Page 58 - Studio International - June 1973
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Music Now are still looking for money following becoming somewhat elitist, and thereby socially Italy
their survival appeal for £10,000 launched last alienated. Both artists find it stimulating as well English contemporary painting arouses a good
year. The success of the appeal has been very as curious that such a discernible climate for deal of interest in Italy today, an interest quite
encouraging largely due to the efforts of Alan change should be materializing almost different from the curiosity which greeted the
Power, but over £2,000 is still urgently required. simultaneously in various art centres work of Hamilton, Jones, Hockney and Philips
Accordingly Christie's are holding a final throughout the world. Factors emerging from a few years ago. In those days the artists'
auction of donated prints towards raising the this interest are to be presented on 16 mm film. reputations were made at the Venice Biennale
final sum needed, on 5 July. Kennedy has so far travelled for two months and they flourished in the cultural 'boom'. Now
Music Now has completed 5 years' work for in South America, presenting 16 mm films of the interest has its roots in, and is nurtured by,
new music, and presented 7o concerts. events by both artists, slides and sound-tapes certain Italian galleries, particularly Studio La
made in Australia, using this situation for Città in Verona. Milan no longer imposes its
Centre for the Study of Science in Art. meeting artists and generating discussion, in artistic values on the rest of the peninsula; on
Prospectus for courses 1973/74 Rio de Janeiro (Veste Sagrada and Museo de the contrary new trends can often be detected
Courses from i — 12 months will be starting at Arte Moderna); Buenos Aires (CAYC); first in provincial cities. Bernard Cohen had his
the beginning of this coming October. The Medellin, Colombia (Museo de Zea); and at the first one-man show in Verona in November
course structure will be flexible so as to meet the University of Panama. One night stands of their 1972, followed by a show at the Salone
personal needs of individual students. A limited work were also held at Douglass College, Annunciata, Milan, early this year, and later
number of students can be accepted and fees Rutgers Univ., New Jersey and at Fluxus he is to show in Rome. Similarly Patrick
will vary according to duration, cost of facilities headquarters, New York. Kennedy, now in Procktor, after his exhibition in Verona, showed
used (computer time etc.). Details of courses England where he is filming and video-taping at the Galleria del Cavellino in Venice, then at
will be sent to each applicant and it is activities of a number of English artists with the Galleria Galvani in Bologna and the
important that he/she state his/her similar concerns, plans to return to NYC, Approdo in Turin.
educational needs. The courses are designed Canada and the US west coast later this year. In April and May this year Studio La
particularly for students with a background of Mike Parr, who has been travelling in Europe, Città put on an exhibition titled 'I paint a
art, environmental or architectural studies. will be performing later this month at Galerie painting — England', with works by Bernard
No formal academic qualifications are required Impact in Lausanne an action which directly Cohen, Robyn Denny, Malcolm Hughes, John
and applicants should write to the Course involves the audience as potential victims of Hoyland, David Leverett and John Walker.
Director, Marcello Salvadori at the following aggressive acts by the artist. In these works, This exhibition is to go to the Approdo in
address: The Centre for the Study of Science Parr elaborates on some of the more Turin and thence to private and public
in Art, 31 Willoughby Road, London NW3. disquieting aspects of event or performance art. galleries in other Italian cities. The show is an
The courses will be theoretical except for It is through the film they are now making, indication of the sort of English painting that
some simulation model making. The aim is to intended for a non-specialized audience, that goes down well in Italy today with collectors
create a system of knowledge for the arts, Kennedy and Parr hope to define those areas of and public, not part of a highly publicized
avoiding the present systems of the Art and art activity which attempt to come to terms cultural fashion. La Città have an exhibition
Craft tradition. One of the most important with what might be considered to be art's titled 'The Image as Instrument of Reality',
aspects of introducing a different methodology present social functional dilemma. The film open until the end of June, with work by Boyd
of knowledge is that the disciplines and is to be used as a tool for initiating dialogue on and Evans, Hepher and Neiland, none of whom
methodologies borrowed from science and all social levels. As the making of the film is a has previously shown in Italy. In July there
technology should be assembled differently. long-term project (dependent on further is to be an exhibition of original designs
Information selected to understand and government grants for processing and editing) for Covent Garden opera and ballet productions.
isolate theoretical knowledge will be restructured work on the film will be carried out in the
Richard Hamilton, after his big show at the
to avoid confusion with the specialist training context of the implementation of another
Studio Marconi last winter, has a new series
of a scientist or technologist or to promote socially orientated programme. This will be the
of prints on exhibition at the Galleria dell'
technology and science in their present form. establishment, in Sydney, of an art archive-
Ariete, Milan. The Waddington Gallery has
This restructuring of theoretical knowledge will information centre where members of the public
had an exhibition of its prints at Il Segno in
be interdisciplinary to change current attitudes will be encouraged to participate in the
Rome, and Editions Alecto have been showing
to 'design' and the roles and media of the arts in importation of 'art' materials from other
their prints at the Galleria Chiocciola in Padua.
present and future society. countries.
In Milan there is a large but carefully
Kennedy and Parr Progressive acquisitioning at Swindon selected exhibition of work by Scanavino at the
One of the main activities being carried out Museum and Art Gallery over the last few Naviglio gallery; Arico had a show in April at
by Australian artists Peter Kennedy and Mike years has culminated in their recent purchase of the Vinciana gallery; Griffa has recently had a
Parr during 1973 is the making of a two major avant-garde works by British artists. show at the Ariete gallery (where there was also
documentary film centered on artists all over the One is by Richard Long: Two Walks 1972, his a stupendous series of Jim Dine prints); Verna
world concerned with a socially functional art first work in a public collection outside London has an exhibition at the Ariete gallery through
and, more especially, the possibilities of an (collections of Arts Council and Tate Gallery). June. The Milan scene is now enhanced by the
actual change in the function of art itself. The The other, Reclining Nude with Paper Poppies city shows at the Rotonda Besana, with work
two may not necessarily be unrelated — they're c. 1914, is a bold-coloured exotic fantasy by by artists like Peverelli, Minguzzi and others,
keeping an open mind. Parr and Kennedy for Vanessa Bell. The Long piece continues in the and recently there was a historical retrospective
the past two years were closely associated with tradition of Swindon's acquisition of major exhibition of work by Sironi at the old Royal
the artists' now defunct Sydney co-operative paintings by Hilton, Lancaster, Hodgkin, Cohen, Palace organized by Pica, Valsecchi, De Grada
gallery, Inhibodress. The current travelling Phillips and Dick Smith. The Vanessa Bell and Gianferrari, which followed the splendid
programme, four months already clocked up forms a trio with important works by Roger Fry selection of Lucio Fontana's works presented
and another possible eight to go, evolved partly and Duncan Grant of the same period and by Guido Ballo.
as a logical consequence of their international complements Swindon's representation of early
contacts through Inhibodress, and partly from works by Gertler, Bevan, Wadsworth, and In Rome a new gallery has opened called La
their concern for their own position as artists Christopher Wood. Godel ; there Battaglia and Dorazio are showing