Page 40 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 40
by pointing at a white wall ... moving positioned. The performer should work
a finger over the wall, the performer blindly across the white wall trying to
should attempt to find the centre of locate the centre of frame. When his
frame. finger moves to the centre of frame, the
cameraman should acknowledge
Technical instructions: the camera verbally, and filming should cease.
should be tripod mounted, and Optical sound. Single take. No editing.
positioned about to feet in front of a B/W.
white wall. The performer should be
located in roughly the same plane as the
wall and only his arm moving across the
plane of the wall should be in frame.
Roll camera as the performer is
the upright image of the performer is
recorded by video camera while
simultaneously being monitored on the
video monitor. Draw around this image
on the video monitor screen with felt
pen. The person who draw this image
should now replace the original
performer in an attempt to fit himself
into the drawn image on the video
monitor screen. Record all proceedings
with film.
Technical instructions: Position the
movie camera so that only the video
monitor screen is recorded. As the video
camera records performer s, roll movie
camera. All action, including the
outlining of performer 1, should be
filmed. Continue movie camera rolling,
as performer 2 appears on the video
monitor screen. Cease filming as the
2nd performer fits himself into the
image on the video monitor screen. The
movie camera should only record action
on the VMS.
No sound. Single take. No editing. B/W.
hold a movie camera at arm's length...
until the camera falls from your grip.
Technical instructions: roll camera as the
performer raises the camera to shoulder
height at arm's length distance from his
face. Throughout the work, the
performer should try to hold his face in
frame. Filming will cease as the camera
falls away from the performer's face.
No sound. Single take. No editing.
use a movie camera to measure the
height of a room.
Technical instructions: attach a long cord
to the camera. Pass this cord over any
beam or rafter located at ceiling height
in the room. As the camera is raised
gently from the floor, roll camera. The
camera should be pulled up gently to
the height of the roof and then lowered
back down to the floor. Cease filming
as the camera touches the floor.
No sound. Single take. No editing.
the performer should stand alongside should be positioned standing on the
a video monitor. Both a movie camera right side of the monitor. Roll cameras.
and a video camera should record the As the performer moves from right to
performer's image as he moves from left, he will move into the vision of the
left to right and right to left creating video camera and his image will be
after-images on the video monitor recorded. As he again moves from left
screen. to right, this time his image will linger
on the monitor screen. These moves
Technical instructions: the video monitor from right to left and then from left to
should be positioned at chest height, right, should become progressively more
facing both the movie c:mera and the rapid until the performer abruptly stops.
video camera which both point at the Cease all filming.
video monitor screen. The performer No sound. Single take. No editing. B/W/.