Page 56 - Studio International - February 1972
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centre on opening up specific   rich—big galleries and big collectors   gesang, Bettina von Arnim. From   fairy-tale. It would be fair to say
    production procedures and applying   all seem to be near Cologne—the   magazine photos, headlines from   that the myth of Munich still lives
    them to social problems. It is   divided city struggles for existence   scandal-sheets and newspaper   on, and that to those who live there
    between all these various forces that   like a poor relation. When Ian   reports they mount objections   it is not only die heimliche Hauptstadt,
    Uecker mediates with his impartial   Colverson and Denis Masi, the   criticizing the age. Gerd Winner, who  the secret capital, but also the cultural
    and conciliating art; he it is, too,   highly gifted London printers,   does most of his prints in London,   capital of the country.
    who maintains the contacts with the   showed their Berlin Suite, a series of   cuts up and analyses cars and other   But then it always was, or at least
    Ruhr first made in the Zero period.   photomontages on silk screen, at the   industrial idols of a society fixed on   was, in comparison with the upstart
    He last exhibited in a joint show   Galerie Poll, they were a little   consuming industrial things.   capital of Prussia, the one German
    with the unobtrusive but hard-  disappointed that the exhibition was   There are the happening-  city with an international reputation
    working Rolf Jönes. Another bridge   not sold out on opening day. That   and arte-povera —artists around the   in artistic matters. It was regarded
    between Rhineland and Ruhr is   `they-sell-everything-on-one-night-  Galerie René Block, Vostell,   as a centre for art education second
    provided by Adolf Luther, who   in Germany' myth might have come   Hödicke, K. P. Brehmer. In other   only to Paris. German movements
    lives in Krefeld and, like Reusch   true had they done a Cologne Suite.   words arts behave no less   began there first, and to ambitious
    and Gonschior, is retained by the   Berlin dealers like Poll have to go to   pluralistically in Berlin than   artists from the east, like Kandinsky,
    Galerie 'm' in Bochum. The work   the Cologne Fair first to outsell a   anywhere else. Sculptors of the elder   Jawlensky and Werefkin, it was the
    of this gallery, which has developed   Berlin Suite.           generation like Hans Uhlmann and   logical place to go to establish a
    into one of the most interesting in   On the other hand, Wolf Vostell,   Bernhard Heiliger contrast with   reputation. And then there were the
    the region, is greatly assisted by the   ('Father of the German Happening'),  younger ones like Haro Jacob, who   art collections and the proud
    Art-Historical Institute of the Ruhr   left Cologne and settled on the River   opened the plastic age in Berlin with   tradition of art historical scholarship
    University in Bochum—the only   Spree because Berlin, as he claimed,   realistic figures of gigantic women.   which made Munich a city the equal
    such institute in Germany to   is a much better city to work in.   There are Surrealists (like Trökes,  of other great European artistic
    concern itself intensively with   Berlin might be no place for art   Ackermann, Heinrich Richter) and   capitals, Paris included.
    present-day artistic problems.   dealing, it is not even a city which   New Constructivists (like Wolfgang   All that is past. The collections
      Cologne lies somewhat on the   seems very fond of the fine arts: but   Ludwig and Paul Uwe Dreyer).   are still there, of course, still second
    edge of all this activity. The   it is and always has been an artists'   There are outsiders like Friedrich   to none, but as far as contemporary,
    departure of Vostell to Berlin   city. It has also always been a   Schröder-Sonnenster, an    post-war art is concerned the
    deprived the city of its most   realistic city. Here one lived, as one   independent figure, now 8o or 85   importance of the Bavarian capital
    spectacular artistic personality but   still lives, much closer to reality than   (nobody knows), who has brought to   has waned as the flow of money has
    there remain a number of younger   elsewhere in Germany. This applies   German art the naivety of drawings   drifted north, to find a final resting
    artists, Nierhoff, Wintersberger,   to the political situation, as the two   by children and lunatics, as Dubuffet  place around the Rhine and the
    Boers and Buthe, as well as Schultze   spheres of influence of the post-war   did to French art. There are puzzle-  Ruhr. For evidence of this you need
    and Wewerka, who are forging their   world meet directly, and applies   painters like Otmar Alt, one of the   go no further than the annual
    own paths. Pride of place at the   equally to the arts.        most successful Berliners, Pop artists  Summer exhibition of Munich
    moment, however, must doubtless   Shortly after World War One   like Werner Berges and naturalists   artists in the building half occupied
    go to the musicians who, with   photo-montage was 'found' in Berlin   of rather a scientific pattern like   by the Neue Pinakothek. It annually
    Stockhausen and Kagel, have gained   by Dadaists. The method was typical   Gernot Bubenik. There are even   bears comparison with the Summer
    the city an avant-garde image.   for this city. You took a piece of   social realists (Jürgen Waller, for   exhibition in Burlington House. It is
      The 'Strategy Get Arts' exhibition  documented reality, cut it and put it   instance, a much better painter than   academic and dull. Only Munich's
    at Edinburgh in 1970 provided a   together again. The new      most of those I have seen from East   past, which it so diligently preserves,
    first over-all insight into artistic   juxtapositions showed the reality   Berlin). They have nothing in   can compete with Munich's past.
