Page 70 - Studio International - December 1973
P. 70

       parametrized by the, what are now, quasi-set   might mean making generalizations about the   mapped out with whatever quasi-rigorous
       conditions, groups, lists or whatever, along   semantic characteristics, etc., etc., of the surface   closure conditions for the quantification of a set,
       with rationality crises, atomic types/tokens. (We   structure, generalizations in terms of the   and the `set= domain' situation as it is now
       have a membership problem to set or domain.   minimal/maximal set conditions (a generating   drawn into common-sense ontology. You've
       Is this because of some type of theoretical or   grammar based on the discoveries made by the   got problems . . .
       categorical framework supervening over the, or   lexicon, cf. Katz, Fodor). Referring to set   We may think of the adequacies of grammar
       implied by the, 'outside the brackets'    conditions as an example of generalizations will   interrelated with the adequacies of a set
       operators ?) If in an impressionistic sense, the   turn us back to the correspondence incoherence   theoretical model. The grasping of a concept
      aspect of having someone giving a response to a   relation if we take the correspondence to be of a   might be measured as far as adequacy is
      stimulus, the learning dimensions would be in   shallow order of generalization of linguistic   concerned. We've yet to think of redundancy
       picking up, or positively generalizing or having   behaviour.                       by the numbers of semantic measures plus
      a test of some kind, of one piece of association in   The Carnapian situation presupposes   numbers of branchings from a surface
       order to see if that association worked (say)   principles for a range of state descriptions.   description, i.e. making some remarks about the
       psychologically. So, would it be a question of   With the induction logic one doesn't have to   meaninglessness of carrying on/going on is
       generalization of associations ? And then what   have a deontic, epistemic, etc., logic inasmuch   reflexively absurd (the performance denies the
       characteristics would the generalizations have as   as, I suppose, one is still with the true-false   assertions about non-competence ?). This is a
       far as the old question of closure was concerned,   condominium (or classical situation). This   problem of what is the exterior of this situation
       positive generalization to a degree, etc., etc.?   rather than a situation where one has to deal,   (come to the end of the problem's reification)
        How many different aspects of the 'nature   successfully or not, with satisfaction. And, of   and when you have the exterior how can you
       observed' can we use as central aspects in the   course, in the Carnapian inductive logic one has   go on ? How long can you talk of a context
       construction/reconstruction of that part of   no trouble, at least no concern for/with the   without radical pragmatics of going on in an
       nature ? Implication ? Consequence ?      recursion, regress (or whatever) of the   annotated discourse situation when you've
       Conformity ? Compatibility ? One of the logical   propositional attitudes.          revised Kripke's modalities of semantics in
       operators ? The notion of a set? The notion of a   acts as a sort of weak implication, or   relation to epistemic logics, and when you've
      member of a set (i.e. the constitutional problems   embedding, through the pragmatic parameters,   revised Kripke's semantics out of existence ?
      of individuation, re-identification, and,   of indexing items that make it possible for one   This goes back to meaninglessness and the idea
      presumably, splitting up) ? As a relation between   to have that indexical expression iterated as it is   of getting round the problem of tense. Given
      one piece of the discourse and another piece of   in the lexicon entries. 	is some sort of   all the ways of formulating and describing
      the discourse (the next or whatever might crop   quasi-logical operator in the Gedanken-  tense (outside that exterior), i.e. the range of
       up considering the logical conditions of the   experiment situation. It may be symptomatic   ideas accessible to you (but there are some
       relationships) in being relative to a set of   of the 'let's see what we're doing' Gedanken-  approximate equivalents (to those ideas) which
       propositional attitudes, the relation existing is   experiment that we have a pathway described   may consist of a particular absurdity caught in
      the overcoming of your social problem of   rather like a free logic. 	that particular way), there is an approximate
                                                                     has no problems of
       having a society. How it exists might be another   transitivity, etc. However, 	is an   equivalent consisting of the meaningful, or, if
       problem, rather a puzzle, to look at. Certain   entailment (of sorts) between logics, in fact,   you like, the ontological vocabulary, and the
      given contributions are going to reflect positively   between what may not even resemble postulates,   ideological mappings you have started on. In
      generalizable functions that involve a notion of   axioms, propositions, sentences reducible to a   all these problems there is the question, the
       `influence' between those given contributions.   syntax of a logic/set of logics. And that's all logic   doubt, of your hoping to go on without the
        Induction here is not a Carnapian type of   might be, i.e. a given yet incomplete number of   reflexivity situation of meaninglessness
       rational induction and this point in fact will   pragmatic and indexical parameters/   occurring de facto.
      reflect back on the lack of concern (if you like)   dimensions/axes that allow, as it were, the   Obviously if you could develop indexing
      over an interference with nature by our    reification of an individual non-radically small   within the external and internal question of our
       `measurements' in 'observation'. To be    piece of ideology bound in that intensional logic.   contradictions, you could form a nesting of
      concerned with that sort of problem is to be   Quantification becomes, rightly so, an   sequences of indexicality where degrees of
      screwed up about one's coherence theory being a   important aspect of logic so that we have points   indexicality and externality, etc. were measured.
      correspondence theory. Now we may, in fact,   of reference and make sure that it is possible   But then you fall back on a part of that group of
       have a strange relation between correspondence   that we can/may know how we have these points   logics, i.e. the deontic part, where you
      and coherence theories apropos an intensional   of reference. This goes back to the rather laconic   recognized that there would be a part of
      mapping, or a group of logics setting out lists of   point about there being a closer relationship   language (part of your nature) which had an
       ordered pairs (etc.), i.e. coherence may as well   between the transformation within the logical   indexical value of nought. Presumably that
       be a correspondence to (what else but) linguistic   space of the indexes (Hayward) and the   would be fine for the intensional logics, except
       reality. An increase in the complexity of the   grammatical transformation in the lexicon/   that intensional logics are dependent upon some
       coherence theory will result in a proportionate   dictionary, i.e. the modalities in the indexes   form of display mapping, extensionality, a
       increase in the complexity of the depth   were propositional attitudes anyway. Hence   non-indexical point of reference.
      structure explained in the correspondence   `through logical/ethical space' (similarly with   Semantic relationships are (a) reducible to a
      theory relative to a particular (in a series)   the lexicon's approach to a set of fundamental   pragmatics, and (b) alterable inasmuch as
      grammatical reality (rather than constructed,   reference points) and the coagulation of   they're dependent upon what we take as
      although this is, perhaps, contra-Chomsky   grammar and logic highly relative to an   pragmatics (and so as a semantics). Given that
      inasmuch as competence is constructivitstic, but   individual.                       arbitrariness, or in fact non-arbitrariness, we
      in a similar manner so are most logics, etc.,   The depth structure of 'carrying on' would   face ideology in, obviously, a different manner
      constructivistic). Because of the problems of the   have excluded carrying on in the quasi-  from Hintikka's epistemic and doxastic logics.
      intensionalities branching (diverging/     dialectical/dialogical fashion that one might have   Our instrumentalities may show an ordering of
      converging) at certain depths, even, maybe,   entertained. One has conjunctivitis here and no   semantic relationships between epistemic
      finding loops in the pathway structures from the   problem about the possible deviance of   logics and (a) the deontic logic of the nature
      given basic elements, then it need not be the   conjoining mal-formed or crossed types.   observed, and (b) our own (the observer's)
      case that we have a relative coherency theory to   Perhaps just a series of tokens ? Rather, we   deontic logic, although (a) and (b) might be given
      match one's grasp of linguistic reality. Matching   don't have sets if we don't have intension    a quasi-discreteness. Just how silly would an
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