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Recent editions: Reality and   American, European and Israeli   also issues a series of prints by members,  work by Kim Lim, Bill Turnbull and
         Paradoxes by Arakawa, Fahlstrom,   artists. Also publish limited folio   two of which are available each year for   Julian Trevelyan for the Waddington
         Johns, Oldenburg, Rauschenberg,   editions and catalogues of work by   a subscription of £8.5o.   Galleries; three plates for Avigdor Arika
         Rosenquist, Ruscha; Horse      outstanding graphic artists : Reuven   Printmakers Workshop Ltd   to be included in a book 'The North'
         Blinders by James Rosenquist;   Rubin, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Robert                         with text by Samuel Beckett published
         Mao Tse-Tung by Andy Warhol; other   Beauchamp etc.            46 Victoria Street, Edinburgh EH1   by The Enitharmon Press; a frontispiece
         new editions by Tom Wesselmann, Joe   Peter Plone Associates   2JW (Tel. 031 225 1098). Provides   soft-ground etching with Michael
         Goode, James Rosenquist, Dennis                                facilities in lithography and etching.   Ayrton for a special edition of a
         Oppenheim and Dan Flavin.      1108 Tamarind Avenue, Los Angeles,   Represents contemporary Scottish   Wyndham Lewis novel to be published
                                        California 90038 (Tel. 213 465 7059).   printmakers through exhibitions at the   by Secker and Warburg; editions for
         Multitude                      Gallery dealing in graphics and   Workshop and through its annual   artists including Richard Beer, Valerie
         Rue de Luynes, Paris 75007 (Tel. 548   tapestries. All work shown by   travelling exhibition 'Original Print'.   Daniel, Valerie Thornton (for Christie's
         5217). Pop and American hyper-  appointment only.              Printshop                      print offer), Walter Hoyle, Anthony
         realists. Abrahams, Peter Blake, Donato,                                                      Gross (for The Observer) Catherine
         Hofkunst, Loring, Oldenburg, Titus-  Petersburg Press Inc.     Prinsengracht 845, Amsterdam   Grubb and Karen Usborne. In June
         Carmel, Tillyer, Stanley.      18 East 81 Street, New York, N.Y.   (Tel. 020 251 656). A centre where Piet   the Gallery is holding an exhibition of
                                        10028. Agents for Petersburg Press Ltd,   Clement and his printers have been   the new book by Birgit Skiöld 'Zen
         Nabis Fine Arts Inc.           London, publishers of original graphics   producing prints and portfolios from   Gardens', with previously unpublished
                                                                        Dutch and foreign artists for fifteen
         276 Park Avenue South, New York,   by Caulfield, Gene Davis, Dine,   years. The studio is equipped for   poems by James Kirkup and seven
         N.Y. 10010 (Tel. 212 673 2700). A large   Hamilton, Hockney, Oldenburg,   lithographs, etchings, woodcuts and   photo etchings by the artist.
                                        Rosenquist, Rot, Stella, Tobey.
         publisher of original graphic art.                             screenprints. The printshop has two
         New York Graphic Society Ltd.   Petersburg Press Ltd           floors with exhibition space. Prints and   Tamarind Institute
         140 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich,   59a Portobello Road, London Wit   portfolios from Cassee, Constant,   108 Cornell SE, Albuquerque N.M.
         Connecticut o6830. Publisher of   3DB (Tel. 01-229 8791). Recent   Corneille, Diederen, Flor, Henneman,   87131. Professional centre for
         fine-art reproductions. Also deal in   publications include: Some poems of   Lucebert, Montyn, Postma, Raveel.   training, study and research as well as
         original graphic works, selling to the   Jules Laforgue with illustrations by                 production of original lithographs.
         trade only.                    Patrick Caulfield; Five Paintbrushes and   Rene Block
                                        Bolt Cutters by Jim Dine; By the Waters
         Nigel Greenwood Inc. Ltd.      of Miers and Equisse by Richard   D 1000 Berlin 15, Schaperstrasse 11   Van Hulsen Amsterdam
         41 Sloane Gardens, London SW1   Hamilton; five original lithographs by   (Tel. 211 31 45). Gallery dealing in   Keizersgracht 495, Amsterdam (Tel.
