Page 53 - Studio International - February 1972
P. 53

combination of bureaucratic
                                                                                                        ignorance and ideological caprice
                                                                                                        that characterizes the State's
             The                                                                                        society holds to its mistaken,
                                                                                                        handling of art matters a policy—and
                                                                                                        middle-class view that the arts
                                                                                                        prosper best when left to themselves.
                                                                                                        Yet it would be wrong to cast the
             German art                                                                                 for the so-called 'art world' itself has
                                                                                                        first stone at politicians and public,
                                                                                                        so far shown itself incapable of
                                                                                                        co-ordinating its political aims.
                                                                                                           The meaninglessness of art to the
                                                                                                        general public stems largely from the
              scene                                                                                     inability of artists, critics, dealers
                                                                                                        and curators between them to create
                                                                                                        themselves a public. The character
                                                                                                        of the German art scene is
                                                                                                        determined by the bickering of
                                                                                                        mutually exclusive in-groups. For a
                                                                                                        start there is the Deutscher
                                                                                                         Museumsrat (German Museums
          Robert Kudielka is Assistant                                   Art policy and                 Council), to which the Foreign
          Editor of Das Kunstwerk . . .                                                                 Office delegates the arrangement of
          Christian Herchenröder is                                      politics in                    exhibitions abroad, and which is
          Features Editor of the Dusseldorf                              West Germany                   composed entirely of urbane
          Börsenblatt .. Wieland Schmied                                                                museum officials, most of whose
          Director of the Kestner gesellschaft,                          It was some time in the autumn of   services to present-day art consist in
          Hanover ...Dieter Honisch is                                   1967 that I was listening to the BBC   a distant toleration of its
          curator of the Folkwang Museum,                                news and suddenly heard the    developments. No artists, critics or
          Essen and organized the Bauhaus                                announcement that Richard Smith   administrators actually concerned
          Exhibition and 'Strategy Get Arts'                             had won the Grand Prix at the Sao   with modern art are represented on
          in Edinburgh last year... Klaus                                Paulo Biennale. I still remember my   this body. No wonder, therefore,
          Reinke is a freelance writer and art                           surprise—an announcement from   that such an exclusive oligarchy is
          critic ...Klaus Honnef is director of                          the art world in the middle of the   constantly under attack from the
          the Westfalian Kunstverein, Münster                            daily news ! That would be      Deutsche Kunstlerbund (Federation of
          ...Heinz Ohff author of Revolution                             inconceivable in West Germany.   German Artists), the chairman of
          ohne Programm, is a Berlin critic and                          When the sculptor Erich Hauser   which, Professor Georg
          writer ...Frank Zeitz is an expert                             won the same award two years later,   Meistermann, is one of the most
          on naive art and writes crime stories                          no report of it was to be found even in  hardened campaigners for a
          under a pseudonym.                                             the German daily papers. As far as the  meaningful arts policy. Nevertheless
                                                                         public is concerned events on the fine  the Künstlerbund is itself an in-group,
                                                                         arts front generally just aren't news.   where the formulation of any
                                                                            To the foreign observer, who sees   concerted political objectives are
                                                                         only the boom in the art trade and   nipped in the bud by nepotism,
                                                                         the splendid organization of the   corporate solidarity and personal
                                                                         exhibition business, that may seem   self-esteem—as a result it contents
                                                                         absurd. Where else but Germany has  itself largely with an annual
                                                                         the art business involved so many   initiation rite in which artists get
                                                                         sections of the population ? The   together with other artists to pick
                                                                         Kunstmarkt in Cologne and      out those to whom they accord the
                                                                         Düsseldorf have spread like    status of artists. The most striking
                                                                         wildfire, and towns as yet beyond the  symptom of the neurotic state of
                                                                         periphery of the art scene, like   German artistic life, however, is the
                                                                         Gottingen and Kiel, are beginning   Berufsverband Bildender Künstler
                                                                         to emulate their bigger brothers.   (Artists' Association). Since the
                                                                         The market in graphic art has   left-winger Scharfmacher took over
                                                                         reached inflationary heights. The   its leadership, this body, marching
                                                                         latest trends are being disseminated   shoulder to shoulder with the
                                                                         by over forty 'professional' galleries   working class, has behaved like an
                                                                         in the major centres, not to mention   incipient trade union—so that
                                                                         the innumerable 'amateur' galleries   anyone who thinks he is an artist can
                                                                         in the provinces, and in addition the   become a member (which frightens
                                                                         country is covered by a close-meshed  off those who actually are).
                                                                         network of public institutions —over   The problems of contemporary
                                                                         a hundred Kunstvereine (art     art can only come to effect any
                                                                         societies), Kunsthallen (exhibition   political purchase if all those
                                                                         galleries) and public collections—  concerned with them work together;
                                                                         which ensure that contemporary art   in a democratic system this means
                                                                         is available to everyone. In short,   that a temporary alliance is needed in
                                                                         where information and commercial   which the artist's involvement, the
                                                                         activity is concerned, Germany   critic's understanding, commercial
                                                                         seems to be the Fine Arts'      experience and administrative
                                                                         promised land.                  expertise all combine to further the
                                                                            This appearance of activity,   ends of art. The lack of such a
                                                                         however, all too easily conceals the   consensus, to date, has left the
                                                                         fact that in the public estimation art   government without a partner
                                                                         comes nowhere. There is as yet no   whenever it takes any steps towards
                                                                         policy for art in the Federal   an arts policy, and has resulted in
                                                                         Republic—unless you call the    such steps getting implemented
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