Page 50 - Studio International - May 1971
P. 50

distinguished from linguistic expressions (or   can introduce a structural descriptive name of   unit relation swanning around independent of its
    whatever) in a theory.                    that constant (of 'the theory' which supports   being part of (i.e. theorized about) the context it
      One quasi-ontologist, W.V.O. Quine, holds   naturalism); generally, one can also say that you   is said to be, i.e. Theories of Ethics. This is
    out a notion (his) of a unit relation as an   have a series of terms which range over the   plainly silly. The declaration is a unity; the 'unit
    ontological paradigm. (What this relation   expression of the 'theory' which supports   relation' etc. are in that unity.
    amounts to is an answer to the problem how,   `naturalism'. And one of those terms designates   There is no ontological commitment to a unit
    when one wants to consider things (entities) in a   (on the basis of (a particular) analyticity) an   relation referred to. Neither is there any to any
    given order and yet consider 'them' as one.) The   expression of the naturalist theory and language   individual or congeries of them, or to any
    normal operation as with entities, in the sense   where that (those) former term(s) is equivalent   ontologically provisional set. One is talking
    that one is committed to them (ontologically),   to what is the structural descriptive name of the   about the 'expressions' which `go into' a
    entails that this be a non-provisional or riveted   latter, and where in place of the former one   theory, ordered in some way. One does not
    commitment. The point is that one is all right   puts an individual constant, and in place of the   either have to say that one has an illusion of
    here with a provisional ontology, and one's   structural descriptive name of the 'expression',   `reference'— one has a way of speaking.
    ontologically provisional unit relation here (in   its structural descriptive name. Hence a term   Because the 'expressions' do refer a priori to
    respect of Theories of Ethics etc.) is somewhat   which can range over the terms of the 'object' or   the 'individuals', one is only one remove from
    odd.                                      `naturalistic' theory (specifically, the language in   the 'individuals'. But one is two removes from
      The presupposition is then, that one can   which it is formulated) designates on a basis of   them when one talks quasi-syntactically of an
    have a theory of ontologically provisional sets   analyticity the quasi-syntactic individual up for   ontologically provisional set. The ontologically
    for some first-order theoretical (and language   the count, if and only if that term(s) (the one   provisional set is one 'individual', the expression
    (presumably adequate)) context. One can also   ranging over the expressions of the naturalistic/   which refers, a priori, to it is another, and, in the
    presuppose a 'semantics', or, rather pseudo-  theory/language) is equivalent to the individual   end, the 'ordering' on some 'theoretical' basis (of
    semantics for this context (theoretical) based on   constant which designates, on the same basis,   the unit relation) is another. These are all
    `reference' (i.e. denotation) with notions of   the quasi-syntactic individual (i.e. that former   ontological, and non-naturalistic, 'provisions'.
    `analyticity' explicitly sorted-out. One can bring   term (or terms) is equivalent to the structural   One cannot say one's 'object of "reference"' is a
    in ontologically provisional set 'designation', and   descriptive name of that individual constant,   unit relation; the order is sunk in the context
    then ontologically provisional set 'designation'   etc.).                           which includes the declaration that the
    on an a priori basis. What one then says is that   Now, what one would get from this is a sort   `expression' is' it. One could, for example,
    an 'expression' (given) designates an     of 'notation' for Theories of Ethics—when placed   think of the ordered pair (unit relation)
    ontologically provisional set if and only if that   in the appropriate context—and a concatentation   obtained by concatenating the quasi-syntactic or
    given expression, of theory, is a non-relational   of two 'terms' (or more) which range over the   nominal 'individual' and the ontologically
    predicational constant. And that (given)   `object' theory's (theories') expressions (i.e. the   provisional set as actually having an
    expression denotes a given 'variable' where that   theory which allows a naturalistic point of view   `individual' as its first-order constituent. But
    variable is a sentential function of the whole   is observational (`historical')). And also that   this is wrong, because when one says that that
    theory/language (and it is the only free variable).   there are expressions such that one's terms (of   unit relation is Theories of Ethics, one is talking
    And designation based on 'analyticity' is assured   the `metatheory' (art theory)) which range over   quasi-syntactically. In actual fact one would be
    by a given expression by those conditions being   the expressions of the 'naturalistic' theory   here talking about expressions of the 'object'
    satisfied, and a supplementary one that that   designate, on a basis of a-priority, both the   theory (language) which designate them a
    expression is equivalent to an expresssion in   nominal individuals required, and that others   priori intead.
