Page 48 - Studio International - October1973
P. 48

Fischer and Lloyd decided to                                an effect from which it is almost   involved account of an orange
            concentrate on art. Marlborough's   GERMANY                 impossible to tear oneself away.   coloured curtain, 450 metres long,
            dynamic development was due as                              This first German retrospective of an   which for a whole day spanned a
            much to Lloyd's financial acumen as to   It is hard to foretell whether the   artist who died aged only 36 — it is   valley and then tore to shreds.
            Fischer's knowledge and appreciation   effect of the far-reaching personnel   to go on to Rotterdam, Brussels and   Some outstanding drawings by
            of art. Fischer gives much of the   changes that have occured in the   Paris — charms one as the work of a   Christo made this otherwise
            credit to Will Grohmann, the German   ranks of the exhibition organizers   loner, who specialized in close-up   consciously 'unartistic' show
            critic and art historian, who had been   this summer will be felt in the   views of things like a shirt, a jacket,   particularly worth seeing.
            closely associated with Kandinsky,   season now beginning — many of the   a tie, shoes or a couch and lifted them   Gunther Wirth
            Kirchner and most of the other   exhibition commitments undertaken   in enormous dimensions into his   (Translated from the German by
            leading Expressionists in Germany,   by the old incumbents must, for good   picture. It is the kind of painting   John Wheelwright)
            and who educated Fischer in those   or ill, be worked off by their   born of an isolated standpoint, rich
            areas of art in which Grohmann   successors. The comings and goings   in tangibility and brushing the
            specialized. In turn, the Marlborough   have, however, been thoroughgoing :   borders of the Absurd which is
            now educated the English public in   Wieland Schmied, the excellent   latent, not only in objects but also
            modern German art and the gallery's   Director of Hanover's famous   in human existence. One need not be   ZAGREB
            exhibitions of Kandinsky, Klee, the   Kestner-Gesellschaft on 1 October   a prophet to foresee that Gnoli's
            Blaue Reiter, Nolde, Klimt and   started work as Chief Curator of the   reputation will continue to grow.   In 1961 an exhibition was held in
            Schiele were of the quality of large   Nationalgalerie of the Stiftung                    Zagreb under the title Nova
            museum shows. They were also as   Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Foundation   At the Württembergische   Tendenciji (New Tendency). It was
            well catalogued and, most important   for the Prussian Cultural Heritage)   Kunstverein, under the title Aspekte   an international exhibition, but
            of all, they were pioneering, and   in succession to Henning Bock, who   des abstrakten Werkes (Aspects of   unlike most international
            explored an area completely unknown   in turn, has taken charge of the   Abstract Work), there is a   exhibitions in those days, the artists
            in England. Fischer also helped the   Picture Galleries of the Staatliche   retrospective of work by the painter   who took part had certain ideas in
            Arts Council stage major exhibitions   Museen in Berlin. Schmied's return   Max Ackermann who, with Otto   common. They were reacting against
            of German and Austrian art and   to the museum service is not only   Ritschl, is the last survivor of the   such trends in art as informal art
            assisted them with, among others, the   a flight from the stress to which the   classic epoch of abstract painting in   (tachism, abstract expressionism,
            first Kokoschka retrospective at the   exhibition organizers of the   Germany. The eighty-six-year-old   action painting) and traditional
            Tate and the first British Brücke   Kunstvereine are particularly   artist, who for sixty years has lived in   constructivism. They also wanted to
            exhibition in 1964. But Fischer also   exposed, but also a considered   Stuttgart and on Lake Constance,   bring art into closer relationship with
            became interested in British art and,   embracing of the status of official,   studied under van de Velde in   social needs and scientific and
            over the years, persuaded     with a retirement pension perhaps   Weimar and Franz von Stuck in   technological developments.
            Sutherland, Bacon, Piper, Hepworth   in mind. All the same Schmied and   Munich, and under the influence of
            and Moore to join the Marlborough.   Werner Haftmann as colleagues will   Adolf Hölzel (whom he met in   Among the artists who took part in
            He reserves his greatest admiration for   make a good team, and so we can   Stuttgart in 1912), became one of the   that first exhibition were Biasi,
            Moore, who now exhibits at Fischer   hope for outstanding exhibitions at   most inventive German abstract   Castellani, Dorazio, Karl Gerstner,
            Fine Art, who has been a close friend   the Berlin National Gallery in the   painters. The exhibition includes   Le Parc, Heinz Mack, Manzoni,
            and who has helped him during   future.                     examples of his work from 1919 up to   Mavignier, Morellet, Otto Piene,
            especially difficult periods of his life.                   the present, and its high points are   Dieter Rot, Joel Stein and Ucker.