    activity on the Rhine and Ruhr; this   behind the reality, revealed the   common but Berlin, and a certain   Artists whose work is original and
    did indeed concentrate on      social, political or human      sense of reality. In Düsseldorf, on the  interesting are in the minority
    Düsseldorf, but artists from the area   background, pointed to things   other hand, the abstractionists—the   therefore, and it is significant that
    around the city were also represented.  lurking behind outward   Zero school-have developed better   they are the kind of people who seem
    From July to September 1972 the   appearances. Hannah Hoech, now   than realists.             to thrive on loneliness and
    Folkwang Museum will celebrate its   82, one of the first Dadaists, still   Bonn, the new capital on the   independence; men like Reimer
    fiftieth anniversary with a show in   lives and works in Berlin, as does   Rhine, has done a lot to stimulate   Jochims who has been going his own
    the exhibition rooms of the largest   Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, the last of   Berlin art-life by an artists-in-  way for years and, underestimated
    park in the Ruhr area, the Gruga   the great German Expressionists and   residence programme, originally   at home and little known abroad, has
    in Essen, which will investigate and   one of the founders of 'Die Brücke'.   started by the American Ford   proved impervious to passing fashion
    elucidate this artistic scene. To be   Schmidt-Rottluff, aged 87, donated   Foundation. Artists like William   and fancy.
    called `Szene Rhein Ruhr '72', it   everything he owned—not only his   Scott, Emilio Vedova, Alex Colville,   At risk of repeating the obvious,
    will cover the fine arts, architecture,   own paintings but also many by   Piero Dorazio, Peter Sedgley, Jorge   it must be said that Munich is the
    music, films and literature. It will be   Heckel, Kirchner, Otto Mueller—  Castillo, Kenneth Armitage and   Olympic city and that 1972 is the
    aimed at a new public, the people who  to the City of Berlin, and also built   George Rickey have been in Berlin;   Olympic year. Because of the Federal
    live in the area, and so will take account  the Brücke Museum, demonstrating   most of them returned twice or more   law which obliges architects to
    of the suggestions for improving the   once again that Berlin depends more   or even stayed-like Akrithakis,   devote a certain percentage of public
    life and communication structure of   on its artists than on dealers, rich   Xenakis, Remotti, Kotik. 'I like   building budgets to artistic projects
    the region which artists have made,   collectors or Kunstvereine. There   Berlin', Remotti, the Roman sculptor,  Munich now finds itself in a
    or are already in a position to   are two Kunstvereine, one left-wing   said 'because dreamers here are close   quandary. The building costs, not
    implement. q                   syndicate sympathizing with the art   to reality and realists near fantasy'.   only of the Olympic buildings
    DIETER HONISCH                 of the German Democratic Republic,  In fact, this might be a formula for   themselves, but of the Underground
                                   and one right-wing union,       Berlin as an artists' city, if there is a   and new highway systems which are
                                   sympathizing with more or less   formula at all. q             being created at the same time, are,
                                   provincial art and art-life. They both   HEINZ OHFF            of course, astronomical, as are the
                                   mean next to nothing to living art                             monies which now have to be
                                   and artists.                                                   devoted to art. What to do ? What
                                      Although the Berlin                                         has been done ? During the last year
                                   photomontage has become rare in its                            the city has become, without
    West Berlin                    classic style, the principle of montage                        exaggeration, the laughing stock of
                                   is frequently used; it is a continuous                         the country in its well-meaning
    There are two centres of the so-  thread in Berlin painting and                               attempts to apportion its art budget
    called fine arts in Western Germany   graphics. The Berlin artists overlay   Munich           fairly. While it is to the city's credit
    today: the Rhineland with Cologne,   rather than compose; they like to see                    that it resisted hare-brained schemes
    Düsseldorf and surrounding     things as they are but don't overlook   Wassily Kandinsky remembered   put forward, especially by the Earth-
    industrial areas (which might be   what hides beneath.         in his autobiography that when he   artists, it remains to be seen whether
    considered one big city) and the   There are the 'Critical Realists'   first came to Munich the city, with   those it has commissioned to realize
    western part of Berlin. But while the   like Hans-Jürgen Diehl, Wolfgang   its blue trams, yellow pillar boxes   their flashes of inspiration in
    Rhenish conurbation can be called    Petrick, Peter Sorge, Klaus Vogel-   and view of the Alps, seemed like a    forecourts and on facades will meet
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