    whose place one puts the structural descriptive   designate, on the same basis, requisite   In the context where one has the declaration
    name of the abstract (ontologically provisional   ontologically provisional sets. And the result of   as a part it can be said that one is no more
    set).                                     concatenating the former terms is equivalent, a   committed than to say that he talks about an
      The specific notation used (here) to 'refer',   priori, to no sentence not containing the quasi-  `ontologically provisional (quasi) individual', an
    that is, instantiate a naturalistic point of view in   syntactic individual, where one puts for it an   `ontologically provisional, ontologically
    respect to the ontologically provisional set, is of   individual constant.          provisional (quasi) set', and an 'ontologically
    material consequence. One has to take the   Now this, in its place, is not a definition, it is   provisional (quasi) ontologically provisional unit
    structural descriptive name (one selects) of that   merely a framework, or is schematic. This   relation of that (those) "ontologically provisional
    `set' as just that name of the abstract   schematic arrangement will have to designate an   individual"' with that ontologically provisional
    "'ontologically" "provisional" "set"'. The   infinite number of contextual definitions, one   (quasi), ontologically provisional set.
    designation based on 'analyticity' here is   for each specific choice of the 'individual   Theories of Ethics can now sustain a sort of
    syntactically, not semantically, founded. There-  constant' (nominal 'individual') or of the   'epoché'.
    fore the ontologically provisional set 'referred   ontologically provisional set, which together   One area in which one might well need a
    to' in the definiendum of the definition of   form a unit relation. Given this then, you have to   change is in the context where someone wants
    `designates on the basis of analyticity' is quasi-  allow each instance of the schema as providing a   to make a distinction between 'observational'
    syntactic. The relation is not therefore found in   sort of 'definition' (of use). At least one would, in   (that sort of history) and theoretical predicates.
    a theory of 'meaning' or 'intension' but rather   the final analysis, have a schema which could be   One might want Theories of Ethics to be thought
    within a theory of 'reference' (that which   responsive to (historical) hermeneutical change.   of solely in terms of the former. Accordingly
    supports the naturalistic point of view). The   Supposing that one of the quasi-syntactic   one would have to restrict one's theoretical
    relation that is in the theory of intension is one   individuals is a member of the appropriate   discourse on Theories of Ethics—i.e. one's
    accessible through the semantical rules which   ontologically provisional set—in a historical way,   expressions for it. Now introducing Theories of
    are used to formulate the theory.         not just an a priori way (i.e. is historical); then a   Ethics this way satisfies most of the model
      Another useful notion is that of a 'designation'   concatenation of the nominal individual and the   desiderata. The point about the 'thing' as
    based on analyticity of 'individuals'. Here also   ontologically provisional set is Theories of   `ethical' makes it more than just a semantic
    one has quasi-syntactic 'individuals', where one   Ethics (according to the `definition'). But this is   mechanism; the problem is what to make of the
    has non-analysed (not necessarily non-    a bit odd; it suggests that the subjects of the unit   `pieces of paper'. The above is addressed to this
    analysable) individual constants and one wants   relation in question are, respectively, the quasi-  problem with the intention of avoiding the
    to affirm that that constant 'designates on a   syntactic individual and the ontologically   gratuitous celebration of semantic (i.e. Russell's)
    basis of analyticity' a nominal individual. One    provisional set. This also suggests that one has a    paradox. q
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