Page 46 - Studio International - October1973
P. 46
Hilliard, David Lamelas, Gerald until 28 October and further
Newman and John Stezaker. information can be obtained from the
Advance Booking Office, 155,
The British Council have decided Charing Cross Rd., London WC2
not to organize the British Section of 0 EE. Tel 01-437 4236.
the São Paulo Biennial exhibition this Compiled by Paul Martin
year. Instead Mr P. Sheldon
Williams has taken on the task of
arranging it. The show has not been
without its usual difficulties. Jean WILLIAM
Clay. the French critic, has been
trying to muster artists to reject
their invitations to show, on TUCKER
political grounds. In 1971 a
symposium of international art William Tucker at Waddington Z
critics at Sao Paulo discussed what London, 6 — 27 October; at the
could be done about the situation. Serpentine Gallery, London, 6-28
They came up with a new format for October
the show which consisted of eight
sections ranging from 'Life' to It is to William Tucker's credit that
'Nourishment'. The exhibition, which he has tenaciously pursued a level of
this year is masterminded by Cicillo enquiry about his work that would
NEWS & Joe Tilson Mural 1 973 Matarazzo, opens on 5 October and have daunted almost anyone else.
Wood, 50x 12ft.
continues till 21 December. Some
The only analogy is with those
British contributions include Medalla
sciences where dissection and
mixture of glue and calcium
NOTES Artist's Breath 1959, Line of and Dugger weaving houses, analytical observation are carefully
sulphate. Manzoni's principle works,
Sylvia Guirey with her folding
nurtured with a view to reaching the
pictures, Searcy-Tansley are baking
Tilson Mural at Brunel Infinite Length, Egg with a cake and Annie Fayver is truth. For it now becomes evident that
a minute investigation, marked with
Brunel University, with the help of the Fingerprint, Magic Bases (pedestals sculpting it. successive statements, has been
Arts Council, has commissioned a which transformed people into under way for some time. These
large mural in wood by Joe Tilson, for sculpture when stood on) and The Sonic Arts Union will be at statements have defined the nature
the new library building. Unusually, Artist's Shit, will be shown at the the Serpentine Gallery, London, for of Tucker's broadening understanding
and commendably, the building and Tate Gallery in a show with Yves the weekend of 3 and 4 November and the questioning that each
mural were planned together so that Klein next March. (10 am —4 pm) and also at the occasion has demanded.
the architect, Richard Sheppard, and Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol on the
Joe Tilson worked closely 'The Record as Artwork' will also evening of 18 November. The Sonic By paring away unnecessary
throughout all the design stages. The be showing at the RCA and is a Arts Union consists of the Americans sentiment, an art of reason was
mural is on view to the public sequel to 'The Book as Artwork' Robert Ashley, David Behrman, established in the early 60s. This
together with an exhibition of recently seen at Nigel Greenwood's, Gordon Mumma and Alvin Lucier. attempted to examine the artist's use
Tilson's recent work until London. Also planned, are appearances at The of a sculptural language, both
13 October. Open daily 10 am - Scottish Arts Council Centre, inherited and devised, and the
9 pm (Sat. until 5 pm. Closed Artists on the Art Information Glasgow, The Museum of Modern broader aspects of space. Each
Sunday). Register are being asked to pay a Art, Oxford and the Richard Demarco sculpture show has produced results
£2 annual subscription fee from Gallery in Edinburgh. that have been squarely and
Francis Pugh has recently been 1 October 1973. The Arts Council felt ruthlessly elicited. They have carried
appointed to the Welsh Arts Council unable to increase Al R's £5,000 pa. Ed Herring will be showing ACTS at extensions of thought and form that
as Exhibitions Officer. Isabel grant. Bodies consulting AIR will Nigel Greenwood Inc., London, from previous shows had suggested.
Hitchman will be in charge of the now be given a choice of either paying 2 October. The work concerns 'the The art can be seen as an art of
Welsh Arts Council's new gallery an annual subscription fee or a fee for identity and the consequential development that has laid bare a
bookshop, 'Oriel', when it opens in each consultation. Some of this articulation of truth and falsehood'. sculptural grammar, and each stage of
Cardiff at the end of this year. money will be spent on mounting an its being has been critically examined.
AIR publicity campaign. The Mayor Gallery, 14 South
Serpentine Gallery (Arts Council) Molton St., W1, has recently been The struggle to find the right
invites artists working in all media to The ICA have recently been transformed and is now showing grammar has never been more
apply for exhibitions within the 1974 declared the Regional Art Centre for mostly American artists. So far, shows apparent than in the sculptures that
season. Slides of painting or London and have since signed a by Rauschenberg, Twombly and led up to the Shutter series of 1970.
sculpture, photographs, graphic 93 year lease on their £30,000 pa. Ernst have been mounted and they From this time until the Portes of
work, video, concept/performance Carlton House premises. Their grant are currently presenting land photos 1973 Tucker's main interest has been
proposals will be welcomed by the from the Arts Council has now been and video films by Dennis in 'syntax'.
selection committee. All submissions raised to £50,000. Oppenheim until early October.
must be accompanied by an Future plans include exhibitions by In Porte Ill an extension of
application form. Applicants should be 'Ad Reinhardt Conducts a Roy Lichtenstein, Vito Acconci, proportions led to larger than life-size
35 or under, and at least one year out Conversation with Himself' is Wyndham Lewis and Joseph Cornell. dimensions. It breaks with all past
of college. Applications received up included in the first issue of a venture works since, as form, it is less easily
to 31 October. Serpentine Gallery, called Audio Arts. Audio Arts consists Europalia, a Belgian Arts Festival understood from any one viewpoint.
Kensington Gardens, London of a cassette tape which will appear which devotes its entire bi-annual Porte Ill and /V respectively develop a
W2 3XA. Tel 01-402 6075. quarterly beginning this month. programme to the artistic activities of theme first shown in Meru I and II
Future issues will include poetry and a single member country of the of 1964, where material builds up to,
Piero Manzoni's work will be sound artworks. Each issue costs £2 EEC is this year concentrating on and from, a top plane and delineates
shown at the RCA Gallery, or a year's subscription of £6.50 from Great Britain. A number of space to create the hole, or absent
Kensington Gore, London, from Audio Arts, 136, Gordon Road, exhibitions have been planned : centre. Both groups are aligned
24 October to 16 November. London W13. 'Moore to Gilbert Er George', vertically to the ground. In the Portes
Manzoni, with Klein and Fontana, organized by Anne Seymour, at the an attempt is made to use structure,
had a considerable influence on the Richard Cork, art critic of the Palais des Beaux Arts until without colour, to compare enclosed
Zero Group and Arte Povera in the Evening Standard, is arranging, on 17 November and video films by and external spaces. Colour was
60s. The exhibition will consist of behalf of the Arts Council, an Flanagan, Fulton, Lamelas and important in Meru II in differentiating
Manzoni's Achromes (literally exhibition to tour the provinces next others. Underground and the inner from the outer surfaces.
'no-colour') which are textured year. Artists included are Keith Arnatt, experimental films, 'Fringe Theatre' The sculpture was composed of
reliefs, the first ones being made Victor Burgin, David Dye, Hamish and avant-garde jazz are also planes and contours and was a
from wrinkled cloth dipped in a Fulton, Gilbert and George, John included. The Festival runs officially graphic precedent for the cylinders