Page 52 - Studio International - June 1973
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100, DM I50; also graphics by Don Galleria Grafika Tokio Jacobson Kinsman including works by Braque, Chagall,
Judd, Fred Sandback, W. Knoebel, Watanabe Building, 2 - 2 Yurakucho, 29 Maddox Street, London WIR 9LD Picasso and many young
A. R. Penck, Sol Le Witt, Dan Flavin. printmakers.
Chiyoda, Tokyo (Tel. 03 573 773 1). (Tel. 01-499 9849). Contemporary
Editions Press Contemporary international graphics. British and American prints and books. Lunn Gallery/Graphics
621 Minna Street, San Francisco Limited editions of Japanese artists. John Berggruen Gallery International Ltd.
Illustrated catalogue on request.
California, 94103 (Tel. 415 626 1846). 228 Grant Avenue, 3rd floor, San 3243 P Street, N.W. Washington,
Have recently published a Mexican Graphics Editions Francisco, California, 94108 (Tel. D.C. 20007, USA. Dealers in
Masters Suite which included two 2312 Divisader Street, San Francisco, 415 781 4629). Publishers of graphics nineteenth-and twentieth-century
prints each by David Alfaro Siqueiros, California (Tel. 415 346 4849). by Frankenthaler, Wunderlich, Tom prints and drawings by European and
Rufino Tamayo, Jose Luis Cuevas and Publishers and distributors of Holland, Robert Bechtle. Dealers in American artists. They have recently
Francisco Zuniga. The press is also contemporary original prints. prints by Albers, Dine, Motherwell, published a portfolio of eight prints
working on a suite by the American Stella, Warhol, etc. Forthcoming print titled The Seven Deadly Sins, by
Indian artist Fritz Scholder and The Graphics Gallery exhibitions by Ruscha and Bechtle. Masuo Ikeda.
completing works by Morris Broderson. Embarcadero Centre, (Battery and
Clay Street), San Francisco,
Galerie Edition R California 941,, (Tel. 415 989 7676). Knoedler& Co. Inc.
Johanna Ricard, 85 Nurnberg, Large collection of contemporary 21 East loth Street, New York, N.Y. Galerie Maeght
Bismarckstrasse 4o. Publisher of graphics. 10021 (Tel. 628 0400). Also at 34 St 13 rue de Teheran, Paris 8
graphics. (Tel. 522 1319). Gallery dealing in
Graphik-Salon James's Street, London WI. Dealer in graphics.
Edizioni Danese Gerhart Sohn, 4000 Düsseldorf, graphics.
Piazza San Fedele 2, 20121 Milano Poststr. 24 (Tel. 32 66 62). Dealer in Margo Leavin Gallery
(Tel. 866 296). Publishers of graphics classic and contemporary twentieth 812 N. Robertson Boulevard, Los
and multiples. century graphics. La Nouvelle Gravure Angeles 90069. Dealers in graphics by
42 rue de Seine, Paris 6 (Tel. 633 0192)
Marcel Duchamp, Ed Ruscha, Jim
Edizioni del Deposito Galerie Grondahl engravings and prints by such artists Dine, Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist,
corso Porta Vigentina, 20122 Milano Ronneborg, 5 Bogebakken, DK-3000, as Ballis, Louttr, Lazard, Smiechovska, Claes Oldenburg, Cy Twombly, etc.
(Tel. 541 391). Publishers of multiples Helsingor, Denmark (Tel. Helsingor Deberdt, Fossier, Amino, Cave. Also handle suites and portfolios from
and prints. 03-21 86 08). Gallery dealing in Universal Limited Art Editions and
graphics by Dewasne, Dine, Hartung, Landfall Press Inc. Gemini G.E.L.
Edizioni 0 Krushenick, Lindner, Lohse, Matta, 63 West Ontario Street, Chicago,
20121 Milano, via della Spiga 46 (Tel. Vasarely, Warhol, Wunderlich, etc. Illinois 60610 (Tel. 312 787 6836). Marlborough Graphics Ltd
70 17 00). Publishers of graphics and Publisher and printer. Have recently 17 - 18 Old Bond Street, London
multiples. published and printed four new WIX 4PH (Tel. 01-629 516i).
Hamburger Kunsthalle lithographs by David Ligare, four new Publishers of both single editions and
2 Hamburg 1, Glockengiesserwall. lithographs by William T. Wiley, one multiples by leading contemporary
Publishers of graphics. io-colour lithograph by Claes artists, including D'Arcangelo,
Fischer Fine Art Ltd Oldenburg and two new lithographs by Gottlieb, Jones, Katz, Kitaj,
3o King Street, St. James, London SW1 Harcus-Krakow Gallery Robert Cottingham. Kokoschka, Motherwell, Nolan,
(Tel. 01-839 3942). Graphics by Alex 167 Newbury Street, Boston, Limited Editions Gallery Pasmore, Piper, Soto, Stamos,
Colville, Henry Moore, Arthur Boyd, Massachusetts 02116. Gallery dealing Winner, etc.
The Zebra Group, Ceri Richards, in graphics by Albers, Arakawa, Dine, 9 Annesley Road, Hucknall,
Karl Korab, Christo, etc. Feininger, Nevelson, Olitski, Nottingham NGI5 7AD (Tel. Hucknall M'Arte
Pearlstein, Ruscha, Warhol, etc. 4329). A new firm producing graphics Via Gustavo Fara 4, 20124 Milano
in limited editions, with the aim of (Tel. 02 66 97 26). Prints by well known
HKL Ltd. publishing new young artists as well as Italian and international artists.
