Page 60 - Studio International - February 1972
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check the result immediately, and   Collectors                 dealer Alfred Schmela by an    publications, which proves that
     to erase and re-record when a first                            industrial patron to enable the   Beck is adept at making use of
     attempt is unsuccessful. The    The Rhineland is not only a central   Krefeld museum to add a gigantic   economic factors.
     completed tapes can then be sold   region for artists and gallery   Beuys object (TV set with    There are a number of
     through established art trade   owners; along the Rhine and Ruhr   video-recorder and wooden shelf   well-established collectors amongst
     channels. The price of each tape is   can also be found the most potent   with objets trouves) to its collection.   the artists of the Rhineland. Their
     comparable to that of other works   German private collectors. Even   In contrast to the 'open collection'   collections are built up through
     by the same artist. The duration of   ten or twenty years ago the buying of  of the Darmstadt manufacturer   artists exchanging their works and
     those so far on sale varies between   works of art was a privilege enjoyed   Ströher, who resold a number of   by buying from art-dealers with
     one and sixteen minutes. An     by industrialists, publishers and   Pop Art works, Ludwig's   whom they are friendly. The
     art-loving public must thus have to   bankers; now the acquisition of   collection is 'closed' : it is the basis   Düsseldorf painter Konrad
     come to terms with the fact that art   twentieth-century art has become a   for new acquisitions, not for barter.   Klapheck keeps quiet about his
     no longer exists only in the form of   hobby of the so-called free   While the Ludwig collection has   acquisitions —only occasionally does
     pictures on a wall, pieces of sculpture,  professions.         grown from an involvement with   one or other of his pictures appear
     but also as video tapes which anyone   The educated, prosperous middle   classical modernism, the Hack   in any major exhibition, although he
     will be able to play on a television   class is the social stratum which   collection (Cologne) was based on   owns important Surrealist works.
     set, not unlike records on a record   supplies most collectors. Doctors,   the traditional ties of its creator with   Apart from these hidden treasures
      player.                        lawyers, architects, advertising   Germany's late Gothic period. This   there exist artists' collections, items
        Apart from private collectors,   executives and junior managers in   homage to a fertile historic art epoch   from which are shown in various
     some leading contemporary museums  industry show their attitude   was contrasted by the commitment   exhibitions. Two years ago the old
     have acquired video equipment to   towards art in various ways. In most   to classical modernism. Hack owns   Düsseldorf art museum held an
      present tapes as part of their normal   cases collecting begins at the age of   one of the most important collections  exhibition under the title
      exhibitions. These include Paul   30-35, when the eye has been trained  of Constructivists (Popova,   `Düsseldorf artists collect', which
      Wember's Kaiser Wilhelm Museum   and the solid financial basis has been   Malevich, Lissitzky, Moholy Nagy,   did not arouse much interest but
      in Krefeld, the Stedelijk Museum   consolidated, and individual taste is   Larionoff, Mondrian, Doesburg).   was indicative of what established
      in Amsterdam and the Stedelijk   often subordinate to concrete   The collection of the Düsseldorf   artists appreciate in the work of their
      van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven   investment considerations.     banker Forberg, which comprises   colleagues. Yves Klein and Fontana
      under the direction of Jan Leering.   The Düsseldorf Kunsthalle   about 100 objects, is characteristic   seemed to have particular meaning
      Schum himself has also organized   exhibited this summer a selection   of a friend and patron of the arts   for the younger generation.
      video exhibition 'groups' in Italy   from collections of members of   who has always been actively   Gotthard Graubner, the sensitive
      (Galleria Sperone, Turin), Holland   `free professions', which indicated   integrated into the Rhineland   painter of cushions, collects
      (Art and Project, Amsterdam),   the following trends : little risk-taking  cultural life. Forberg's preferences   pictures and objects by Beuys,
      Belgium (Galerie MTL, Brussels)   courage or support for progressive   also concentrate on classical   Goller, Herbin, Leger, Kolar. It is
      and West Germany.              anti-art, rather a definite status   modernism right through to abstract   typical of him that his exhibition
        So far, Gerry Schum's is the   concern combined with preference   art. American art of the Sixties   ensemble contained a landscape by
      only gallery to produce video tapes.   for German Expressionism (mainly   would not be at home in a collection   Caspar David Friedrich obtained on
      New York's Leo Castelli Gallery   Nolde, Feininger, Schmidt-Rottluff)   which-according to a description   loan from the Düsseldorf
      alone is moving in a somewhat   and for the Ecole de Paris. This   by Werner Schmalenbach-appears   Kunstmuseum. The exhibition
      comparable direction but restricts   applies mainly to middle generation   as 'a celebration of the atmosphere   made it clear that Günther Uecker
      itself to the use of film material and   collectors. Younger collectors show   and style of life'. The collection   is the most enthusiastic collector of
      art documentations, of a kind   a weakness for the constructivist   centres on the paintings of both   contemporary art. His collection is
      foreign to Gerry Schum's concepts   trend, for the Zero-representatives   groups of the Ecole de Paris, with   now worth millions of DM, because
      since his ideas centre on recording   Piene, Mack and Uecker and for   Picasso, Leger and Laurens, with   it contains not only works by pop
      the artistic process in action.   Pop Art. Multiples and originals of   Estève, Poliakoff, de Stael, and   artists and Zero friends, but also
        It is these recordings alone which   the art market magnet, Beuys, are   Viera da Silva. In spite of a   excellent works of classical
      give existence to the flying exercises   strongly represented. Dieter Rot,   predominance of works of the   modernism.
