Page 23 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 23

is not only sad for the museum and its staff,   collective experience and expertise of 170   person for every four professionals. Attempts
           it is really the most catastrophic warning to the   people working in all areas of the Museum's   to further increase this ratio can only be read as
           next generations which I am trying to form,   operation. It should be noted that most   union-busting.
           telling them: STAY AWAY FROM THE           Trustees' principal occupations lie outside the   Proposals for a compromise on this issue
           MUSEUM FIELD !                             Museum and that the average age of a Board   were discussed throughout pre-strike
             `I just wanted to bring this to your attention   member is 6o. Moreover, the Museum's   negotiations. On the eve of the strike, however,
           because I thought you might need my students   Director is answerable to the Board and serves   management announced to the staff that this
           some day.'                                at the Board's pleasure (as several previous   issue was not subject to compromise and that
             It is public knowledge that the Museum   Directors have discovered). The voice of the   the disputed titles constituted the sole impasse
           operates at a substantial deficit. At issue is   staff could speak with more independence than   in the negotiations. The strategy of this
           whether the professional staff should continue   that of high administration officials who have to   announcement was obvious : if management
           to subsidize the Museum's operation by     consider the security of their positions, and   could convince 'lower echelon' staff that they
           accepting substandard salaries. By refusing to   with more knowledge of the actual workings of   would be striking only for the benefit of a few
           do so any longer, the staff is placing the   the Museum than absentee Trustees. Does it   senior and more highly paid titles, then
           responsibility for sound fiscal management   really serve the best interests of the Museum to   support for a strike would weaken. The
           where it belongs - with the 40-member Board   insulate its Board from the staff and to   transparency of this tactic only strengthened the
           of Trustees, which includes some of the   perpetuate the 'private club' image of the   resolve of the union.
           wealthiest individuals in the United States,   Board ?                                 Further concessions on this issue have been
           and with the Museum's administrators. The                                            made by PASTA/MOMA during the strike,
           Museum must redouble its efforts to obtain   The issues: disputed titles             but management has continued its
           substantial subsidies from those sources which   PASTA/MOMA's constitution excludes from   intransigence in spite of the fact that
           should properly support the institution - the city,   membership in the organization, on the ground   compromise is the essence of collective
           state and federal governments. Under the   of possible conflict of interest, the Director of   bargaining. By remaining inflexible on this
           1973-74 Expense Budget, the Metropolitan   the Museum, the Director of Adminstration,   issue, management is still gambling that 'lower'
           Museum of Art received over $5 million from   all Departmental Directors, the Controller, the   staff will become disenchanted with the strike
           New York City's cultural budget, enough to   Assistant Treasurer and the Assistant   and that the union can ultimately be weakened
           wipe out the Modern's deficit several times   Secretary to the Trustees. At the time of   by the loss of certain senior members.
           over. The question is not whether MOMA will   certification, the National Labour Relations   Unfortunately, the Museum is now gambling
           survive, but whether it can survive as the   Board excluded from the union a number of   for more than a few titles; the stakes now include
           private domain of its trustees. It cannot do so   additional titles deemed managerial,   the very integrity of the Museum itself.
           at the expense of its professional staff.   supervisory, or confidential. The right to hire
                                                     and fire and the right to make significant policy   The strike: events and implications
           The issues: participation in policy-making   decisions are the criteria for managerial or   By 11 am, 9 October, picket lines were
           The first contract specified that the Director   supervisory status.                 established in front of the Museum, at the
           meet with PASTA/MOMA representatives        There exist at present twelve titles whose   Museum's delivery entrance, and at the
           prior to each scheduled meeting of the Board of   status was not determined by the National   Museum's bookstore warehouse. At 5.3o pm,
           Trustees and of the various Trustee       Labour Relations Board. Management claims   Marguerite Duras, the French novelist and
           Committees, and inform those representatives   these titles are supervisory, while PASTA/   film-maker, whose latest film, La Femme du
           of pending policy matters. These provisions   MOMA contends that at least some of these   Gange, was scheduled to be shown at the
           were not respected, however, and management   positions are clearly not supervisory and that the   Museum at that time, joined the picket line and
           repeatedly abdicated its responsibility in this   status of these 'disputed' titles can best be   formally announced her withdrawal of the film
           area.                                     determined through collective bargaining.   in support of the strike. After 6 pm that first day,
             Perhaps the most disturbing unilateral    Unlike most unions, PASTA/MOMA is an    guests began arriving for a special posh preview
           action was the management decision to raise the   `open shop', i.e. membership in the union is   of a new Miró exhibition. They were greeted by
           Museum's admission fees in August 1973 to   voluntary. Even if a title is represented by the   a strong and vocal picket line as they disembarked
           $2, $1.25 for students, $1 for senior citizens.   union, an individual working in that title need   from taxis and limousines. Art dealer Sidney
           These increases of 14%, 25%, and 33%      not join PASTA/MOMA. Some of the          Janis, one of the most important donors in the
           respectively, were presented to the staff as   individuals holding disputed titles, including   Museum's history, refused to cross the picket
           faits accomplis, in spite of the fact that such a   several full Curators, helped to organize the   line. However, Blanchette Rockefeller,
           major policy decision was to be discussed with   union, have continued to be active members,   President of the Board of Trustees, typified the
           staff representatives before implementation,   and are among its staunchest supporters. Such   anachronistic maternalism of many Trustees
           not after the fact. A public demonstration by   individuals have much experience they can and   towards staff in a remark to picketers : 'The
           members of PASTA/MOMA helped to force     want to contribute to the union. In addition,   picket signs are all right, but it's really rude to
           the immediate reduction of the senior citizen's   PASTA/MOMA feels these senior professionals   shout.' Like a parent admonishing her children.
           fee to its previous level of 75c, but the other   deserve the protections provided by a union   As the strike wore on it became clear that many
           increases remained in effect.             contract, particularly in the area of job security.   Trustees shared this attitude, an attitude
             As a result of the abuses of the first contract,   By claiming jurisdiction over all disputed   perhaps fostered by the insulation from
           the union is now asking for one seat on the   titles, management hopes to weaken the union   certain kinds of reality that only great wealth
           40-member Board of Trustees and for one   by siphoning off membership from the top. In   can provide. Many Trustees would pass the
           seat on each of seven Trustee Committees.   addition to those individuals it would obtain   pickets, smile nervously and perhaps
           These additions would hardly result in a   immediately, management would be in a position   sympathetically, yet seemed unable to
           veto-power for PASTA/MOMA. Rather, they   to promote other individuals, such as     understand the strike as a serious problem to
           would ensure that the staff had access to   Associate Curators, out of the union.   be dealt with by action, not helpless smiles.
           information about proposed major policy   Management argues that the union seeks to   This had always been their museum; suddenly
           changes while such changes are still under   deprive it of titles required to ensure the   they could not come there without feeling
           consideration. Furthermore, the staff would be   effective management of the Museum.   uncomfortable. While the Museum's negotiators
           able to contribute ideas drawn from the    However, there is already one management    were stubbornly protecting the insulation of the
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