could say that
    etc.' (i.e. a moral statement). What kind of   `equivalence' -of the required sort. This will   the 'wider context' affords a hermeneutic,
    suggestion might this be then ? One could ask if   sort out the a-priority of 'the work' in a way   though this might not be at all 'conventional'.
    it is a 'logical consequence' of the prescription   rather different than Kosuth did. To avoid this   A question might be raised, what are the
    of a rule of 'meaningfulness' in the art theory   (keeping faith with nominalism, and it starts to   proprieties of the 'maniere de parler' (i.e. that in
    (metatheory) ? Anyway it is up the scale-it's in   get a bit fraught as nominalism) one might   relation to naturalism) and metatheory and
    the meta-metatheory (meta art theory anyway,   have to take this equivalence as a special kind of   intensional entities (no more than this is
    outside that initial art-theory framework), and   analyticity as non-analysable in the form of a vast   presupposed) ? That art works are, or can be
    it can't be only a rule (and not possibly not a   amount (multiplicity) of 'that . . .' (even,   anti-naturalistic (and this is to say more than that
    rule) of the context incorporating the 'states   positivistically 'has the effect . . .', or 'looks   their own source of a-priority is their own source
        (or 'asserts that . . .') talk.       as . . .', rather than 'is . . .'). But this would   of `reality'), and in this sense intensional entities
      This is pretty important since unless you are   just be a way of avoiding a necessary unpacking.   (this may be a way of saying that they might
    given some rules (or at least have some)    In the second method-that involving the   genuinely sustain a pseudo-Husserlian epoché),
    governing the 'asserts that . . (notwithstanding   `that's' - the traces of 'reference' (and hence, a   is not generally recognized. The aestheticians
    oratio recta situations), or, unless they are   simple 'naturalistic' point of view) have been to   and part-time pundits not only get nowhere in
    characterized in some suitable alternative way,   a large extent lost. And it is not the purpose   this direction, they are mostly unaware that there
    one can't sort out, or at least one is not told, what   specifically of this model to deliver up great   is such a direction to go in. It is obvious that if
    the supposed theory concerning them is like or   insights into a realm of 'that's'. But it might be   they (manière(s) de parler etc.) (or it) are (is)
    is.                                       thought that one could, for this purpose, just as   identified with propositions (or with some sort
      The second suggestion is as follows: So as to   easily have selected 'states that' etc. So 'that' is   of proposition) the 'intensional' status comes
    avoid the 'reference' problem-that is to avoid   just arbitrary. The point is that the `thats' are   out fairly well. Even if one doesn't have
    reference to 'art object Theory of Ethics'-one   eliminable just as the 'theory' is (or the 'art work',   `propositions' (and it's fairly clear that one
    constructs a sort of operator which is predicate-  with suitable modifications to the scheme, is)   doesn't, just like that, without sorting-out what
    forming producing a non-relational predication   and this is a view which is as strongly anti-  sort of proposition one might need) one still has
    of theories (moral assertions). 'That . . .' is a   Hegelian (in relation to 'art') as you could get. In   to recognize the intensional status of 'art works'
    non-relational predication on theories and   the second method it seems that you have got rid   and one also needs to recognize the historical
    assertions (thinking now of one's theory as no   of 'states' or 'asserts' talk (perhaps also   (and hence a priori) requirement to get around
    more than sentential); and to say that a theory is   `interpretation', in the sense that you could   `naturalism'. (Cf. Kosuth, 'Art after Philosophy',
    a 'that it is . . .' is to go in one direction toward   substitute 'interprets the theory (or assertion)   Studio International, October/November 1969.)
    solving the problem which is posed by those   that . . .' for 'states the theory that . . .' and   The idea of, and use of, the 'maniere de
    who want to 'refer' to 'the work'. (The term   end up with a similar result). Although the 'that'   parler' comes out of Russell's writing on
    `work' is historically recondite enough to be left   is supposed to be fairly 'ordinary' it isn't clear   descriptions. One can use this in a way and stay
    as it is; one surely does not need to prescribe the   that it should be, due to the use made of   clear of the ontology of Russell. Russell defined,
    bibliography having gotten this far.) The 'makes   equivalence 'a priori' (that would be better than   in context, phrases like 'the one and only x such
    the assertion that . . .' or 'that . . .' sentences   `logical'). That a (e.g.) sentence is equivalent   that -x-', where in place of -x-' one puts
    are just those which are 'logically' equivalent to   might not be a general ground for regarding it in   some sentential function, containing 'x' as its
    the theory (assertion). It has been hinted earlier   all cases as being just that which provides the   only free variable. Such phrases are regarded -
    that the 'that . . .' might be regarded as the   basis of (or is the same as) a statement 'that . .   as manières de parler within the wider sentential
    class of sentences logically equivalent to the   (This, of course, may be so just in a context of   context (although one could do a lot about
    assertion-`theory'-but it has been rejected   formal or constructivist semantics, but not here;   extending 'sentential' here) in which they occur.
    because of the abstract ontology involved. The   one cannot presuppose the lack of apophasis etc.   It might also be said that even though one
    initial class of sentences (or other elements)   here.) In the second method, one has lost sight   was not ontologically committed to a 'thing' (in
    logically equivalent (and here one can    of the finite conjunction of 'premisses' or moral   Russell 'the one so-and-so' is taken as 'the value
    presuppose a 'logic' which will make out an   `premisses'. Now it might be argued that a   of a variable'-and in Quire's ontology that's
    equivalence on some basis) to the assertion is not   `proposition' can be regarded as a class or a   enough), it might still imply an 'understanding'
    objectionable in this way.                `virtual class' of equivalent strings -sentences -   or rule for it which may or may not be definitive
      One gets the 'effect of reference', or of   or, syntactically coherent strings. And that   in 'the wider context'. (And this has to be open
    `naturalism', in this sense if one construes 'that   equivalence is supposed to be 'logical'. Now   to a hermeneutic-even just as 'recoil of the text',
    . . .' is a predicate applying to every logical   `that (. . .)', in effect, functions as 'standing' for   thus one is not just singling out immutable
    equivalent of the theory (or set of assertions, or   such a class or virtual class. If this is so, then it   'anti-naturalism'.)
    whatever), inclusive of the theory (etc.). Now,   seems one is making an illicit identification of   The semantical metalanguages based on
    the theory that you can make the whole thing   `works' (or, specifically, Theories of Ethics) with   denotation (for first-order 'object languages and
    explicitly concrete if you regard, for example,   propositions.                     theories') have been characterized in detail (e.g.
    sentences and expressions as 'inscriptions', or,   Now because one can show that 'the works'   Russell, Carnap, etc.) presumably to indicate
    `expression events', rather than as abstract   are `eliminable'-that is to say one does not have   their adequacy for the 'explaining sciences', etc.
   shapes or expression designs (as is more    to be 'objective' or, `naturalistic'- does not mean    But a strong theory holding with the many kinds
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