Page 37 - Studio International - April 1973
P. 37

time. The relationship of Marinetti to French   people . . . going around in search of money,   Stéphane Mallarmé, as collaborators. The most
       Symbolism is known. It is a matter not only of   reached in him the point of exasperation.' This   violent anarchist review published Saint-Pol
       literary sympathies, but of direct friendships   desire was the mainspring of a revolt against   Roux and Emile Verhaeren, while the
       and collaboration. In the symbolist circles of   mediocrity, against unrelieved common sense,   newspaper Temps Nouveaux had for
       Paris, Marinetti, who arrived there at the age of   against the irremediable stinginess of the petty   contributors Stuart Merril, Paul Adam and
       seventeen after being thrown out of the college   bourgeois, and for exceptional behaviour;   Laurent Tailhade, famous for the sentence,
       in Alexandria in Egypt where he had studied,   against philistine morality and for immoralism,   `What do the victims matter, if the gesture be
       completed his education and received his first   against the mortifying monotony of everyday   beautiful ?'2
       encouragement. His early books, like the first   commonplaces and for adventure. In some such   The sources of this diffuse cultural anarchism
       manifesto, were written in French and issued by   framework the 'gesture of the libertarian'   were above all and texts by Stirner, Bakunin,
       the publishers of the decadents, while his   acquires a sense of violent rupture with a   Proudhon, Nietzsche, Wagner, Sorel.
       enthusiasm for symbolist poetry made him its   detestable situation. The last decade of the   Anarchism, decadentism, Nietzscheanism,
       most fervent propagandist in Italy during the   nineteenth century and the first years of the   intertwined confusedly and coalesced in
       early nineteen hundreds. What are perhaps not   twentieth were characterized by a series of such   individuals, then very opposed but soon to be
       known are the political tendencies of the   anarchist gestures by Ravachol, Leauthier,   united in common action. In more than one
       symbolists, which had an influence on      Vaillant, Emile Henry, Caserio, Ortiz, the band   respect D'Annunzio hadprefigured Marinetti. In
       Marinetti, in many ways decisive.          led by Marius Jacob, the Bonnot band.     the eleventh point of the first futurist manifesto :
         However strange it may appear, the symbolist   Outrages, hold-ups, attacks on banks, all   `We will sing of great crowds agitated by work,
       poets and writers turned, in the majority of   created a balance-sheet of tragic negation that   by pleasure, by uprising; we will sing of the
       cases, to anarchism as the unique solution to all   the organized working-class movement had to   multicoloured and polyphonic tides in the
       problems, as the only possible catharsis. The   overcome before giving its own actions a real   modern capitals . . .' is the theme D'Annunzio
       character of such anarchism was apocalyptic,   revolutionary force.                  had already tackled in 1903 in Laus Vitae where
       tending to envisage a radical overturning of   But they were precisely the gestures applauded   he sang of the confrontation of striking workers
       society in a general conflagration, the end of a   by the symbolists. Octave Mirbeau considered   and charging cavalry, a frequent event in those
       world with no reason to exist. It is not just by   the explosions provoked by the Ravachol   years of harsh social struggle:
        chance that one of Marinetti's first works,   cavalry charges as 'the roll of thunder preceding   We heard the clink
        published in 1909, was entitled Destruction.   the joy of sun and peaceful skies'. Jean Richepin   of the bit in the mouths
        Huysmans had perhaps been the first to express   spoke of anarchist outrages as 'brutal    of restive horses,
       fully this need to escape the mediocrity of   poetry'. In 1892, Francis Vielé-Griffin changed   the gasps of unarmed breasts
        bourgeois life. The hero of his novel, A Rebours,   his review, Les Entretiens politiques et littéraires,   we heard plebeian strength.
        brought out in 1884, is typical: 'The desire to   into an organ of cultural anarchism with Paul   The blasts, the shouts, the gallop,
        withdraw from an epoch of worthless vulgar    Valery, Henri de Regnier, Remy de Gourmont,    the hard whirlwind that passed,

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