Page 42 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 42
a performer, seated in front of a camera, No sound. Single take. No editing.
should, by placing strips of cellulose B/W.
over the lens of the camera, progressively
obliterate his image, until the camera
records no image at all.
Technical instructions: camera, tripod
mounted, should be positioned about
2 feet from the performer, so that only
his head is in frame. Roll camera as the
performer commences to tape out his
image. Cease filming as the performer's
image is totally obliterated.
stare at strong light without blinking.
Technical instructions: tripod mounted
camera positioned in front of
performer's face. A strong light should
be projected from behind camera on to
performer's face. Begin filming as the
performer stares at the light. Cease
filming as soon as he blinks.
No sound. Single take. No editing.
two performers, working to instructions by the cameraman. Filming should
from the cameraman, tape a square on cease as the square is constructed.
to a white wall, in accordance with the Optical sound. Single take. No editing.
periphery of vision of the camera. B/W.
Technical instructions: Tripod mounted
camera positioned in front of a white
wall. Roll camera as the two performers
enter frame and begin aligning black
masking tapes with the periphery of
vision of the camera. The performers
should place tapes on the wall in
accordance with the instructions given
two performers, working to instructions Technical instructions: The camera
from the cameraman, align a tape, should be tripod mounted and
running diagonally down the wall, from positioned in front of the wall, so that
the top left-hand corner of the camera of the frame is filled with wall while
frame with a point out from the wall the remaining is filled with floor. As
and on the floor which corresponds the performers enter frame, roll camera.
with the lower, right-hand corner of the Filming should cease as the performers
camera frame. Having laid down this establish the diagonal and leave frame.
tape, the performers, working with Optical sound. Single take. No editing.
instructions from the cameraman, B/W.
manipulate the angle of this tape to wall
and floor, to make a diagonal tape line
stretching across the frame.
burn some hair from your body in a
closed room.
Technical instructions: using a hand-held
camera, roll film as the performer's hair
is cut. Filming should continue without
interruption as the hair is swept into a
heap and set alight. Cease filming as all
hair is burnt.
No sound. Single take. No editing
(ideally). B/W.
using a video camera, the performer's in profile, are recorded by the camera.
face should be recorded and played Roll film, as the performer begins
back simultaneously on the video applying tape to the monitor. Cease
monitor. As the video monitor records filming when the eyes of the face on
the image the performer should screen are obliterated.
endeavour to erase the eyes of the image No sound. Single take. No editing.
by applying successive layers of B/W.
cellulose tape to the monitor.
Technical instructions: The movie
camera, tripod mounted, should be
positioned in such a way that both the
screen of the monitor, and the performer