Page 44 - Studio International - October1973
P. 44
CONTENTS FEEDBACK Reinhardt, whets one's appetite for a development of modern sculpture
importance of cubism in the
single inclusive source. Still, since we
is also made plain. Apart from the
have had to wait until this year for
Magic and Strong Medicine is the
Feedback / Clive Phillpot comprehensive collections of even brevity of the final summary, the most
catalogue of the second Peter
Vision / Malcolm Le Grice Matisse's and Léger's writings in annoying characteristic of the text
Moores Liverpool Project on show
Graphics / Andrea Adam English (and are still waiting for is the repeated citing of artists who
at the Walker Art Gallery Liverpool
Books / John Walker Mondrian's) the prospect would undoubtedly have an historical
until the end of this month, it costs
News and notes seem to be remote. To get back to the niche, but whose works, on this
William Tucker / Barry Martin 150 £0.50 from the Walker Art Gallery, catalogue though, it is handsomely showing, have a total significance
Harry Fischer / Frank Whitford 151 William Brown Street, Liverpool L3 designed, is in German throughout, inversely proportional to their
8EL. The exhibition and associated
Germany / Gunther Wirth has texts by Karl Ruhrberg and Dale implied degree of innovation, that is,
performances were selected and
Zagreb / Cyril Barrett McConathy, writings by Reinhardt primarily Nadelman and Archipenko;
arranged by Norbert Lynton,
New York / Linda Cathcart and reproductions of two of his Puni, fortunately, is soon hustled off
Boston Letter / Kenneth Baker 154 formerly art critic of The Guardian cartoons, including A Portend of the the stage.
now Director of Exhibitions at the
Shift / Kenneth Baker Artist as a Yhung Mandala. Dale
Arts Council, who contributes an
Reviews / R. J. Rees, McConathy has expanded the After one had enjoyed the
Catherine Lampert, Judy Marie, introduction as well as notes on each famous Chronology to the point of individual excellence of the vast
Lyn Hershman, Tony Rothon individual and group. The catalogue is wooliness and bedecked it with majority of the pieces in the
well designed and substantial, but
Selected Gallery Guide photos relating to contemporary exhibition, the headings of the
bulked out by a third due to the
Two / Lucy Lippard events as well as with works by the different sections of the catalogue
inclusion of advertisements; artist; there are several photos of text would have suggested a variety
however, if this is the price one Reinhardt, and there are also fifteen of useful ways of considering the
Andrea Adam is London must pay for the opportunity to have colour plates which are progressively phenomenon presented by the
Correspondent for Oui Magazine ... a catalogue in which the selector is less informative as the paintings exhibition, if one had actually had
Kenneth Baker writes for free to write at some length on the become darker, however there is a time to peruse the catalogue properly
Artforum and other magazines ... artists which he has chosen, so be it, bonus of a silkscreen reproduction while one was there. So we are back
Cyril Barrett is in the school of at least the ads are not integrated with of one of the black paintings inserted to the dilemma, a handlist or a book ?