                                                                        graphics published by Edition René
         (01-730 8824). Gallery dealing in   Mark Tobey. Further new editions by                       020 22 94  10). New graphics by
         graphics by Hamilton, Hockney,   Gene Davis, Hockney, Rosenquist   Block. Recent publications include work   Bleeker, Canis, Hamel, etc.
                                                                        by Brehmer, Hödicke, Polke, Lueg,
         Jacklin, LeWitt, Agnes Martin, Keith   and Stella will be on exhibition at the
         Milow, Ruscha, John Walker etc. Also   Basle Art Fair.         Richter, Vostell, Beuys.
         specialize in books, catalogues, records -                     Rowan Gallery Limited          Waddington Galleries
         a list of publications is available.   Galerie Poll Berlin     31a Bruton Place, London WIX. 7AB   1456 Sherbrooke West, Montreal,
                                        Kurfürstendamm 185,t Berlin 15   (Tel. 01-493 3727). Gallery dealing in   Canada (Tel. 514 844 5455). Dealers in
                                        (Charlottenburg) (Tel. 0311 883 66 44).   graphics by Michael Craig-Martin, John  graphics showing modern English and
         Oxford Gallery                 Distributors of prints published by   Edwards, Garth Evans, Barry Flanagan,  Canadian prints: Blake, Caulfield,
         23 High Street, Oxford, OX, 4AH   Poll-Editionen: Ackerman, Albert,   Paul Huxley, Mark Lancaster, Jeremy   Hoyland, Scott, Bush etc.
         (Tel. 42731). Wide range of new   Caniaris, Hoffmann, Loewe, Petrick,   Moon, Bridget Riley.   Walter Engel
         editioned graphics from European,   Rainer, Staeck, Waller etc.   Royal Society of            2100 Bathurst Street, Suite 113,
         American and Japanese sources.   Pollock Gallery Ltd
         Specialized exhibitions will include   356 Dundas Street West, Toronto,   Painter-Etchers and Engravers   Toronto, M5N 2P2 (Tel. 416 781
         `Prints political and pastoral' selected   Canada (Tel. 416 366 8861). The   26 Conduit Street, London WIR 9TA.   o968). Specialists in European, Latin
         by Edward Lucie-Smith and work by   largest international graphics and   An exhibition of contemporary prints is   American, some American graphics.
         Christopher Penny, Dennis Hawkins,   multiples collection in Canada, and   held annually in March. The Print   Warwick Gallery
         and currently Harvey Daniels and other   exclusive Canadian agents for many of   Collectors' Club holds lectures and   14 Smith Street, Warwick (Tel. 0926
         Brighton printmakers.                                          presents an original print annually to   4588o). The gallery specializes in
                                        the major publishing houses, including   members.
                                        Pace Editions, Editions Denise René                            contemporary prints by British artists
                                        and The Petersburg Press (Ontario                              and also American artists, members of
         Pace Editions Inc.             agent). British representation includes   Galerie Seder        the Printmakers Council, the Midland
         115 East 23 Street, New York N.Y.   Hamilton, Denny, Hockney, Tucker,   25 Rue des Saints Peres, Paris 6 (Tel.   Printmakers, the Printmaking
         10010 (Tel. 212 673 8240). Publisher of   Paolozzi, etc. The gallery recently   548 7611). Original graphics by   Workshop NYC. Some of the artists are
         limited edition prints, multiples, and   published a 3o x 3o in. Homage to the   Picasso, Chagall, Miró, Marie   James Allen, Norman Ackroyd, Janet
         posters by Larry Bell, Jean Dubuffet,   Square IS-JP, on the occasion of an   Laurencin, Foujita, Rauschenberg,   Brooke, Lizzie Cox, Sue Gollifer.
         Robert Natkin, Louise Nevelson, Lucas   Albers painting exhibition in the new   Sempe, Hockney, Dine, Estes etc.   William Weston Gallery Ltd.
         Samaras, George Segal, Ernest Trova,   gallery premises.
