Page 35 - Studio International - October 1970
P. 35

in common a special sensitivity to the behaviour,   His pieces remain close to an imaginable 'real'   and rely on natural systems of leaning, spreading,
          systems and relationships of their environments,   situation, but are devoid of superfluous detail or   folding, piling, etc. Guy Dill's works have a more
          and although Los Angeles is rich in such   reference to continuations.               athletic behaviour and presence. They depend
          information there is nothing to indicate a   Video-tape has become an attractive though   upon antigravity compensations and
          reliance upon the particular place. Similar   sometimes elusive medium. It is used extensively   counterbalances, with materials suspended and
          concerns are found elsewhere.              by Wegman, Baldessari and Wolfgang        restrained by ropes and bands fixed to floor, wall
             John Baldessari's art is loyal to no media; he   Stoerchle, as well as by Bruce Nauman. Tape   or ceiling.
          uses photographs, words, video-tapes, cookies,   has the advantage of simultaneous viewing of the   With all the perceivable new activity in Los
          etc. The work has an unusual quality of being   scene being taped, as well as greater flexibility   Angeles, the identification of a particular art
          self-generative and self-referential. This   than film. Wegman now works exclusively with   with the place will rest with the artists who
          continuum becomes highly integrated with   video-tape and photography. Both media are   emerged there during the sixties. These may be
          information systems, which Baldessari deals   employed in similar manner, to create ironic   the last artists that would seem to warrant the
          with in a half-serious but pointed way.    unexpected relationships and witty vignettes.   organization of an exhibition with that
             Both Ruppersberg and Leavitt use already   Wolfgang Stoerchle sets up more formal   geographical theme, but it will certainly not be
          existent, purchasable items of our familiar   situations in his tapes both in format and content.   the last of L.A.'s association with good art. The
           environment to be placed, organized, combined   The tapes generally involve a physical activity   change may not be so good for the Los Angeles
          and arranged. Ruppersberg retains in his work a   that progresses to a conclusion that marks the   myth, but it will undoubtedly be better for the
          direct and somehow ordinary, flexible      finish of the tape. He also works in cast plaster   individual artists. The glamour of the Hollywood
          relationship to his environment in an attempt   beams or slabs that are dropped one upon   film and L.A. art worlds has all but hit the dust;
          not to jar the actuality of situations as they   another creating shattered piles of plaster.   films and art are being made on location,
           naturally occur. Many of his works make use of   Not associated with Los Angeles has been the   wherever that might happen to be. q
           packaged and everyday items in addition to   use of raw materials in sculpture. There are
           photographs. The arrangements and         several artists whose work is related only in the
           combinations succeed in seeming superbly   fact that they use wood, glass, string, and paper.   The Hayward exhibition, (3o Sep.-7 Nov.) conceived
           logical without actually revealing the point of   John White works in response to a particular   by the Arts Council in 1964, was due to appear in 1968.
           the logic. His pieces have included a functioning   space or room. He makes use of the wall as well   These were the peak years of interest in the particular
                                                                                               direction that the art in Los Angeles was taking.
           cafe and recently a hotel.                as the floor to define planes, directions,   However, it was not until some three years ago that it
             William Leavitt makes reference to the real   movement and space with masking tape, flexible   was finally decided that Maurice Tuchman, of the Los
           world in a more detached manner than does   dowling, straw, newspaper and sand. Jack   Angeles County Museum of Art, was to organize the
                                                                                               exhibition. At the time of writing (one month prior to
           Ruppersberg. He uses his selected items in   Goldstein and Guy Dill use large components of   the scheduled opening), the selection of artists had yet
           perfected relation to one another to arrive at a   the materials with a more formal intent.   to be finalized, and had been altered three times in
           more surreal and controlled interpretive vision.    Goldstein's pieces are generally self-supporting    the previous two weeks.

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