Page 41 - Studio International - April 1973
P. 41

in the Primo manifesto politico of 19o9 and the                                     (Left)
        Programma politico futurista of 1913. 'Abolition                                    Catalogue cover for the first exhibition of futurist
                                                                                            architecture 1928
        of marital authorization, easy divorce, gradual
        devaluation of matrimony, gradual                                                   Front page of Futurismo no. 3 1932
        preparation for free love and state children.
        Preparation for the future socialization of the                                     (Bottom)
                                                                                            Front page of La Citta Futurista 1929
        land with its vast reserves, properties of
        the Opere Pie (Church lands), public
        corporations, and the expropriation of all land
        not cultivated or inefficiently cultivated. Heavy
        taxation of inheritances and limitation of major
        heirs . . . Legal maximum of eight hours work.
        Equal pay for equal work between men and
        women. Substitution of the present rhetorical
        anticlericalism by action to rid Italy of the
        church, priests, friars, nuns, madonnas, candles
        and bells . . . Freedom of the press to strike, to
        assemble, to organize. Police purged and
        reorganized. Abolition of the Political Police.
        Abolition of the intervention of the army to
        establish order . . . Confiscation of two-thirds
        of all profit coming from war supplies.'4
         A programme of this tenor, republican,
        anarchistic, socialistic, as well as anticlerical
        in the vague terms bequeathed by the
        Risorgimento which Italian socialism, too,
        had inherited, was designed to accommodate
        personages from all quarters; and, in fact,
        adhesions came not only from old futurists but
        from those like Bontempelli who had never
        been futurists and from men like Bottai and
        Bolzon who were shortly to have front-rank
        functions in the fascist movement. In the
        founding of the Futurist Political Party,
        Marinetti had at his side men like the writer
        Mario Carli, and the sculptor Ferruccio Vecchi,
       who succeeded in attracting into the party large
        numbers of arditi (special volunteer shock
       troops who had, on occasion, gone into battle
       stripped to the waist, dagger between their
        teeth and a grenade in each hand, and who
       supplied the core of D'Annunzio's forces in the
        Fiume exploit. Tr). In this way the fasci
        futuristi (futurist bands of attack) were formed
       in the principal Italian cities, to be transferred in
       March 1919 to the fascist party. Marinetti and
       his friends were, in fact, present at the
       constituent meeting on the 23rd of that month,
       in Milan, in the hall of the Circolo Industriale e
       Commerciale in Piazza San Sapolcro. He was   some light upon the character of the relations   enemies. Marinetti and his friends came out in
       actively present at the attack upon the socialist   between the futurists and the fascists. After the   the conference hall itself, 'not having been able
       procession going from via Dante to the Piazza   resounding electoral defeat of 1920, the second   to impose upon the fascist majority their
       del Duomo, on April 15th, after a mass meeting   Fascist Congress was convened in Milan. It was   antimonarchist and anticlerical tendency'.5   The
       in the Arena, though he subsequently denied   the occasion of the final shift to the right of   futurists were the fractious left of fascism, in
       taking part in the setting fire to the offices of   Mussolini and that wing of the fascist party   their way intolerant of any show of excessive
       Avanti! which succeeded the attack. He was   most tied to the interests of great industrial and   prudence.
       later present at the first congress of the Fasci di   landed bourgeoisie. The antimonarchist and   Reading the Marinetti texts of this period,
       Combattimento in October of that same year,   anticlerical items of the fascist programme were   one learns the reasons for the futurist reactions
       and along with Mussolini, Arturo Toscanini,   dropped to secure the support of the army and of   against what they had to judge as a true and
       Bolzon, and Podrecca, the former editor of the   the 'bien-pensants'. Many of the founder   proper about-turn on the part of the fascists.
       review Asino, was on the fascist list of   members, above all those who had come from   Inflammatory anarchistic inventions rattle and
       candidates for the elections.             the ranks of the socialists, anarchists,   libertarian volleys deafen in an unholy din:
         It serves little purpose to chronicle all the   syndicalists, and republicans, among them   `Abolition of conscription, a volunteer army . . .
       acts and all the gestures, not to mention all the   Marinetti and his friends who had been shut   Abolition of the police . . . The whole present
       declarations of the futurists in those     up in the San Vittore prison along with   system of order is worm-eaten, reactionary,
       circumstances. However one particular episode   Mussolini for twenty days, left the fascist   ineffective, stupefied and often criminal . . . Is
       merits attention in the interests of shedding    movement, some of them to become avowed    not the destructive gesture of the anarchist,
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