Page 24 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 24

Photos: Marc-Jean Masurovsky

      Board from staff membership, individuals   24 October. British artist Barry Flanagan,   sympathetic towards PASTA/MOMA,
      holding seats on that Board were abdicating   whose one-artist show was scheduled to open at   continued to work, choosing to honour their
      their crucial responsibility to deal with the   the Museum on 29 October, announced the   own 'no strike' clauses. Thus, with management
      strike concretely. Their behaviour seemed to   postponement of his show until after the strike   personnel and 'scabs' working, and most
      invite the conclusion that status and tax   and affirmed his support of the union's action.   members of other unions remaining on the job,
      advantages were, indeed, the Trustees'    Flanagan's letter to Richard Oldenburg,   the Museum stayed open for business.
      primary interest - not the management of one   posted that day, stated :              And so the public entered the conflict,
      of the most important museums in the world.   `With regard to the internal problems of the   having to choose between the striking workers
      The choices confronting the union were    Museum of Modern Art and the strike action   (and the art community which supported them)
      propriety or survival. In committing itself to the   of PASTA/MOMA representing the museum   on one side, and the Museum Trustees and
      latter option, the union had no choice but to   staff:                              administrators on the other side. Many people
      keep battering at the facade of cultured    'An early postponement of the exhibition of   stayed away from the Museum altogether and
      progressivism maintained by Trustees and   art work should have disqualified my direct   attendance dropped considerably (some
      administrators. (In fairness, it should be noted   alignment in this dispute. However, I had to   estimates from inside were a drop of from
      that at least one Trustee was reported to be   decline the personal assistance of William S.   5o% to 75%). Anyone approaching the Museum
      playing an active role. Chairman of the Board   Rubin, Director of Painting and Sculpture,   was offered a detailed fact-sheet which
      William S. Paley, while not present during   to mount and hang the exhibits as      explained the issues. Each person who chose to
      negotiations, was reported to be one of the   unsatisfactory, before postponement was   enter the Museum, especially if he or she did not
      primary architects of the Museum's        communicated to the British Council who are the   take a moment to study the issues, was harassed
      negotiating strategy.)                    joint sponsors. As the situation and my position   as much as legally possible. Some of these
        As the days passed, the union's commitment   become clearer, a statement of my opinion and   people were bewildered, others indignant at the
      remained firm and Richard Oldenburg's     observation is called for.                barrages of verbal abuse. Most simply could not
      prediction that people would soon 'trickle in' to   `When it is neither the policy nor the capability   or would not understand the hypocrisy of
      work proved erroneous. (Oldenburg,        of management to give in its leadership, there   crossing a picket line to 'enjoy art' when the
      incidentally, steadfastly refused to participate   lurks the bitter ingredient of government. I   very people who selected, installed and
      in negotiations or to speak to his striking staff,   would like you to know of my support of this   preserved that art were involved in a strike
      a complete turnabout from his posture the year   strike action; and postponement of the show is   supported by artists themselves, including
      before. After 14 weeks of negotiations and four   a proper course of action in the light of the   many artists represented in the Museum's
      additional weeks of a strike, the union's   circumstances.'                         permanent collection. Therefore, mingled wi
      attorney had not even met the Museum's      The British Council, co-sponsor of all   a desire to inform the public was the desire to
      Director.)                                exhibitions of work by British artists in the   make museum-going as unpleasant and guilt-
        Picket lines remained in force in front of the   Museum's projects series, supported   ridden an experience as possible. Museums like
      Museum and at the delivery entrance on a   Flanagan's position.                     the Modern may be privately owned, but their
      24-hour basis, and picketers became         While the Flanagan show was the first   art constitutes a public legacy, the legacy of
      increasingly militant. Many deliveries to the   exhibition affected by the strike, the Museum's   generations of artists and museum workers. Is it
      bookstore warehouse were stopped by       film projectionists decided at the outset to honour   so surprising when museum workers finally say
      picketers there, and attempts to establish a   the picket lines, thereby forcing the suspension   to the public: 'You owe us !'
      `secret' warehouse were foiled when the union   of MOMA's popular film programme, normally   The conventional wisdom is and has been
      located the new space the day after the Museum   consisting of at least two and sometimes three   that, just as it is necessary for artists to starve, so,
      rented it. Meanwhile, mediation sessions   screenings per day. Their decision was   too, must museum workers accept their
      called by the State Mediator on 16 and 17   courageous considering the presence in their   exploitation without complaint.Workers in the
      October produced no significant results.   contract of a clause forbidding them to stay out   arts are expected to be self-sacrificing and, above
        While artists had been supporting PASTA/   because of a strike by another union. However,   all, polite. Yet in 25 years, when so many
      MOMA on the picket line from the outset, an   members of other unions within the Museum   products of today's society will be scrapped or
      important announcement was made on        (guards, custodians, etc.), while clearly    obsolete, people will still come to museums to
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