      of the Italian de Dominicis, the   whose spice objects recently fetched   nineteen-fifties this collection is not   There are few collectors of
      creation of circles by Ulrich   astronomical prices in the Düsseldorf  one-sided—it includes works by   contemporary art who follow a real
      Rückriem or the use of water as an   Eat-Art Gallery (up to DM100,000),   German Expressionists, as well as   programme. One of them is Dr
      instrument of art by Klaus Rinke of   has also pushed well ahead. The   Chadwick, Nicholson and Tobey.   Reiner Speck of Cologne, who owns
      Düsseldorf. For Rinke's particular   newest art forms are exclusively   One could call the evaluation of   drawings, pictures and objects by
      form of expression Schum's method   discussed between the artists   colour as the criterion for artistic   Walter de Maria, Panamarenko,
      is of particular importance, since the   themselves, gallery owners, critics   quality in painting the guiding   Arnulf Rainer, Rot and Twombly,
     significance of his ideas on the   and museum people; being insiders,   principle of this collection.   apart from the already obligatory
     handling of water is almost entirely   it is natural that they react more   One of the examples of how a   works by Beuys. Neither
     outside the scope of the conventional  quickly than the consumer-oriented   collector can misuse commercial   popular-decorative aspects nor
      museum.                        art buyer.                     opportunities of his time is the   investment and playing-safe
        Klaus Rinke's mode of expression   The collection of the Aachen   so-called Pop collection of the   considerations have been determining
     is only one example of the work done   chocolate manufacturer Herr   Düsseldorf lawyer Beck, which was   factors in the building up of this
     by video artists. Taken as a whole,   Ludwig enjoys international renown.  first exhibited at the Bonn   collection. Nor does the Schniewind
     these intentions focus on the   Despite the economic crisis it grows   Landesmuseum two years ago. This   collection, at Neviges, present itself
      process of becoming aware of the   steadily and is constantly being   is a collection of graphic art and   as a conglomeration of great names
     fact that man also contains within   added to. New acquisitions are   multiples which has conformed with   and styles, but as a unity, formed
     himself non-material and        bought almost every month —recently,  the spectacular boom for Pop Art   over decades and keeping pace with
     non-rational elements. Video    works by Twombly, Bruce        and is almost completely devoid of   the development of art. There is
     artists tacitly imply in their actions   Nauman, Kienholz and Heerich.   personal touch. The only   nothing unrelated in this collection.
     that every individual, mindful of the   The focal point of these new   recognizable theme in this   Picasso, Braque, Beckmann, Bacon,
      complexity of his makeup, should   acquisitions, which have been   accumulation of popular    Fontana, Yves Klein (but also
     forcefully state the demands    incorporated in the loan-section of   mass-produced art is a stringing   Lichtenstein, Raysse, Segal and
     necessary to fulfil this. q     the Cologne Wallraf-Richartz-  together of banal individual subjects   Pistoletto) were bought at a time
     KLAUS U. REINKE                 Museum, is a group of Beuys objects  like automobiles, cups, shoes, faces   when their market value was by no
                                     (drawings, collages, creations in fat   —iconographic identities, joined   means sufficiently assured to
     [Video tapes of the following artists are   and felt, plastic objects), which were   together by accident (the   eliminate risk. This collection in
     obtainable from Schum's: Baldessari,   sold to the Aachen collector by the   generalizing trend of Pop Art)   particular represents an aesthetic
      Brouwn, Buren, de Dominicis, Dibbets,                                                         standard which has contributed to
      Rinke, Ruckriem, Weiner, Beuys,   former art critic and present art   rather than by the collector's
      Gilbert & George, Merz, and    dealer Hans Strelow after his return   discerning eye. A big group of the   the evolution of art and which lifts
     Ruthenbeck. Each video tape is   from New York. The price was not   graphic works of the collection,   a collection above the function of
     accompanied by a signed and numbered   revealed, but it can be assumed that   particularly those of German origin,   merely confirming the traditional
     certificate. Prices range from DM580   it came close to the approximate sum   determine the choice of the art   or serving as a social fetish. q
     to DM9800.]                     of DM100,000 given to the art    clubs' inexpensive annual     CHRISTIAN HERCHENRÖDER
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