Page 47 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 47
Directory Angela Flowers Gallery Calvert Studio Ltd Paolozzi, Picasso, Masson, André
3 and 4 Portland Mews, D'Arblay 15 Southwark Street, London SE1 Thomkins. Editions by Richard
of publishers, Street, London WI (Tel. 01-734 0240). (Tel. 01-407 8211). Fine art screen- Hamilton, Peter Phillips,
Publishers and dealers. printers, with studio space available Hundertwasser, Paolozzi, Wittenborn.
presses and Annely Juda Fine Art for artists to work up their prints.
galleries 1I - 12 Tottenham Mews, London WI Castelli Graphics Ebenezer Press
(Tel. 01-58o 7593). Publishers and
4 East 77 Street, New York, N.Y. 10021
White Cottage, Boughton Monchelsea,
dealing in dealers. (Tel. 288 4601). Gallery dealing in Maidstone, Kent. (Tel. Maidstone
graphics by Artschwager, Bontecou,
Anschel Gallery
43938). Run by Graham A. Clarke.
graphics 33e Kings Road, London SW3. Dibbets, Flavin, Judd, Rauschenberg, Established in 1966 to print and
Rosenquist, Warhol, etc.
Gallery dealing in large selection of publish the w00dcuts, linocuts and
graphics by living artists: David Christie's Contemporary Art etchings of Graham Clarke.
Hockney, Kitaj, Allen Jones, Chris Albemarle Street, London W1X Distribution by Ebenezer Press and
Orr, Joe Tilson, Gerd Winner. 3HE (Tel. 01-409 1307). Started Editions Alecto. Have recently
published Vision of Watt Tyler, a
Anthony Dawson operations in December 1972. narrative poem by John Birtwhistle,
Publishers of limited edition
Abrams Gallery 41 Lilian Road, London SW13 9JF contemporary prints. Recent works by with calligraphic text and etchings
with aquatint by Graham Clarke.
(Tel. 01-748 1306). Artist's agent
Leidsegracht 37, Amsterdam. handling original drawings and limited Dali, Donaldson, Droungas, Frink,
Contemporary graphics and objects by edition graphics by living artists, Piper, Procktor, Scott, Stevens. Editions Alecto
international artists. specializing in institutional collectors. Cirrus Editions Ltd 27 Kelso Place, London W8 5QG
Advanced Graphics Graphics by Antonini, Ado, Balif, 708 N. Manhattan Place, Los Angeles, (Tel. 01-937 6611). Publishers of
original prints and multiples including
75 Tooley Street, London SE1 (Tel. Liao, etc. California 90038 (Tel. 213 462 5340). Ayres, Beer, Boshier, Caulfield, Cohen
01-407 4554). Fine-art screen printers. Arnolfini Bristol Publisher of original graphics. Soon to Hockney, Hodgkin, Jones, King,
Work currently in progress includes : Narrow Quay, Bristol 1. Gallery be released are lithographs by Tom Ruscha, Scott, Segal, Sedgley, Self,
Llewellyn Xavier, a series on race and dealing in graphics by Abrahams, Holland, Ed Moses, and an aquatint Smith, Stevens.
sex, 25 images in editions of 75, Hamilton, Hodgkin, Hoyland, Frost, by Bruce Nauman.
screenprint litho and collage; Michael Denny, Smith, I.oveless, Pasmore, Compendium Galleries Editions Alecto Collectors'
Leonard, Bella Max and Charlie, Paolozzi, Jacklin. 2a Salisbury Road, Mosely, Birmingham Club
edition 75, published by Fischer Fine B13 8JS (Tel. 021 449 0811). Gallery 27 Kelso Place, London W8 5QG
Art; Nils Burwitz It's About Time, a Ars Studio dealing in graphics by Heinke Jenkins, (Tel. 01-937 6611). A limited
folio of nine silkscreen prints, edition Esplanaden 7, DK 1263 Copenhagen K Gordon Senior, Sam Williams, etc. membership club. All members receive
100, 'a visual commentary of the (Tel. 01-11 9222). Dealers in graphics. two prints and two multiples during
hurdles, the jolts and the disarming Connoisseur's Gallery the course of the year, and a
loves encountered on a reconnaissance Embarcadero Centre, San presentation collotype print by David
trip through South Africa'; Ivor Bernard Jacobson Ltd Francisco, California 94111 (Tel. 415 Hockney. The first works, exclusive
Abrahams, screenprinted decals and 29 Maddox Street, London Wilt 9LD 989 6189). Old and modern master to members of the club are by
flock on free standing metal cut-outs, (Tel. 01-493 7629). Publisher of prints original prints. Specializing in Picasso Tom Phillips, Achilles Droungas,
edition 40, published by the artist; by contemporary British and American and 19th-century Japanese w00dcuts. Colin Lanceley, Ed Meneeley and
John Walker folio of 10 Giant Prints, artists. Peter Blake, Robyn Denny, Curwen Gallery Kenneth Armitage.
edition 18, exhibition of the folio to be Bernard Cohen, Patrick Caulfield, Joe
arranged by Bernard Jacobson in the Goode, Bob Graham, Tom Holland, I Colville Place, Charlotte Street, Edition Brusberg
summer. Eduardo Paolozzi, Ed Ruscha, Ludwig London WIP ION (Tel. 01-472 1466). 3000 Hannover, Uhlemeyerstrasse 21
Gallery showing limited editions
Alecto International Ltd Sander, Peter Stround, William Tillyer. produced by Curwen Studio. The (Tel. 0511 26623). Publisher and
14 West Central Street, London WC IA Betty Gold publishing programme includes two
1JH (Tel. 01-24o 1594). Publishers of 723i North La Cienega, Los Angeles, major groups of work a year. Edition Domberger
multiples and graphics by Procktor, California 90069 (Tel. 213 657 1705). 7026 Bonlanden bei Stuttgart (Tel.
