Page 38 - Studio International - April 1973
P. 38

the vintage under the iron-shod    his 'vagabond and warrior Idea', his 'images',   colonial policy was in this way ennobled and
            hooves, the trampled flesh,        bear no resemblance to them. 'My Ideas do not   coloured with justice, and wore the face of
            split skulls, brains               look like you at all, my dear Citrulli. While you   righteousness.
            spouting, the usual horror         stagger about as though you're drunk, the Ideas,   D'Annunzio, too, was naturally converted to
            of defeated revolt                 my Ideas, dance voluptuously on the summits of   war, expressed in a mixture of populist and
            broken on the grey stone;          the world like heroes after the battle.' It is the   imperial rhetoric. 'So will you one day see the
            but among the blood awing intact,   same concept as D'Annunzio's, despite certain   Latin sea cover itself/with massacres in your
            aflame that keeps alive the idea.   inventions and appearances which would seem   war . . . Italy, Italy/sacred to the new dawn/with
     It was D'Annunzio who three years before had   to demonstrate the contrary. What D'Annunzio   the plough and the prow.' This is the Canto
     written Canto di festa di Calendimaggio (Song of   had written on Nietzsche in 1892 was, all things   augurale per la nazione eletta (Augural song
     May Day), published in Avanti ! Rome, i May   considered, a conviction he never abandoned   chosen for the nation), written only three years
     1900, and who had been a socialist candidate in   definitively, not even when he felt destiny called   after the Canto di festa per Calendimaggio and
     Florence in the elections that year.       him to incarnate in his own person the figure of   only months after Laus Vitae. Then in 1906
       Gramsci, on more than one occasion,      the people's representative. 'The plebeians   he devoted his tragedy Piu che l'amore (More
     underlined the need to analyse, in the light of   remain slaves for ever, condemned to suffer as   than love) to the 'African passion'. The hero,
     the peculiar characteristics of the intellectual   much in the shadows of feudal towers as in the   Corrado Brando, obsessed by a dream in which
     situation then, D'Annunzio's 'populist    shadows of feudal smokestacks of modem     he leads an expedition into the land of the Galla,
     moment'.1   What is really at the heart of it ?   factories. They will never have in them the   tries to gain the necessary money by gambling.
     One can derive an explanation by examining   feeling for liberty.'                   Losing everything, he kills and robs the greedy,
     his first political tragedy, La gloria, written in   It should not, therefore, be difficult to discern   useless old man who won, so as to have the
     1899, in which the young agitator, Ruggero   why so much anarchism, so much libertarian   means of achieving his desire for risk and glory.
     Flamma, prepares for revolt, surrounded by   socialism and so much Nietzscheanism could be   The crime committed, Corrado Brando,
     other daring young men ready to carry armed   transmuted into bellicism, the substitution of   superman in the exalted service of imperialism,
     struggle into the streets of Rome : 'The peasant   war for revolution. In some ways, the very   exclaims, 'If this be a crime, I wish all my
     bands' of Flamma 'will be the scourge of the   ambiguity of some anarchist sources could   virtues to kneel before my crime.'
     action. After a first resistance, the army will   seem to authorize such a transposition. They   Nor did Marinetti want to do anything less.
     dissolve . . .' The real stuff of D'Annunzio's   were sources, especially the French ones, at   In the same year that Piu che l'amore was
     revolutionism can be seen undisguised in an   which bands of intellectual rebels drank, sent   produced, in his retreat at Viggiu, he conceived
     interview he gave to the correspondent of Le   there by the nausea felt for their middle and   Mafarka le futuriste, also on an African theme.