Ganymed Original Editions Ltd 167 Newbury Street, Boston, those who are already established
II Great Turnstile, London WCi Massachusetts 02116. Publishers of internationally. It is not intended to Mason Fine Prints
(Tel. 01-493 9836/7). Publishers of graphics by Anuszkiewicz, Gene Davis, produce large editions but to keep Quaker Ridge Drive, Glen Head, New
artists' graphic work in signed, limited Goodnough, LeWitt, Zox, Bannard, edition sizes small and carefully York, N.Y. 11545 (Tel. 516 6814284).
editions. Also dealers in 18th, 19th and Williams, Shields, Welliver, etc. documented. The first portfolio will Dealers in graphics up to 1945.
loth century engravings, etchings and Hundertmark comprise the following prints : Catalogue available on request.
lithographs. Peacocks by Michael Rothenstein, Galerie Mikro
Berlin 42, Kolonie Kleeblatt, edition 75, £41; Portrait by Ian
Galerie Gerald Cramer Blumenweg 12. Publisher of graphics Colverson, edition 100, £31; Autumn Mike Cullen, i Berlin 12,
13 rue de Chantepoulet, 1201 Geneva. by Mario Merz, Fritz Schwegler, Form by Ken Longcake, edition 160, Carmerstrasse i (Tel. 0311 312 5865).
Publisher of editions by Kitaj, Rot,
(Tel. 022 32 54 32). Publishers of A. Rainer, Stefan Wewerka, Anatol £31; Dancers by Tom Evans, edition Wewerka, etc.
graphics including a recent portfolio Herzfeld. 200, £21; Victorian Suite by Colin
by Jim Dine. Hundred Acres Gallery Ruffell, edition 200, £18; Lifelines by Mitch Morse Graphics Inc.
Gorner and Millard 456 West Broadway, New York, Pat Owen, edition 200, £18. The prints 964 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y.
will be on display at the Belgravia Art
10022 (Tel. 212 593 1812). Publishers
6o Kenway Road, London SW5 ORA N.Y. 10012 (Tel. 212 533 225o). Gallery, 6 William Street, and distributors of graphics by
(Tel. 01-373 6321). Publishers of Gallery dealing in graphics. Knightsbridge, London SW1 for two Leonardo Nierman from Mexico, and
graphics. Recent issues include a set of months from io June. Mary Vickers from England.
eight screen prints The Transatlantic
Quartet by Anthony Benjamin, Idea Graphics London Arts Incorporated Modern Prints
edition 95; Reflections on Wordsworth 18 Endell Street, London WC2H 9DB 22 New Bond Street, London WIY 15 West Kensington Mansions, North
by Donald Wilkinson, edition 75; a set (Tel. 01-836 0911). Importers of 9HF (Tel. o1493 0646). Publishers of End Road, London W14 9PE (Tel.
of eight new etchings by Michael graphics especially New American original graphics by Appel, Alechinsky, 01-385 4797). Recently published Long
Oelman titled The Journeys of Icarus; Realists including Radical Realism Fletcher Benton, Bill, Brusca, Castel, Barrow I and II by Alan Cox. The
a set of five screen prints, The Alpine and Ten Documenta Realists portfolios - Chagall, Challenger, Ernst, Lenk, gallery specializes mainly in prints
Suite by Leon Piesowocki; two new works by Estes, Salt, Cottingham, Quinte, Vasarely, etc. under £60, with work by Ackroyd,
sets by Chris Orr Chris Orr's John Eddy, Bechtle, Goings, Morley, etc. Lords Denny, Millington, Nieland, Norman
Ruskin and Theatre Set, both in Ikon Gallery Stevens, Winner etc; they also handle
editions of 75. New editions from 45 West Court, Birmingham Shopping 26 Wellington Road, London NW8 9SP prints by the American hyper-realists,
David Freed, Alan Lumsden and Centre, Birmingham B2 4XJ. Gallery (Tel. 01-722 4444). Specialist dealers in West Coast artists, Bellmer, Hockney
Norman Ackroyd to be published in dealing in graphics. rare old posters of the period and Kitaj. View by appointment only.
the summer. 1890 -1968.
I.M. Imprimit Lucy Milton Gallery Motif Editions
Grafik 72a Fellows Road, London NW3 58 Frith Street, London Wi (Tel.
t25 Notting Hill Gate, London Wit
28 Thornhill Road, London NI (Tel. (Tel: 01-722 5329). Workshop for (Tel. 01-229 33,1). Gallery dealing in 01-734 0484). Publishers of
01-609 0316). Work printed recently woodcuts and relief prints. Printer and graphics by Jeff Steele, Douglas Allsop, contemporary prints.
includes two 6-colour lithographs by publisher of original prints by Ian Mike North, Michael Challinor, Brian Multicenter Grafica
Alan Cox, edition 4o, Long Barrow Mortimer. Editions printed at the Rice, Catherine Armitage, Odette Via Verri 1, Milano (Tel. 799 767).
& 2, published by Modern Prints, workshop include a lino-cut by Philip Cote, Susan Gollifer, etc. Exclusive dealer for graphics by
London. Also a 4-colour lithograph by Sutton, a series of colour woodcuts by Gemini, Los Angeles.
John Peart, edition 100. Work in. Lewin Bassingthwaite for the Lumley Cazalet Ltd
progress includes lithographs by Ivor Piccadilly Gallery and a six-colour 24 Davies Street, London WIY iLH Multiples Inc.
Abrahams, Alan Cox and David lino-cut by Paul Huxley for the Mark (Tel. 01-499 5058). Specialists in 927 Madison Avenue, New York,
Humphreys. Rothko Memorial Trust Portfolio. twentieth-century original prints 10021 (212 249 3250).