Page 56 - Studio International - June 1973
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    catalogue Braque: The Great Years which was   Finally, Sam Francis, Paintings 1947-1972, the   Vision
    published in 1972 in conjunction with the   catalogue of the exhibition which began its
    exhibition held at The Art Institute of Chicago   tour at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo,
    (c. £3.50). The 'Great Years' are purported to   in late 1972, is a large format paperback, 152
    be from 1918 onwards, the date of the earliest   pages long with nearly 150 illustrations including
    exhibit. The paintings are described at length   some splendid large colour plates and fold-outs
    and discussed in groups, for example,     ($13.95). The catalogue is well designed,   The Dutch Film Co-op resumes
     Guéridons, Mantelpieces, Studios. The text is   includes a selected bibliography, a list of   screenings following Barbara's baby
    mainly dry description, over-insistent about   exhibitions, and a chronology expanded most   As from January 1973, Barbara Meter is back in
    Braque's 'greatness', but enlivened by the   usefully with quotations pertinent to the period.   business arranging screenings at the Shaffy-
    artist's writing and statements. There are   There are three texts, one by Franz Meyer,   Theater, Keisersgracht 343, Amsterdam. For
    seventeen good colour plates and 89 other   another by Wieland Schmied reprinted from   information contact Barbara Meter direct at
    illustrations which include a few preparatory   the 1968 Basle catalogue, and the longest by   Goudsbloemstraat 3911 1, Amsterdam C,
    sketches for the paintings from Braque's   Robert T. Buck Jr. Histological parallels are   tel 229733.
    unpublished albums; there is also a biographical   made several times in the texts, certainly the   For much of 1970-71, the Electric Cinema
    chronology, and the catalogue is concluded with   paintings of 1951-55 fall readily into this   (Dutch Film Co-op) ran a weekly screening of
    a useful bibliography.                    category, but those of 1961-65 are also highly   international experimental films, during which
                                              reminiscent of animalcules.                most of the major works from America and
    The aptly titled  Joan Miró: Magnetic Fields,   CLIVE PHILLPOT                       Europe were shown, and in the case of the
    published in 1972 by the Solomon R.                                                  European films, these were often shown with
    Guggenheim Foundation at $7.50, contains fine                                        the film-maker present. When film-makers
    examples of scholarly but fresh and lucid texts                                     visited, Barbara Meter arranged a series of shows
    for an exhibition catalogue which will rank with                                     throughout Holland, which she is resuming.
    the most important sources of information                                              Interest in experimental/underground film in
    about the artist's work. The catalogue is well                                       Holland began around 1968. Simultaneously
    designed, has nearly 100 plates of which                                             there appeared the Dutch Film Co-op (largely
    fifteen are in colour, and the text is split into   Books                            held together by a young man with the unlikely
    three sections. The first section, 'Magnetic                                         name of Willum Fillum, and containing nothing
    Fields : The Structure', was written by   Picasso: in the Collection of the Museum of   memorable other than the early films of Frans
    Rosalind E. Krauss, the second, 'Magnetic   Modern Art by William Rubin. MOMA, New   Zwartjes), and also the first Electric Cinema in
    Fields : The Poetics', by Margit Rowell, and   York; Idea Books, London, Paris, Milan.   a large public cinema, run by American Lynn
    the third section, the catalogue, in which every   $15.00/£7.50.                     Tillman, and Dutchman Jos Schoffelen. Their
    work exhibited is discussed, sometimes at   Spanish Painting by John F. Moffitt. Studio   attempt to re-open in the large cinema in 1971,
    length, is the work of both writers. The theme   Vista/Dutton Pictureback. $2.75/9op.   as Fat City, flopped. Since then Jos Schoffelen
    of the exhibition was the comparison between   A doctor's death, save that of Dr Goebbels,   has mostly been working with Jack (John Henry)
    two phases of Miró's work in which colour   is not often funny. Still, I found it highly   Moore, the longest standing video freak in
    fields predominate : the first occurred in the   suggestive to read some time ago in one of the   Europe - expatriate American, deeply involved
    years 1925-1927, the second commenced in   local papers that Picasso's physician had gone   with the Drury Lane Arts Lab until it closed,
    196o. The importance of Miró's interest in   belly-up, just a fortnight after the Master's last   then moving with his video gear to Holland,
    poetry is emphasized, as well as his exposure to   act. Many, maybe most, of the master's best   where he has stayed. Their most recent work
    American painting after the war.          efforts have been collected in New York's   together included a film and video presentation
                                              Museum of Modern Art; and this book shows   at the Munich Olympics.
    That John Elderfield should refer both to   them to those of us too poor to travel. On the   Early in 1970 there was a fusion between the
    Mir() and 'abstract Surrealism' in Geometric   whole this book is a serious performance,   remnants of the Film Co-op and STOFF, an
    Abstraction: 1926-1942, the catalogue of the   including good notes throughout and a   organization begun by disaffected film students,
    exhibition held at Dallas Museum of Fine Arts   catalogue. Its elaborate illustration may help to   Mattijn Seip and Nico Paape, dedicated to the
    in 1972 ($10.35), is another indication ofthe   account for its frightful price.    re-building of Dutch film culture. Somewhat
    rediscovery of the importance of Miró between   The Dutton Pictureback, a well-illustrated   following the pattern of the London Co-op, it
    the wars, but this is to suggest a bias to the   history of Spanish painting, contains a brief   set out to build up an organization for screening,
    essay 'The Paris-New York Axis, Geometric   bibliography.                           distribution and the establishment of a workshop
    Abstract Painting in the Thirties' which it does                                    for film-making. Unlike the London Co-op,
    not possess. It is a thorough survey of this   Three Generations of Twentieth-Century Art:   which seems doomed to work forever unaided,
    somewhat neglected but important phase    The Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection of the   and in spite of the shortness of its history, it
    in the history of modern painting; there is also   Museum of Modern Art, foreword by Alfred H.   was able to raise considerable public financial
    a new attempt to place the works in the general   Barr, Jr., introduction by William Rubin.   support, and has established a printing
    historical context of the time. After reading the   MOMA New York; Idea Books, London, Paris,   workshop, as in London, which is largely
    first paragraph some parallels with the present   Milan. $22.50/£11.25.             organized by Nico Paape, Schoffelen, Seip
    situation also suggest themselves. Preceding   Really, this is just too much. The only copies   and Meter. They have been the mainstays of the
    this essay is a piece by Michel Seuphor   of this book are to be had at Cartier's, and the   organization, and together with American
    entitled 'To Set the Compass', which amounts   book does not really include anything new at   Tom Chomont, have between them produced
    to a series of footnotes to the history of the   all. 'Outstanding among them is Morris   the most interesting film work to come out of
    period; there are also 51 large black and   Hirshfield, whose paintings won praise from no   that situation.
    white plates, biographical notes on the 3o   less an authority than Mondrian; six of his   Willum Fillum left the Co-operative a couple
    artists represented, and a bibliography. The   pictures are included here.' The other sections   of years ago and now works with 'Fugitive
    catalogue is well laid out, is attractively   embrace the Second World War, this side and   Cinema' a more commercial organization there,
    designed, and uses a typeface which looks good,   the former, the fainter.  q       distributing short films. q
    but is not always as legible as it might be.    TIMOTHY CRAIG                       MALCOLM LE GRICE
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