Page 42 - Studio International - April 1973
P. 42

perhaps, an absurd and beautiful recall to the   of the petty bourgeois radicalism of Futurism in   Congress held in Milan in November of 1924,
      ideal of an impossible injustice ? . . . For my   which evasive extremism announces its   at the conclusion of the sessions, a rather
      part, I prefer the bomb of the anarchist to the   revolutionary impotence, its irremediable   peremptory message was sent to the 'old
      election banner of the bourgeois who hides at   contradiction.                      comrade, Benito Mussolini' : 'With a gesture of
      the moment of peril . . . Morality of danger :   The fact remains, however, that such   force now indispensable, free yourself of
      elastic liberty with neither prison nor   thoughts, the true roots of which were    parliamentarianism. Restore to fascism and to
      carabinieri. Prisons are infamous traps   undoubtedly obscure to Marinetti himself,   Italy the marvellous spirit of '19, disinterested,
      presupposing a bestial Cat-force treating the   could promote among the futurists these   burning (ardita), antisocialist, anticlerical,
      most charming and ingenuous temperaments   confused and surprising political aspirations.   antimonarchist . . . Do not imitate the inimitable
      like mice . . . Well, it really is time the prisons   The very way in which, at times, Marinetti   Giolitti, imitate the great Mussolini of '19 . . .
     and penal settlements, these relics of the middle   spoke of Lenin, seemed designed to beget   You can and you must do this, we must wish it
     ages, were destroyed and razed to the ground   ambiguity, 'I am happy to learn that the Russian   and we do.' But times had changed. Once in
      . . .' Drawn from a collection of 1919 with the   futurists are all bolsheviks and that futurist art   power, fascism, in all its attitudes, made every
     title Democrazia futurista (Futurist       was for some time State art in Russia . . . This   effort to appear different. Futurist restiveness,
      Democracy), these quotations might perhaps be   honours Lenin and pleases us as if it were our   anarchic rashness, `rebellism', were of no
      enriched by a few from another text of the   own victory. We are not bolsheviks because we   more use. The opposition beaten on the
      following year, dedicated 'To the French,   have our own revolution to make'.? In this light   political field, its own position consolidated
      English, Spanish, Russian, Rumanian,      it is not to be wondered at that Mario Carli, in   with the consensus of monarchy and
      Hungarian, Japanese futurists', and entitled Al   February 192o, in Testa di Ferro (Ironhead), the   bourgeoisie, fascism was now interested in
     di la del Comunismo (Beyond Communism),    newspaper he edited, wrote an article Ii vostro   declaring the post-war phase of agitation over.
     incongruent like most of Marinetti's doctrinal   bolscevismo (Our bolshevism), not at all hostile   Now, that is, it had to show itself the party to
     texts, but explicit and open as far as his `political   to Lenin, and some time before, in Roma   re-establish the harmony that had been
     conceptions' and the civic tasks to be entrusted   futurista, succeeded in imagining a pact between   lacerated by the struggles of the crisis. 'With
     to Futurism were concerned.                `futurists, arditi, fascists, combatants, etc., and   Mussolini,' wrote Tilgher in La Stampa in
       Starting with the declaration: 'History, life,   the so-called parties of the avant garde, official   April of 1928, 'Romanticism rose to the
     the earth, belong to the improvisers. We hate the   socialists, reformists, syndicalists, republicans'.   government. And after that, he set about
     militarist barracks as much as the communist   One must straight away add that Carli must have   constructing for this romantic soul the
     barracks. Anarchist genius despises and breaks   developed these inclinations when he followed   definitive, precise, classical form, in which it
     open the communist prison', the text, in a   D'Annunzio to Fiume, when the poet of La   will finally be able to rest quietly.'
     hyperbolic mixture of nationalism and     gloria, flanked in the 'regency' by De Ambris,   It is difficult to think of a more apt definition
     libertarian spontaneity, reaches the summit of   one of the recognized heads of Italian anarcho-  of the fascist restoration of order, even as regards
     eloquence, 'The fatherland is the maximum   syndicalism, dreamed of 'transmuting the   art. The 'new state' had need of 'historical
     extension of the individual, or better, the   bolshevik thistle into the Italian rose'. It   foundation'. Futurist invective against Rome
     greatest individual able to live long, to direct,   appears that at one time D'Annunzio, to   could not be entertained. In this respect,
     dominate, defend every part of its body.'   escape the impasse into which the government   D'Annunzio served better than Marinetti:
     However, after the creation of such an     had forced him, was not at all insensitive to the   `stock', 'legionaries', 'forums', 'fatal hills',
     anarchist fatherland within which 'the    appeal of an agreement between the         `eagles', all the merchandise that gushed in his
     insurrectional dynamism of the libertarian,   interventionist forces and the Italian left.   work. Now, even in art something was
     Famone' and 'the innovatory dynamism of     Not much later, Marinetti and his faithful   required worthy of the romanità of 'our
     Poeta-Idiota', the two characters of his old   re-entered the fascist ranks, not without,   millenary tradition', latin' and 'Mediterranean'.
     `hilarious tragedy', Re Baldoria, may be fused,   however, having tried for some time to force   In this way the `Novecento' style came into
     one notes that the class struggle as interpreted   upon them the road to the left. This continued   being with the Exhibition of the Fascist
     by Marxism has to be abolished. 'In       even after the March on Rome. At the Futurist    Revolution, a neoclassicizing, academic
     all countries, and in Italy particularly, the
     distinction between proletariat and
     bourgeoisie is false. There does not exist a
     bourgeoisie totally rotten and moribund, nor a
     proletariat wholly sane and vigorous . . . It is
     absurd to call rotten and moribund
     bourgeoisie that formidable mass of youth,
     intelligent, industrious and petty bourgeois:
     students, clerks, farmers, businessmen,
     industrialists, engineers, notaries, lawyers, etc.,
     all sons of the people, all concerned to conquer
     with tenacious work the mediocre paternal
     wellbeing. They all went to the war as
     lieutenants and captains and today, although
     weary, they are ready to expend further effort
     with heroism . . . The peasants and workers who
     went to war, not yet having a national
     consciousness, could not have won without the
     example and the intelligence of those heroic
     petty bourgeois officers .. .'6   Here, then,
     identified by Marinetti himself, is the matrix

     Alessandro Marinelli, plan for the Aeroplane
     Room 5936
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