Page 57 - Studio International - June 1973
P. 57

         News and notes                            He reached a new level of originality and   Photography grants 1973-74. The Arts
                                                   assurance in this medium while working    Council is offering grants for projects in
                                                   alongside Appel, Baj, Constant and Matta at   photography. Individual photographers, groups
                                                   Albisola-Mare in Italy in 1954-5. His greatest   of photographers, museums, galleries,
                                                   single achievement is the giant ceramic wall,   universities, public institutions and non-profit
                                                   measuring 10 x 88 ft, commissioned for a new   distributing organizations may apply. For
                                                   grammar school in Aarhus in 1959.         further information write Barry Lane ,
                                                     In 1953 Jorn made the crucial decision to   Exhibition Organizer, Arts Council of Great
                                                   leave Denmark to seek his luck abroad. If one   Britain, 105 Piccadilly, London WI.
                                                   looks for a precise turning point in his career and
                                                   reputation, this occurred in 1958, when Lettre   'Artists from Four Continents', at Swiss
                                                   a mon fils (possibly his finest painting up to that   Cottage Library from 3o June to 26 July, will
                                                   time) was shown alongside Willem          emphasize the cosmopolitan nature of London
                                                   de Kooning's pictures in 50 ans d'art moderne at   in a local and friendly setting. The opening will
                                                   the Expo in Brussels. From now on he was   include an African band and street fairs on the
                                                   recognized as a leading artist in Europe.   green outside the library.
                                                     Jorn was also a writer, with a prodigious
                                                   output on a variety of subjects. His most   Peter Lasko is to be the new director of the
                                                   brilliant book came out in 1968 under the title   Courtauld Institute, the University of
                                                   La langue verte et la cuite. The text, which he   London . . . Sir John Pope-Hennessy is to be
                                                   wrote together with Noel Arnaud, satirizes the   the next Director of the British Museum. The
                                                   famous French anthropologist Claude       appointment leaves vacant the Directorship of
                                                   Levi-Strauss, who uses gastronomic metaphors   the Victoria and Albert Museum . . . Michael
                                                   for his structural analysis. At the time of his   Sullivan of Stanford University is to be the
                                                   death Jorn had almost completed a two-volume   new Slade Professor of Fine Art at Oxford
                                                   study of Theodoric the Great.             University.
                                                    Jorn died in Denmark, after four months of
                                                  illness, at the beginning of May this year. At the   Museum charges contd:
                                                   age of fifty-nine he had achieved a life work   Mr Spearing asked the Secretary of State for
                                                  difficult to match in modern times. q      Education and Science if she has any plans to
                                                  GUY ATKINS                                 ask the Trustees of the Tate Gallery to impose
                                                                                             charges for admission during phase 3 of the
                                                  Five Women Artists — Anne Berg, Elizabeth   Government's counter-inflation policy.
                                                  Moore, Monica Sjoo, Roslyn Smythe, Beverly   Mr St John-Stevas: My noble friend the
                                                  Skinner — who recently gave a group exhibition   Paymaster-General is not yet in a position to
                                                  at Swiss Cottage Library, have called a general   make an announcement on this subject.
                                                  meeting of women in the arts, with a view to   (Written answers, House of Commons, May 9).
        Asger Jorn. Photo: Svend Thomsen
                                                  organizing to combat discrimination against   The PMG's secretary reports the same.
                                                  women in male-dominated art institutions. The
        Asger Jorn was born in Denmark in 1914. He   meeting will be held at Large Hall, St Peter's   'How to Play the Environment Game', on
        belongs to what is obviously by far the most   Church, Belsize Square, London NW3, at   view at the Hayward Gallery until 24 June, has
        talented generation of artists that Denmark has   7.30 pm on I July.                 been threatened with libel actions by firms
        ever produced: including Heerup, Carl-                                               cited. The show will tour Britain for the next
        Henning Pedersen, Richard Mortensen and   Recent acquisitions by the Tate, not yet on   year, beginning in September at the Ikon
        Robert Jacobsen. In 1948 Jorn became a leading   public view, include works by Joseph Beuys,   Gallery in Birmingham.
        figure in the COBRA movement, which was   Jan Dibbets, Barry Flanagan, Dan Graham,
        made up of Danish, Dutch and Belgian artists,   John Hilliard, Donald Judd, Bruce McLean,   Fluxshoe, a travelling show of experimental
        who held joint exhibitions in Belgium and   Klaus Rinke, Dick Serra and David Tremlett.   art, coordinated by David Mayor, is currently
        Holland, thereby challenging the monopoly of                                         touring Britain. It consists of two parts : a
        Paris as a centre for artistic theories and   Anyone in favour of the following should   standing exhibition, and performances and
        activities. Later Jorn and Guy Debord founded   write to their MP immediately asking   events. Marc Chaimowicz, Felipe Ehrenberg,
        the International Situationist movement, whose   him/her to support Early Day Motion   Ken Friedman and Per Kirkeby will participate
        anarchic slogans and graffiti appeared on the   no. 338.                             in Fluxshoe at the Midland Group Gallery in
        walls of Paris during the events of May 1968.   Fears for the Future of Art Education :   Nottingham, from 6 to 19 June. Fluxshoe will
        Jorn himself made some of the posters.     That this House urges Her Majesty's       then appear at the Blackburn Museum in
          Jorn's ceuvre has been varied and prolific. His   Government to take steps to allay present fears   Lancashire from 7 to 21 July.
        paintings, excluding collages and acrylics,   in art colleges about the future of art education;
        probably number about three thousand. A   is opposed to any implementation of the   Jesse Watkins has now completed the stainless
        selection of some of the best of his works is on   report of the Pooling Committee that would   steel mobile sculpture for the new Royal Free
        view in Brussels this month, in a large    result in a reduction in the numbers of   Hospital in Hampstead. The sculpture, costing
        retrospective at the Palais des Beaux Arts from   practising artists teaching part-time in art   £6,000, is being financed by the Board of the
        23 May to 24 June. Over one hundred paintings   colleges; believes that foundation courses are a   Hospital and the Arts Council of Great Britain.
        are to be seen there, together with graphics,   vital part of art education; and considers that   It was chosen from a selection of suitable pieces
        book illustrations, and a number of sculptures in   the move towards an insistence on two A-levels   including submissions from Norman Adams and
        bronze and marble which were made in Italy   as an entry requirement to art colleges stems   William Tucker.
        last year. In this exhibition there is only one   from a fundamental misunderstanding of what
        major gap: ceramics, in which Jorn excelled.    art is all about.
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