         Jack Youngerman. Also at 32 East 57                            Galerie Semiha Huber           38 Albemarle Street, London W1X 3FB
         Street, New York, N.Y. 10022. Dealers   Print Workshop         Talstrasse 18, 8001 Zurich (Tel. 23 33   (Tel. 01-493 0722). Specialist dealers in
         in limited edition prints, multiples,   28 Charlotte Street, London WI (Tel.   03). Gallery dealing in graphics by   etchings and lithographs from 1800 -
         posters and tapestries by Jim Dine,   01-636 9787). Birgit Skiöld's continuing  Agam, Arman, Cesar, Christo, Rotella,   1960. Regular monthly illustrated and
         Max Ernst, Indiana, Ellsworth Kelly,   connections with Japan are evident not   A. Pomodoro, Soto Yvaral, Vasarely.   priced catalogues on subscription. Also
         Mondrian, Carol Summers, etc.   only in her current printing of her new   Seymour Graphics    publishers of editions by Norman
                                                                                                       Stevens, Ray Fawcett etc.
         Parasol Press Ltd.             b00k 'Zen Gardens' (which will also   290 West 4 Street, New York, N.Y.
                                        have a Japanese edition, with the poems                        Galerie Wolfgang Ketterer
         126 E 79 Street, New York, N.Y. 10021.   by James Kirkup translated by Sato   10014. Publishers of silkscreen prints by
         Publishers of portfolios of prints by   Kenji) but in the visit of the well known   Catryna Ten Eyck, Tryntje Van Ness   8 München 8o, Prinzregentenstrasse 6o,
         American artists: Agnes Martin, Brice   young Japanese printmaker Katsura   and Gabriel North.   (Villa Stuck) (Tel. 0811 47 20 83).
         Marden, Chuck Close, Richard Estes,   Yoshida who is working on a new   Shorewood Atelier Inc.   Have recently published two portfolios
                                                                                                       of graphics : Europaeische Graphik vii by
         Dorothea Rockburne, Robert Ryman.   series of photo-etchings. From the USA   115 Bank Street, New York, N.Y. 10014  9 English artists, and Europaeische
         Park Square Gallery            Sydney Horowitz, Head of the Fine   (Tel. 212 242 4643). Original signed   Graphik viii by Italian artists.
         57 St Paul's Street, Leeds LSI 2TE   Art Department at Boston University,   graphics in limited editions produced at   World Fine Art Graphics
         (Tel. 26421). Dealers in lithographs,   is on a sabbatical and from England   the Atelier in New York. Lindner, Katz,
         prints and etchings from Waddington,   Patrick Hughes has been making his   Morley, Tobiasse, etc. Gallery at to   19 Beauchamp Place, London SW3.
         Curwen, Print Workshop and many   first two etchings, to be editioned in the   East 53 Street, 26th Floor.   Publishers of original graphics by
         individual print-makers, including   Workshop and Lizzie Cox is printing a   Studio La Cita   international artists.
         Japanese, permanently. Print exhibitions   new series of offset-lithographs.
         arranged frequently.           Printmakers Council             Galleria d'arte, Verona, Vicolo   Xart Collection
                                                                        Samaritana io (Tel. 25728). Gallery
         Paul Bianchini                 Ely House, 37 Dover Street, London   dealing in mainly English graphics.   Seefeldstrasse 295, CH 8008 Zurich
         14 East 77th Street, New York, N.Y.   WI. The Council has an arrangement                      (Tel. CI 53 99 85). Publishers of
         (Tel. 535 0887). Publishers of original   with the Oxford University Press to   Studio Prints   multiples and prints.
         graphics.                      hold members' work and a series of   159 Queen's Crescent, London NW5
                                        members' exhibitions at their premises   (Tel. 01-485 4527). Publisher, press and
         Penn Atelier Graphics          at Ely House. Exhibitions of prints by   gallery dealing in graphics. The   Zeitlin and Ver Brugge
         221 Park Avenue South, New York,   foreign printmakers are being held, the   workshop editions etchings for artists   815 n. La Cienega Boulevard, Los
         N Y. 10003 (Tel. 212 533 7500).   first of which is by seven Japanese   and has three presses (maximum size   Angeles, California (Tel. 213 655 7581).
         Publishers of prints by contemporary    artists in May-June 1973. The PMC    4o x 3o in.). Editions this year include    Dealers in old and modern prints .

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