Page 72 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 72

     studies or intensive and extensive features   microstructural, but de facto it's not to do with   generalizing of the membership situation. What
     of discourse. In a way we deal with the   having Weltanschauungen consisting of     about the Apostel list involving functions
     question, 'what does the "gross" view imply ?'   microstructures of grammar and related logical   derived in relation to the groups you consider
       Again, we don't see that the location of   features (selection restrictions and whatever)   you belong to, plus generalized deontologies,
     minutiae necessarily excludes the possibility of   which represent sets whose closure may well be   plus other logics ? One wonders whether it (the
     the macro-structure. It may be the only way   teleologically determined. Alternatively, where   problem) doesn't fundamentally relate to the
     macro-structural items are caught in the   models appear satisfaction may be teleological.   deliberative problem, e.g. involving 'what we
     discourse, the only modes whereby the situation   The analytical method is to do with the   ought to do'. There is an extensive permutative
     can be recursive. There's the lack of importance   teleological facts, inasmuch as the atomic types   possibility in the Apostel list(s) which, ad hoc,
     in the distinction between the macro and micro-  taken produce a number of operations which   is dealt with deliberatively by (or, again perhaps,
     structures inasmuch as the macro-structure may   reflect teleology back. It's not simply a matter of   the picture seems to be de facto) one which
     have a one-to-one correlation with the micro-  ideology revision, but the teleological priority   readily accommodates a psychological
     structures. Back to the problem of nature .. .   is to obtain ideology; it must come first. No one   dimension. Meaninglessness might be
       Consider the analogy of measurement as a   knows how to obtain it in advance with any   established merely on 'frequency of response',
     matter of grammars, as a matter of answering   degree of structural sophistication. Ideology is   etc., etc., chain strengths, in terms of possible
     some of the questions raised at the previous   equivalent to 'nature' identified with   generalization, etc. (Amongst what ?) Consider a
     meeting, e.g. a question of 'truth' instead of   quantification, however problematic ontology   situation so instrumentally formalized, an
     `grammar'. What we've got is a puzzle - no   may appear in relation to ideology. There is the   induction, or quasi-induction. Would it be
     puzzle with respect to the Annotation/    problem of induction as a reflexive        interesting to consider indexing it with respect
     conversation device inasmuch as it was/may be   interactiveness between minimally structural   to inductiveness, a rational 'going on' ? A fairly
     something which contains its own analytical   items/discourse, whether we talk about macro or   minimal metaphysical presupposition has to be
     armoury. It was mooted with a very much lower   micro. Presumably these characterizations are   caught. It's probably how reference classes are
     profile set of psychological presently considered   highly relativistic anyway, because if you're   established (approximately induction, plus its
     device-danglers than this appears to have.   involved in a pseudo-structural situation there   indices, or ontological correlates). How much
     You've got this puzzle of what you select, but   may be a symmetry of arbitrariness with respect   might be shown ? We may be willing to construct
     isn't the lexical situation position a question of   to apparent scalar distinctions. (Is that   a situation of that kind. It may partly just be a
     not having selected, of making a (the) guess that   relativism ?) The macro/micro is dependent on,   paired-association system, and then it's a matter
     these minutiae/surfaces are out of existence ? If   and will emerge as, a consequence of your   of wringing what you can out of it.
     the set up is capable of dealing with some   operations, e.g. when you've got complex (i.e.   OK, we're going on in a form. Let's consider
     grammatical problems, there ale ways of dealing/   pathway) trees, that you will find yourself   that there is/may be some gross relation between
     developing instruments for dealing with the   dealing with an approximate equivalent of a gross   something that's uttered. How can that be
     puzzle itself, very much 'suck it and see' with   item of discourse. In a sense one is saying that   inductive ? Is it so in the sense that we are
     respect to the puzzle. One is in no position to   the/a gross item is included in the complex   learning something about the world of discourse,
     pre-suppose a solution to the puzzle. It then   pathways. Incompleteness has to be taken into   or what ? For example, a certain induction
     becomes (reflects back on) an issue of whether   account. Incompleteness equals projection-  indexing might catch one sort, but not another,
     there can be a radical gross list. Assume a   generalization indeterminacy. The elimination   an ideologically selective mechanism, both
     radical gross list analysis, what sort of situation   of redundancy is more or less automatic. And,   internally and externally. There is a plenum of
     do you have ? What is the minimal condition for   further, the ascent/descent from macro to   global information transmission, positive
     assuming a gross-analysis approach vectorial or   micro may be just that. You could have an   transmission of semantic information. More
     scalar ? This is assuming that a non-radical   hermeneutic as lexis entry and string. That is,   nestings proliferate.
     gross approach is to be developed anyway.   there is no assertion logic available a priori.
       So, we've gone through the macro/micro    If we can sort out something as entailment,   V.
     problem. Beyond that issue there are other   quid ergo est a minimal condition for having it ?   If a notion of 'topic' is derivable from some sort
     assumptions, and there is this question of   `Radical grossness reflexive' probably represents   of statistical distributive analysis of semantics,
     complex linguistic/extra-linguistic control,   a highly satisfiable set of sets. Katz probably.   our overall notion of 'subject' may be in some
     entailment. What one is dealing with is some   The relations are satisfied or they are invisible.   way taken as derivable from the distribution of
     tool/tools for pronouncing an ideological   The only condition of set membership is `x is/is   `topics' throughout the set of discrete
     revision presumably (microscopically), the   not an annotation'. That's trivial, not   discourses. What method this sort of analysis
     possibilities of having ideologies. If you took   commonsensical. It's not the problem. It   might use - induction etc. - is problematic. We
     seriously this prospect of ideological revision (it   wouldn't be a rich enough universe to hold the   don't just want to account for anomalies, but
     involves micro-structural positions), inasmuch   dialectical as it is supposed to be 'present'.   also understandings and misunderstandings. If
     as ideological arrangement is relative to a range   Presumably the satisfaction conditions are   we do have a notion of 'topic' derivable from a
     of expressible ideas, the global features of the   problematic. Further, to have them, or the   distributional analysis of the text of a piece of
     microstructure would be a bit like being able to   problem of them, is problematic. There is the   discourse, then it might be possible that this
      take account of the indexical features of   instrumental problem of catching parts of the   analysis, mapped against the full framework
     ideological context, the set reflexion problem.   discourse, or discourse per se, or conversation.   map, would give us a picture of the contextual
      It's hateful to sound like Professor Quine, but   The only set condition would be that a group or   lacunae of the text . . . Even with induction we
     it's all going to be so connected with these   group member did the uttering. It's not going   will still have an unstructured set of distribution
     problems at some point.                    to be like a father-son set, but like a fatherhood   patterns. Maybe we are just fussing too much;
       In order to have 'existent' as it were (a   condition, ancesterhood. How's it going to   maybe a rough map of the area is all we require
      different ideological framework branching   handle the problem of whether someone is   from such an analysis. It tells us not to talk
     depth) being a feature of ideology, one would   included among his own ancestors ? Members,   about the weather when we are in the context of
      have items, alternatives to simple types.   and given (single) member's problems, with   conversation about The Italian Job, in other
       What is odd is the lack of 'human'       respect to an corder' in the Annotations, would   words, what we have got is a way of discovering
     (pragmatics-accessible) characteristics of the   just be ruled out of court by the fixation on   whether one of the Gricean structures of
      Annotations themselves. Presumably you can   syntactical surface.                   conversation is being adhered to - and that's
      think of the gross annotation, i.e. list/string as   `Radical grossness' should consider the    more or less useless. q

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