      Temps after his defeat in the Florence elections.   petty bourgeois class, the very cliques Marinetti   This novel allowed Marinetti to pillage the
      `You believe I am a socialist ? I am ever the   frequented so assiduously during his French   entire wardrobe of the symbolists and decadents,
     same; between those people and me there is a   sojourn. Even the stirring and fanciful   and coming out after the first manifesto it still
     barrier. I am and remain an individualist to the   eloquence of some passages from these anarchist   carried the clear stamp of the 'African passion'
     last, a ferocious individualist. I like to go for a   writers calls to mind the exalting Marinettian   that boiled over in the years of the first Italian
     moment into the lions' den, but I was pushed   rhetoric. This passage from Courderoy, for   adventures on the black continent. In particular,
     there by disgust for all the other parties.   example : 'Forward ! Forward ! War is   every motif is carried to an extreme and
      Socialism in Italy is an absurdity. Among us   Redemption. God desires it . . . Forward in   Marinetti's theses appear in no way veiled. The
     there is no possible political action other than   great human oceans, in great masses of bronze   allegories are wholly transparent. Exoticism,
     destruction. All that now exists is nothing, scum,   and of iron, accompanied by the great music of   eroticism, sadism are all there in profusion with
      death opposed to life. First of all one must   ideas . . . Let the earth tremble under your feet.   notable doses of bad taste. Devices exploited
     despoil everything. One day I will go down into   Forward! War is life'.3  The fundamental lack of   without measure by writers like Paul Adam are
     the streets.'                              faith and diffidence in popular forces as the   amplified and multiplied. But it is not so much
       Here, then, under the temporary guise of a   engine of revolution could only be resolved by a   this that interests us as its meaning as a novel.
     socialist, stands the aristocratic decadent, with   substitute for revolution: precisely, war. Little,   Mafarka is a sort of hero-slaver, concentrated
      his Nietzschean nimbus and the vanities of his   liberal Italy, provincial, bureaucratic, petty and   sex and violence, who gives rein to every
     anarchizing extremism. Even La gloria, in   corrupt, was certainly not made to assuage the   barbaric instinct in the creation of a personal
      many passages, anticipates Marinetti as a   anxiety and disquiet felt by the young men when   empire, constraining a crowd of slaves to build
      playwright, destructive in inspiration.   they realized how miserably the ideals of the   him 'a gigantic invincible bird', a sailplane in
      Marinetti's satirical tragedy, Roi Bombace (Re   Risorgimento had finished. To restore   fact, on which to set off for great new
      Baldoria in the Italian translation, King Rowdy)   momentum and energy to those ideals appeared,   adventures. In such fashion was decadent
      was in fact written in 1905. Its anti-socialist   therefore, an action worthy of the attempt, a   exoticism married to the African dream with all
      intentions are explicit in the ironic dedication   means to discover something in which to   the futurist enthusiasm for technique. From
      to the Italian edition : 'To the great cooks of   believe and to attach themselves. But how   this climate of motifs, of psychologically
      Universal Happiness — Filippo Turati — Enrico   could one put anarchism, socialism and   irritant states of mind and different ideologies,
      Ferri — Arturo Labriola'. The characters are the   Nietzscheanism together with the 'national   all superimposed one on the other, come the
     anarchist Famone, and the artistic innovator   idea' ?                               slogans of the first manifesto, gaining prestige by
     Poeta-Idiota. The grotesque distortions of the   Even in this respect, Marinetti's first   bringing together such diffuse and diversified
     satire are, above all, directed against    manifesto was not without precedent. First of   material in a definitive programme. Thus the
     parliamentarianism. Here, too, there is a revolt   all, Pascoli, from the beginning of the African   dazzling flashes — libertarian, anarchistic,
     of the masses, ending with a great banquet, at   war, provided a justification by elaborating an   socialistic — are now drawn into and made part
     which everyone vomits, and the return of Roi   ideology of 'patriotic socialism'; he gave it a   of the general outlook of the Italian bourgeoisie
     Bombace to power. A basic opportunism runs   definitive formulation in the oration of Una   as it reached out to conquer overseas territories.
     through the whole work along with an       Sagra, 1900, where he proposed shifting the   If any hesitations still remained, they were
     irredeemable pessimism or basic disdain for the   class struggle from internal politics to foreign,   dissipated in 1911 by the Libyan war, for which
     `plebs'. Not for nothing are the inhabitants of   from classes to nations. No longer the struggle of   all the nationalistic forces were mobilized in an
     Roi Bombace's kingdom called `Citrulli' (oafs,   the exploited against their exploiters but of the   intense press campaign, aimed at presenting
     dunderheads), and Poeta-Idiota can exclaim that    poor peoples against the rich ones. The new    imperialist aggression in the trappings of

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