Loker, Jaray. Forthcoming prints by Gallery selling selected prints and 0711771077). In America, Prints on
John Eaves, Derrick Greaves, Martin drawings by Beuys, Dine, De Kooning, David Tunick Inc. Prince St., 99 Prince Street, New York,
Fuller. Rot, Bruce Nauman, Sol LeWitt. 411 West End Avenue, New York, N.Y. 100n. Publishers of graphics.
Alexander E. Racolin Betty Parsons N.Y. 10024 (Tel. 212 799 5228). Gallery Edition Empreinte
specializing in old master prints,
11 West 42 Street, New York, N.Y. 24 West 57 Street, New York, N.Y. business by appointment only. 157 Boulevard Saint Germain, Paris 6
10036 (Tel. Longacre 5 2955). Publisher 10019. Prints by Liberman, Sterne, (Tel. 548 0014). Lithographs and
of limited editions with original Steinberg, Lancaster, etc. Gallery Denise Rene/Hans original etchings by Antonini,
graphics. Recent publications include Mayer Assadour, Ado, Ballif, Bayrle, Cesar,
Opal Gospel by Rauschenberg, a book Boadicea Walker etc. London agent Mirelle
consisting of ten transparent acrylic 19 Beauchamp Place, London SW3 D 4000 Düsseldorf, Grabbeplatz 2 (Tel. Fine Art, 53 South Molton Street,
panels, standing in an acrylic base, (Tel. 01-584 2682). Contemporary 0211 17272). Graphics by Le Parc, London W1 (Tel. 01-629 5685).
signed and numbered. Also editions by British graphics. Anthony Gross, Vasarely, Gerstner, etc. Editions Essellier
Warhol, Manzu, Siquieros, Jack Zajac. Elizabeth Frink, Grubb, Greenwood, Denise René Rive Gauche 27 rue Mayet, Paris 75006 (Tel 734
Andre Emmerich Gallery Lumsden, Leeson, Millington, 196 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris 7 4323). Graphics by Niki de:Saint-
Thornton, Searle and Procktor.
420 West Broadway, New York, N.Y. (Tel. 222 77 57). Lithographs by Phalle and Jean Tinguely.
10012 (Tel. 212 431 4550). Publishers Bogart Gallery artists such as Soto, Le Parc, Again, Editions Graphiques Gallery
and dealers. 93! Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. Claisse, Cruz Die; Demarco, etc.
10021 (Tel. 8614029). Gallery dealing Dickerson and Jones 3 Clifford Street, London W1 (Tel.
Andrew Dickerson in graphics, watercolours, oils. 734 3944). The gallery has a
52 St. Mary's Mansions, St. Mary's 178 - 180 Essex Road, Islington, permanent stock of over 2000 original
Terrace, London W2 1SH. View by Galerie Bosquet London N1 (Tel. 01-359 0579). Gallery graphics dating from 1880 to the
appointment only. Private dealers in 44 Avenue Bosquet, Paris 7 dealing in original etchings, lithographs present, with a collection of Art
original graphics by Jim Dine, Peter (Tel. 551 55 86). Gallery dealing in and screenprints, by David Hockney, Nouveau and Art Deco artists. Recent
Blake, David Hockney, Jeffery graphics, including The Twelve Tribes Jim Dine, Peter Blake, Warwick exhibitions have included Nigel
Edwards, Ivor Abrahams, Patrick of Israel by Salvador Dali, recently Moreton, Jeffery Edwards, Ivor Lambourne, Frank Martin, Francis
Caulfield, Richard Hamilton, James published by Transworld Art. Abrahams, etc. Framing service. Kelly, Hans Bellmer, Felicien Rops,
Rosenquist, Warwick Moreton, Dieter Brooke Alexander:Inc. DM Gallery Helleu Steinlen, Van Dongen, Vertes
Rot, William Tillyer, Patrick Procktor, 72 Fulham Road, London SW3 6HH and Foujita. The gallery also publishes
Andy Warhol, Eduardo Paolozzi, Allen 328 East 78 Street, New York, N.Y. (Tel. 01-589 7981). Gallery with a about a dozen new graphics every year.
Jones, Claes Oldenburg, Jules Olitski, (Tel. 212 988 2056). Publishers of changing stock of prints, graphics, Editionen der Galerie
Norman Stevens, etc. Prices £25-1000. graphics. multiples. It specializes in the Realist
Recent publications include The movements and holds varying monthly Heiner Friedrich München
Morning After 1973, by Jeffery exhibitions. June exhibition: prints by 8 München 22, Maximilianstrasse 15
Edwards, original screenprint in 16 C & D Editions Jim Dine. (Tel. 29 50 21). Publisher of graphics.
colours, in an edition of 85 with 15 939 Madison Avenue, New York, Recent editions are: portfolio with
artist's proofs, £40; A Narrow Escape N.Y. 10021. Publishers and Galerie Dorothea Leonhart seven etchings on china Eine Woche
1973, by Jeffery Edwards, original distributors of prints. New serigraphs 8 München 22, Maximilianstrasse 10, by George Baselitz, edition 52,
screenprint in 16 colours, in an edition by Adja Yunkers, new kinetic multiple Germany. Publisher and dealer in DM 1.200 ; offset litho Train Robbery
of 85 with 15 artist's proofs, £45. by Pol Bury. graphics. Graphics by Jasper Johns, 1972, by Marcel Br00dthaers, edition