Page 21 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 21

Cocerning                                 During our meetings in London and Amsterdam   individual artist's achievements. It happens
                                                      the artists' union has frequently been a subject   frequently, however, that members make the
            the Dutch artists'                        for discussion. We in Holland offer our long   mistake of thinking that their artistic problems
                                                                                                can be solved with the help of those colleagues
                                                      experience of more than 25 years with our
            union                                     artists' union `beroepsvereniging van beeldende   who have kept the union in operation. Nothing
                                                                                                could be less true: every artist recognizes his
                                                        In our last discussion in Amsterdam, the   own problems in his studio and that is a battle
                                                      objectives and interests of an artists' union   which he alone can solve. The union can and
                                                      were the subjects of our conversation and it was   must be very critical towards society without
                                                      asked if the artists' union had any influence on   being allied to any political party. The union
                                                      the development of art. The exact content of   should operate as an artists' union but never try
                                                      that discussion I no longer remember — it could   to resemble a political party. It can only act in
                                                      have been the late hour or the splendid wine —  sympathy, or even declare its solidarity, with
                                                      which brings me now to a continuation of that   particular points of a political programme when
                                                      conversation on paper, somewhat justified and   they refer to the specific interests of artists.
                                                      clarified from my side. I shall attempt to   After many years of formulation and
                                                      formulate what I meant to say at the time about   deliberation within an ever changing political
                                                      the artists' unions in Holland, although the   context, has the position of the artist really
                                                      article on this subject in Studio International   improved ? Certain groups of artists claim that
                                                      (July/August 1973) gave such an incorrect and   nothing has been achieved so far; I maintain
                                                      incomplete picture that I have no wish to discuss   that the social position of the artist is firmly
                                                      this further.                             protected due to our efforts and that the working
                                                        Whether or not an artists' union can influence   climate is comparatively favourable to the artist.
                                                      the development of art and/or stimulate art is   This may sound rather smug and there are
                                                      irrelevant. As long as there is life there is art,   certainly innumerable improvements to be
                                                      art is life and gives hope for survival.   made, but my mild satisfaction must be seen
                                                      A union in principle influences nothing in   principally in comparison with the difficulties
                                                      this respect.                             which exist for artists abroad.
                                                        During and after World War Two it became   In a society motivated purely by economics,
                                                      clear to individual artists that their freedom   art and culture are merely ciphers. Every
                                                      would be protected, and an explicit statement of   attempt at breaking down the system is
                                                      their individual and collective interests would be   identified, bent in another direction, wrapped
                                                      made only if they took a strong collective stand.   up and presented as an economic, modish and
                                                      The first artist's union originated from that   cultural article, and its original intention is
                                                      situation.                                completely lost.
                                                        There is little point in giving here a detailed   With these facts, with the words 'art and
                                                      historical survey. Broadly, the union in Holland   culture' on the banner of every political party
                                                      has been developed and continued through the   and with all the democratization of art
                                                      efforts of the artists themselves and in fact too   policy, which naturally has to cost nothing, we
                                                      much is required from each individual.    have to find a way to a more creative world.
                                                      Consequently the activity is a bit spasmodic, but   Every link in society possesses a particular
                                                      what can be expected from a union which has   voltage and each is proportional to the other.
                                                     scarcely i000 registered members ? There   The energy for the voltage is assembled
                                                     are members who can barely afford the      through individual contribution. It is not of
                                                     annual contribution. A greater problem is   direct importance to know how much energy
                                                     involving the members of the union; how are   every individual produces, society should be
                                                     they to be motivated and made expert enough to   made responsible for when the individual
                                                      collectively plead their cause in the outside   cannot supply the optimum contribution.
                                                     world ? Often dry business matters can be    It is one of the tasks of the union to
                                                     transacted over a pint but different arguments   anticipate similar problems and discuss them.
                                                     are needed at the negotiating table. Yet the   It should also be aware of social changes. The
                                                     fact that the artist feels responsible towards   danger lies in the union losing itself quickly in
                                                     society and wishes to bear some responsibility   social processes without either the group
                                                     forces him to formulate his own wishes and   or the individual having understood the
                                                     desires. The task of the union is to canalize   motivation.
                                                     points of departure, to co-ordinate and formulate   If the artists' union in Holland wants to
                                                     a dialogue with society and those who govern   continue to influence events, in however
                                                     society.                                   limited a way, then it must learn to limit itself,
                                                       The union to the outside world is no more   and to involve and motivate its members to a
                                                     than a group of individuals, defending their   greater degree. Only then can problems such
                                                     collective interests and conferring with official   as the relationship of art and society gain any
                                                     bodies, who could make an essential        real meaning.
                                                     contribution to the position of the artist.   Finally, let us not forget that the world was
           [This article constitutes a reply to 'The artist as an   From the inside, the union is the co-ordinator   not made for the strongest — and who would
           individual: The Artists' Union in Holland' by   of individual and collective problems and it   dare to say such a thing in an era when mothers-
           Barry Martin, which appeared in July/August   4. formulates its own wishes and desires. It is   milk has practically dried up ? q
           1973, P. 2.]                              never responsible for the success or failure of an    JOSUM J. WALSTRA

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