Page 38 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 38
perform these customs properly. One of the rationalism, and itself would require help to
most striking of these had to do with the become regenerated. Can the meditative
`pánca' — a huge red phallus filled with several eastern religions or the ecstatic archaic religions
litres of borovicka (a variety of gin). The be of any assistance ? No, these religions are
purpose of this object, carried in the wedding even less capable of fitting into the context of
procession, was to 'soften up the bride', and our civilization than the degenerating religions
when they reached the country restaurant where of Europe. We do not require teleology, but
a large wedding feast had been prepared, the rather ritual. Yet just as the words 'art' and
upraised 'pánca' was tipped so that the bride 'religion' themselves are debased and lead us
and groom and the wedding guests could drink into a cul-de-sac, so too we must beware of the
from it. Several of Mlynárcik's friends from far word 'ritual.' Alan Kaprow is well aware of
away came as well, and the ceremonial speech this and so has coined a new word 'ritus'.
was delivered by Pierre Restany. Before the But what then ? Nothing in human history
banquet, the newlyweds received wedding gifts arises from nothing: it must always necessarily
from Kosice, Bertini, Chryssa, and many connect with something that came before.
others. The wedding was concluded with But with what ? Is there something which is still
fireworks at night. 'Eva's Wedding,' wrote alive enough, unspoiled enough to go on
Mlynárcik in his invitation, 'is both in form and existing in the future, something which may
content a natural social gesture. It is a celebration even become part of the very foundation of the
of life and joy, hope and love. At the same time, future ?
it becomes a manifestation of the international Mlynárcik has returned to something which is
nature of artistic creation and cooperation.' still alive. Eva's Wedding was dedicated to
The entire event cost Mlynárcik the equivalent Ludo Fulla, now a seventy-year-old artist, the
of a monumental cast bronze sculpture. founder of Slovak modern art, whose picture
Artistic attempts to restitute festive holidays Slovak Wedding, transposed into tapestry, now
are understandable. Our civilization is the first hangs in the wedding hall of the Zilina town hall.
one ever which does not acknowledge 'holy Those who are considered the 'representatives of
days', and divides time into 'work-days' and Slovak culture' were — again! — scandalized, or
`weekends', and human activity into 'labour' and at least they claimed to be. It was a piece of
'recreation'. But art, while it belongs essentially profanity, they said. But the ordinary people of
to festivals or 'holy days', has nothing to do Zilina accepted the whole action with simple
with 'recreation'. Festivity and recreation may understanding. In Slovakia, with its ancient
often appear, from their external similarity, to be agrarian culture, a continuity with neolithic
interchangeable terms. On 'holy days', everyday ritual still remains, and Mlynárcik's restitution
work is forbidden, and recreation is meant, for a of the old-fashioned wedding was naturally felt
time, to free man from his daily labour. But the and accepted with grateful enthusiasm. But how
forbidding of work for holy days was not long will this continuity last ? Can it be extended
intended as a rest and an opportunity for into the future ? The newlyweds and the
physical and psychic recuperation; the inactivity wedding guests were modern people, similar to
of the 'holy day' was meant to free time for young people all over the world. And those
meditation. It was sacred time, as opposed to who performed the old wedding customs
profane time. It was an occasion for man to dressed in traditional folk costumes were
recall his place in the universe, the place of his members of a folklore society, but when they
small consciousness in the great universe of sat down to the wedding banquet, they took off
non-consciousness; an occasion to remind their folk dress : and so, after all, it was only a
himself that he had to remain in awe of this change of clothes, a performance, a piece of
universe. For the same reason, a 'holy day' theatre. Mlynárcik attempted, in the form of
was unthinkable without what we call art, nor wedding gifts, to connect an ancient ceremony
did art really exist outside this context. with modern art, but I don't know what the
In so far as it persisted in the everyday world — newlyweds got from those incomprehensible
the church in the town, or tattoos on the face — presents. They themselves, like the whole of
even there its function was to recall sacred Slovakia, and like the whole of our modern
human obligations. Our art is really the last world, have already been swallowed up in the
trace of the sacred in our civilization, and the terrible current of modern history where there
essence of the conflict between art and is room neither for old customs nor for
civilization is that this civilization lacks modern art.
any sense of the festive and the sacred What is to be done ? I don't know; no one
whatsoever. knows. There are no theories, no programmes.
But how are true holy days to be restituted ? Perhaps we must try everything, and even if
Through art ? But our art is precisely what Alex Mlynárcik nothing works, at least we can tell our
Eva's Wedding 1972
remained when the sacred was taken away consciences that we have tried everything.
(Top) The wedding procession
from it; art-as-decoration, art-as-entertainment. The artist, above all, must try, for he retains
with the 'pánca'
Pious ages did not even have a name for what we within himself that unity of feeling and thought,
(Centre) The borovicka is flowing
call art, and our word art, in those times, had of spontaneity and intellectuality which our
from the 'pánca'
quite a different meaning. Should we return to world has lost. The modern world may
(Below) Pierre Restany between
religion ? But European religion itself had to annihilate even the artist. But if it does, who can
the bride and groom at the
degenerate in order to make way for our banquet help it ? q