Page 26 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 26

Correspondence                           dismissive abuse.                          e'..g'.. 'everything is reduced to a single,
                                                                                          levelling stratum, a hazardous equilibrium',
                                                 I am not suggesting here that an artist can be
                                               entirely separated from his work, some     with her rather more generous conclusion — 'it
      Aesthetic valuation — a final rejoinder
                                               consideration of his views and general posture   did serve a vital function'.. It was a terrific
      I must admit that I was quite looking forward to
                                               as an artist are often of substantial interest'.. This   catalyst ... a fertile place to be.'
     Mr Czerniawski's reply to my 'straw man'
                                               of course is equally true of the critic; it is   Her misunderstanding of the nature of the
     challenge (Studio International, September   illuminating to know something of the beliefs   whole event derives from the totally misguided
     1973); he did not disappoint my expectations'..
                                               and opinions upon which his reviews are    conception of it as an attempt to 'infiltrate the
     Although he agrees with my definition of   predicated'..                             Celtic skies with twinkling cultural luminaries',
     aesthetics (as that area of philosophy which   In the course of time most critics do reveal   using 'superstars from the art world''.. In fact,
     is concerned with the language and concepts   themselves and their opinions even if they   had she participated in the whole programme,
     that are used to describe and evaluate    don't wear them on their sleeves'.. However,   she might have seen that the breakdown of
     works of art), Czerniawski fails to
     see — or at least accept — how the        Mr Rothon graduated only recently from the   distinctions between 'important artist' and
                                                Slade School (cf'.. 'notes on contributors') and
                                                                                          student led to a new and more truthful
     hypothetico-deductive approach is in fact   we have, unfortunately, had neither the time   recognition of what was good and bad, so that
     complementary to his own (as far as I can make
                                               nor the opportunity to take his measure'..   some established artists could be seen to be
     out from the limited information he has
                                                 Perhaps eventually he will reveal himself and   trading on overblown reputations, while many
     presented), and not irrelevant as he claims'..
                                               it will become apparent that his patronizing   students' contributions (e'..g'.. the dance and
     However, I wholeheartedly agree with him that   remarks about Alan Davie and Mark Boyle and   theatre workshops, or Rusty Roberts's
     `experimental psychology logically cannot   his contemptuous words for Carl Plackman and   beautiful sculpture) had great value'..
      provide a yardstick of aesthetic valuation' (his
                                                Ken Kiff are predicated upon deeply-felt    In a way, Beuys's 12-hour 'lecture' was a  e l
      italics), and in no place have I said this.
                                               convictions about the irrelevance of painting   paradigm of the whole course'.. He started in the
       The experimental psychological approach to
                                               and sculpture or on some political or social   normal lecture format, moved into a more
     aesthetics is simply concerned with       notion'..                                  dramatic, theatrical mode (reading from
     determining what people like, not what is good
                                                 In the meantime Mr Rothon might consider   Anachasis Cloots, the theorist of the French
     in an absolute sense. Psychologists would not
                                               the proposition that abuse is no substitute for   Revolution), and for the last eight hours — how
     profess to make any contribution to this
                                                considered criticism'.. His review does no   long did Ms Hershman manage to stay ? — went
     tenuous epistemological problem'..
                                               service to art or to the public and brings little   into the middle of the audience and participated
       I simply feel that systematic evaluation of
                                               credit to Studio International'..          in an exciting open discussion, the end (at 12
     problems, based on sound principles, is
                                               HUBERT DALWOOD                             midnight) marred only by the ill-considered
     preferable to piecemeal attempts to resolve   London Ei                              interjections of a 'critic''..
     issues in aesthetics, which, at best, only result in
     conclusions that cannot be refuted in any way'..   Flayed and furious?               MARK FRANCIS
                                                                                          Headington, Oxford
      Such a solifidian outlook, Mr Czerniawski, will
     not do'.. On this point I rest my case'..   Mr R'.. J'.. Rees's article on John Edwards's
                                               painting could be described as a crumbling
     MAURICE YAFFE, Institute of Psychiatry, London
                                                rag-bag of misdirected, ill-conceived comments   Your correspondent on the visual arts at the
                                               fit only for the refuse tip'..             Edinburgh Festival makes brief but interesting
     A Rothon review                             However before this final journey I would   comments on the Demarco-run lecture series'..
      Mr Rothon's scathing review of the 'Magic   like to make suggestions ! The sentence, 'The   William Buchanan of the Scottish Arts Council
     and Strong Medicine' exhibition seems to me   surfaces appear to be flayed and furious, but are   did indeed give an informative talk'.. But on
      to raise more (and more important) questions   really scroungy and debilitated', doesn't mean   `Charles Henry McIntosh' ? Who ? Is this
     about criticism than it does about the quality of   anything'.. The painting is its appearance, and   some newly discovered flower of heather
      the work on view.                        the appearance is the painting, it cannot be   culture ? In fact Miss Hershman means
       In a previous letter to Studio International I   anything else'.. The surfaces were therefore   Charles Rennie Mackintosh, possibly the
     suggested that although searching criticism may   flayed and furious'..              greatest Scottish (and British) architect of the
     be unpalatable to an artist it is only resented   I would like to thank him for explaining that   century. But perhaps she didn't catch the name
      (and unprofessional) when it is couched in   what appears to him doesn't appear to him; that   properly'.. After all her next sentence reminds us
      dismissive and intemperate language.      during the 6os a student called Mondrian   how 'Patrick Rentiens elaborated on the loss of
       I am not intent here to defend my own work   painted grids so nobody in the Ios should (he   memory in modern man'.
      or the work of other artists exhibiting at   is a spoilsport); and that students paint lousy   This Freudian juxtaposition prompts me to
      Liverpool from proper criticism; however the   paintings because they use paint that is 'cheap   ask how your critic could possibly fail to
      general tenor of Mr Rothon's remarks about   art school stuff''.. (The last comment is a bit   mention George Melly's talk on Magritte'..
      Stuart Brisley, Ken Kiff and Carl Plackman is   class conscious and Mr R'.. J'.. Rees should know   Nothing could have been more surrealistically
      so offensive that it goes beyond the bounds of   better than that'..)               enthralling than Melly's near two-hour tour de
      reasoned and reasonable criticism and, I think,   His article does not further art, artist or   force while the acolytes of the Demarco
      needs some reply'..                       criticism'..                              Gallery scoured Edinburgh's streets, pubs and
        In my view all valuable criticism (now and in   Mr Rees should sign off, not sound off.   golf courses for a man who had a key to a
      the past) has been written by critics who have   BARRY MARTIN                       building in which was a room in which was a
      an immense respect for the art that they   London SW,                               cupboard in which was a box in which were the
      describe'.. A respect that is nourished by their                                    slides which the organizers should have
      insight into and understanding of the problems   A little too Hersh, man            provided in the first place'.. Chance happenings
      and difficulties confronting any artist'..   As a student on Richard Demarco's 'Edinburgh   of this order are rare — fortunately or
        It is only necessary to consider the work of   Arts 73', I would like to comment on Lynn   unfortunately. Melly was magnificent. One
      (say) John Berger, Herbert Read or Greenberg   Hershman's review of the six-week 'Summer   only regrets he did not sing out the last half
      (critics with very different views of art and   School' in Studio International, October 1973'.. I   hour'..
      society) to recognize that however searching   find it hard to believe that she can reconcile the   FRANK A'.. WALKER
      their criticism it never descended to vitriolic or    views expressed in the first three paragraphs,    University of Strathclyde
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