Page 55 - Studio International - February 1972
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quantity of private wealth-but no   existence. Failing purchasing-power   pursued for its own sake but is at the   incidentally very much to the
           society.                       has not only worsened London's   same time related to, or developed   advantage of the region as a whole.
           ROBERT KUDIELKA                position but has also resulted in the   out of, the environment.   The Cologne Kunstmarkt every
           Translated fom the German by John   departure of numerous artists from   The strength of this art scene lies   year attracts large numbers of
           Wheelwright and David Britt.   Paris and Berlin, and one of the   not just in its social commitment but   visitors-as well as the ill-will of the
                                          areas to profit from these emigrations  also in the fact that it is young and   press because it does not set out to
                                          was the Rhine-Ruhr region, with its   unencumbered. There is no long-  provide what Prospect achieves in
                                          competing cultural centres of   hallowed academic or middle-class   Düsseldorf without all the ballyhoo.
                                          Cologne and Düsseldorf. From the   intellectual tradition to constrict it.   This competition ultimately makes
                                          point of view of the art trade, the   Dix and Klee have not left as great   the two cities complementary. The
                                          former might seem more          an impression behind in Düsseldorf   foundation in Düsseldorf of the Art
           Rhine-Ruhr                     interesting, but (leaving aside   as Hölzel has in Stuttgart, or Olbrich   Collection of the Land Nordrhein-
                                          musicians) greater numbers of   in Darmstadt. Certainly in the 20S   Westfalen did not correct the
           The most active areas on the art   important artists live in and around   there was Neue Rheinland around   imbalance created by Cologne's more
           scene of West Germany today are the  Düsseldorf-which, moreover,   Mutter Ey, which opened up the   numerous museums and galleries,
           west (Cologne, Düsseldorf and the   lying closer to the great catchment   local situation but did not have a   for the latter promptly and cunningly
           Ruhr), the south-west (Frankfurt,   area of the Ruhr, has acquired a   permanent and definitive influence.   countered by securing the permanent
           Baden-Baden, Karlsruhe,        pseudo-metropolitan status. But   Karl Osthaus founded the Folkwang   loan of the Ludwig Collection and
           Mannheim and Stuttgart) and the   while (thanks to the local   in Hagen because he wanted it to   providing yet another attraction in
           north (Hamburg, Brunswick,     Kunstverein paving the way)     provide a cultural impetus for a   the Galeriehaus. However,
           Hanover and Berlin). It is     Cologne and Düsseldorf acquired   spiritually underdeveloped area,   Schmela's new building in
           interesting that cultural activities   newly built art galleries as centres   and with him Christian Rohlfs and   Düsseldorf, the progressive activity
           are not, as once they were, confined   for the discussion of contemporary   the Expressionists entered the   of the Galerie Fischer there, and the
           to individual cities, like Darmstadt,   art, a number of other museums   region. But an artist like Oskar   arrival of Denise René have almost
           Dresden, Berlin or Stuttgart, but   initiated dialogues with present-day   Schlemmer also, after his Bauhaus   restored the equilibrium.
           spread out over whole regions. This   movements, among them the Kaiser   period, received from Gosebruch   In this neck-and-neck race the
           can be ascribed partly to the   Wilhelm Museum in Krefeld, the   one of the most important    artists themselves have put their
           increased mobility of artists and   Schloss Morsbroich in Leverkusen   commissions a museum has ever   money on Düsseldorf. The activities
           public and partly to the supra-local   and, more tentatively, the   given an artist: the Essen Folkwang   of Schmela and Zero laid the
           attraction and influence of cultural   Lehmbruck-Museum in Duisburg,   frescoes, later removed by the Nazis.   groundwork here, and the Academy,
           institutions and their programmes   the Museum Folkwang in Essen,   Josef Albers was born in Bottrop.   its importance re-established by the
           (still too little co-ordinated). But   the Museum am Ostwall in   His rational, completely    appointments of Kricke, Geiger
           while activity may be intense   Dortmund, the Kunsthalle in    unsentimental character, with its   and Hoehme, has found a new
           within a given region it hardly spills   Recklingshausen, theStadtische   emphasis on concrete objectives, is   magnet in Josef Beuys. With an
           over into the next at all; indeed one   Museum in Bochum and the Von   characteristic of the Ruhr region and   almost unequalled psychological and
           could say that these inward-looking   der Heydt Museum in Wuppertal.   typifies the basically Westphalian   pedagogical armoury he has the
           regions take very little interest in   Nordrhein-Westfalen has one of   attitudes of the artists who live there,  ability to establish a successful
           each other. This is of course   the world's highest gallery    like Grasel, Knubel or Spindel, or,   dialogue directly with the young, and
           because artists settle where they feel   densities, with over forty to its   going back a bit further, Schumacher,  the moral weight to convince through
           the ambience most suited to their   name, and has also become one of   Hermann or Werdehausen. The   his absolute integrity and