Philosophy, University of Warwick ... the meat of the catalogue. One loose in the catalogue. I, for one, would not wish to see the
Linda Cathcart is a free-lance reason for writing about a catalogue, end of inexpensive but well
writer and art critic ... which, apart from the illustrations, Professor Albert E. Elsen is the author documented, scholarly, monographs
Lynn Hershmann is an artist in stands or falls by the text is precisely of Pioneers of Modern Sculpture the on artists or movements in the guise
San Francisco ... Catherine the quality of the writing and the catalogue of the exhibition held at of exhibition catalogues, but
Lampert is the newly appointed issues which it raises. Reading this the Hayward Gallery this summer certainly a very cheap (or preferably
Exhibitions Organizer at the Arts text makes one realize just what one (published by the Arts Council free) well prepared handlist (which
Council ... Malcolm Le Grice is a has been missing in the national at £1.80 paperback and £2.40 the Arts Council has provided, on
film-maker and teaches at St Martin's press since Norbert Lynton hardback), he also advised on the occasion, in the past) would
School of Art ... Lucy Lippard is a relinquished his post on The planning of the exhibition. The sometimes be useful. However, one
writer, critic and art historian ... Guardian : an undoctrinaire approach catalogue text could almost have reason for the purchase of an
Judith Marie is a freelance art to new art, a willingness to attempt to been published as a book (it occupies exhibition catalogue is undoubtedly
critic ... Barry Martin is a stand mentally naked (to reverse his 100 pages, together with notes and that it can be retained as a pictorial
sculptor who teaches at remarks about Paul Huxley's some generally small illustrations, souvenir of a once-only experience; a
Goldsmiths and Croydon College of paintings) before the work, the rather than plates), and it was this photograph of a work which one has
Art... Paul Martin is an artist living capacity to respond humanly to the fact that prompted Paul Overy to already seen and responded to, is
in London ... Clive Phillpot is work with art history providing criticize the trend which it usually far more evocative than a
Librarian at Chelsea College of Art ... only a secondary, albeit pertinent, exemplifies in his review of the work known only in reproduction. A
R. J. Rees is a painter and teaches resonance, and the desire and ability exhibition in The Times of 24 July fairly recent example of a publication
at the Central School of Art, to convey his sensations to the 1973, since, he argued, it often which stood out at the time as an
London ... Tony Rothon has reader. The writing in this catalogue meant that the visitor to the adequate 'catalogue' and visual
recently graduated from the Slade ... incorporates highly sensitive and exhibition, while able to hire a souvenir, which had a text which was
Gunther Wirth is a German art self-conscious responses to the catalogue, was frequently unable to scholarly but brief enough to unfold
critic ... John Walker is assistant works as well as to the words which buy a simple handlist (or catalogue, as one walked round the exhibition,
Librarian at Hornsey College of Art ... are used in the act of communication. in its proper sense), which identified and which was relatively inexpensive,
Frank Whitford is a contributing Communication is one of the issues works, gave dates, sizes, relevant was Lawrence G owing's Hogarth
editor to Studio International. raised in the introduction with notes, etc., fora small sum. Certainly published by the Tate Gallery in 1971,
particular reference to the ability or it was impossible (unless for 'rapid now only available in hardback at
inability of the language of art readers') to read the catalogue and £1.40, but that is not to suggest that
criticism to connect with 'the wider see the exhibition in one day. The it is a model for every occasion.
public'. It is worth a passing reference illustrations do not really serve as Clive Phillpot
here to some remarks by Roland pictorial souvenirs since they are
Miller in Time Out no. 182 for 17 generally subservient to the text, which
August 1973 about the 'conspiratorial is correctly described as an essay,
air' and 'the aura of an in-crowd' for it is not a completely rounded VISION
which pervades the writing in account but an intentionally
specialist art magazines. Is it possible fragmented view of the events of the Avant-garde film at the Tate
to use the same language in the two period and their implications, which Early in June the Tate put on a
contexts, in the newspaper and in the deals successively with different series of introduced film shows which
art magazine ? And how does one topics rather than attempting to sampled the new developments in
avoid being dragged into the integrate them into a 'linear survey'. 'structural' cinema. Response to the
incestuous whirlpool of 'art world' Mr Elsen succeeds in his aim of films, including the uncompromising,
publicity, attitudes and judgements ? clarifying 'the cause and nature of the strong work of Peter Gidal, who
revolution between the eighteen - introduced one of the evenings, has
It is time Ad Reinhardt's collected nineties and 1918 that resulted in encouraged the Tate to consider a
writings (and cartoons) were modern sculpture', and avoids the regular involvement in film for its next
published. Lucy Lippard's detailed oversimplification that is possible in financial year. There are three
Items for inclusion or review in the bibliography compiled for the 1967 such an account. He is particularly important areas for which the Tate
Review' section should be sent to Jewish Museum exhibition catalogue, aware of the context from which could be the ideal screening context :
Studio International, 14 West Central which has been adapted for the modern sculpture grew, and this (1) an historical repertory of avant-
Street, London WC1, with the catalogue of the retrospective gives an extra dimension to his garde film, regularly presented as an
envelope marked 'Feedback, 'Vision,' exhibition published by the treatment of the subject, it was his aspect of the Tate's permanent art
'Graphics; 'News and notes', 'Focus, Stãdtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf idea to include examples of salon art exhibition ; (2) a regular series of
as appropriate. in 1972 (at DM 32) entitled Ad to preface the exhibition ; the crucial shows by individual film-makers,