           work, with the result that, in time,   the most interesting regions in the   work of all of them contains   unquestionable technical
           each area tends to become more   context of the theatre, though this   references to this drained, torn apart   competence. Beuys has decisively
           homogeneous and its artistic   has not always been so. An area   and artificially reconstituted   altered the cultural climate and
           character more distinct from that of   which once only produced coal and   landscape. Schumacher's pictures   unleashed the tremendous gifts of
           others. Thus a colourful, geometric   steel has turned into a cultural zone   are as little intelligible without the   pupils like Ruthenbeck and
           art of clear outlines, sometimes shot   which, though occasionally   crusted screes of the region as   Palermo. But for all the inspiration
           with lyricism, has established itself   hamstrung by local loyalties,   Knubel's or Grasel's plastic objects   Beuys provides, and for all his belief
           in the south-west, while the north   functions almost as one organism in   without the anonymous sculpture   in the power of individuality, his
           favours a more surrealist and   co-ordinating a variety of cultural   latent in the industrial landscape or   art-political actions sometimes seem
           figurative approach. The west is   functions. This is of course   in factory scrap. A basically   very unclear. Though he breaks the
           more reserved in its use of colour   necessary, since all this effort is   constructive approach is necessary   restrictive chains of institutionalized
           and takes a more critical attitude   directed at the same sort of public.   before the chaotic environment can,   thinking, he has not been able to
           towards objectivization, or, rather,   But the realization is growing that   so to speak, be mastered in a   prevent himself becoming an
           towards rendering in terms of   there is a new public to be opened   productive act.          institution and, as such, provoking
           objects. These characterizations, of   up : a public that is not by upbringing   In Düsseldorf and Cologne, on   the next assault. For sensitive
           course, are not invariably valid, but,   and education part of the privileged   the other hand, the situation is quite   teachers the tense atmosphere of the
           as always, it is the exceptions that   and cultural class on which it   different. One goes to these towns to   Academy has come to be heavy
           prove the rule. Many different sorts   depends. The Ruhr Festivals in   stay-in the Ruhr one only works—  going. A counter-attraction, though
           of art are produced in Germany, and  Recklinghausen were an early and   and Düsseldorf, a small, light-  not exactly an antithesis, is provided
           a policy of encouraging cultural   typical experiment in catering for   hearted, up-and-coming city which   by Gunther Uecker who sets calm,
           activity has led not only to mutually   this new audience. Through   was once a princely capital, has made   clear-headed thought against Beuys's
           competitive activities but also to   arresting exhibitions and exemplary   the most of the great industrial area   tendency towards mystification.
           sharp interregional distinctions   work in factories Thomas    nearby. One lives in Düsseldorf   While Beuys uses discussion,
           —which in the context of present   Grochowiak was able to arouse the   because, as Uecker once said, it is so   conversation and even direct action,
           output is proving disastrous for an   workers' initiative; and an artist like   characterless; it is a sort of Paris   and now produces only a small
           old centre like Munich.        the miner Erich Bödecker        nearer at hand, a hand-to-mouth   artistic output, Uecker lives a more
             It is in the south-west and west   exemplifies what creative recreation   existence, more carefree than in the   retired life and is more prolific; in
           that museums and galleries are   can achieve. But other things also   Ruhr where one prudently puts   this he is similar to Richter, Palermo
           thickest on the ground, because of   show the involvement of artists and   something by for a rainy day. These   and Ruthenbeck. Beside the action
           the concentration of money there.   municipal officials in changing   dissimilar life-styles breed different   artists, among them Rinke,
           Newly formed after the war as a   outdated structures and ideas and   artistic outlooks. But, besides the   Alvermann and (in the multi-media
           result of changes in Land boundaries,  enhancing the quality of life : the   dichotomy between Rhineland and   field) Kriwet, there is a meditative
           the Lander of Baden-Wiirttemberg   meditation rooms proposed by Zero   Ruhr, there is also acute rivalry   group, rooted in Zero. Nor should
           and Nordrhein-Westfalen, with   for the Ruhr, the work of Yves Klein   within the Rhineland between   we forget lone wolves like Klapheck,
           their great Rhine-Main and     in Gelsenkirchen, factory theatre,   Düsseldorf and Cologne, a rivalry   Rot, Gerstner and Thomkins, or the
           Rhine-Ruhr industrial belts, were   street theatre, literary workshops   which not only breaks out at   strongly committed film-makers
           the most culturally open-minded   and, finally, the suggestions of a   Carnival time but consists, in the   grouped around Lutz Mommartz,
           and had the greatest density of   group of artists for the `artscaping' of  cultural field, in each city seeking to   among them Tony Morgan. The
           collectors. Both these factors are   the BI, one of the area's main   outdo the other in providing   aims of these last are totally opposed
           still necessary to the artists'    arterial roads. Here art is not only    attraction and entertainment—   to the commercial film-makers', and

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