                                          The Württembergische          undoubtedly the splendid pictures of   Most, if not all, are now internationally
            The Marlborough was largely   Kunstverein in Stuttgart, which has   the early 1950s which begin with   famous. Three of them were
            responsible for bringing German   the largest membership of any in   Uberbruckte Kontinente   represented in this year's exhibition :
            Expressionism on to the high   Germany, besides having the most   (Continents spanned) and partly   Le Parc, Mavignier and Morellet.
            international market, and soon   exhibition space, has also acquired   anticipated Hard Edge Abstraction.   They were joined for the first time by,
            became the most successful private   a new, very young, chief in Tilman   These are followed, in the spirit of   among other artists, Soto and
            gallery in the world. When Fischer   Osterwold ; he comes from the   the 'absolute or musical painting'   Vasarely. Soto's inclusion was
            parted company with Lloyd in 1971.   Lehmbruck- Museum in Duisburg.   that Ackermann publicized, by   presumably an act of penitence for
            the result was incredulity and a host   The previous Director, Uwe M.   beautiful contrapuntal plays of colour   previous neglect. (If this is so, why
            of rumours.                   Schneede, as I have already   and form on blue background ; these   not others ?) The inclusion of
                                          reported, started work on 1   — particularly the pastels—   Vasarely is puzzling, since he stands
            Why he decided against retirement   September with the Hamburg   demonstrate the artist's stature. It can   for the sort of traditional
            and started up a new business is a   Kunstverein, which sorely needs   be seen that Max Ackermann has   constructivism that the New
            much harder question to answer than   some new vitality. Klaus Gallwitr   hitherto quite unjustly stood in the   Tendency was initially so opposed to.
            why he left the old firm, especially   of the Baden-Baden Kunsthalle   shadow of Baumeister and Nay.   But this is not really the point. The
            when, because of today's art prices,   has now, after vain efforts in   It may be that this work will now be   real question is : in what sense is
            dealing has become, as he puts it,   Karlsruhe, got a post at the   held in greater esteem, particularly   the tendency to which these artists
            more like merchant banking than   Staedel- Museum in Frankfurt. His   since it is fashionable in Germany   belong new?
            anything else. Clearly, he now has the   activities will be greatly missed in   these days once again to regard
            chance to work exclusively with his   Baden-Baden, where there is no   pictures as art— and not just objects   To give the organizers their due they
            son, Wolfgang, a shrewd dealer and   successor in view ; there will be   or manufactured articles.   were perfectly well aware of this
            trained art historian. But perhaps   quite a crowd of applicants, however,                question. The director of the Zagreb
            more important is the fact that dealing   for Baden-Baden has always been a   This strange event — which was,   Gallery of Contemporary Art,
            is clearly in Harry Fischer's blood,   good springboard from which to   however, to be expected, and which   Radoslav Putar, in the catalogue
            especially the kind of dealing which   launch a career.     is conservative to the extent that it is   introduction, explains that one of
            involves close and intimate co-                             based on the recognition that art is   the reasons for holding the exhibition
            operation with the artists themselves.   While the private galleries, with the   effective only in art's own field, and   was to discover whether this kind of
            At the Marlborough both Harry and   Kunstmesse in Basle under their   does not extend into politics, as many   art had exhausted its possibilities or
            Wolfgang were responsible for   belts, prepare, some for the   believed — perhaps led the Baden-  had still something to achieve, or,
            opening up previously unknown or   Kunstmesse in Düsseldorf others for   Baden Kunsthalle to mount their   more pertinently, whether it met a
            underestimated areas of modern art,   the Kunstmarkt in Cologne, the   exhibition of pictures by the young   genuine need or was just being
            and as their forthcoming exhibition of   Kunstvereine and Museums have   Berliner Markus Luppertz. But the   churned out for commercial
            Russian art will show, they are still   been working away, even during   giant-sized works of this dynamic   purposes. To be perfectly fair, it must
            anxious to do the same thing at   the summer lull, so that there are   painter, when seen in quantity, are   be admitted that the original New
            Fischer Fine Art.             several interesting exhibitions to   a sad disappointment. Here raw   Tendency art (which I shall call
                                          report.                       power seems to have lapsed into the   neo-constructivist) formed only a
            At 70, Harry Fischer is still one of the                    stridency of a hoarding.      third of this year's exhibition — the
            most influential men in the British art   In the Kunsthalle in Darmstadt is an            other thirds being computer art and
            world, and there is no reason to doubt   exhibition of work by the painter   The counterpart in Munich, at the   conceptual art. It should also be
            that the new firm will consolidate its   Domenico Gnoli, who died in 1970.   Neue Staatsgalerie in the Haus der   admitted that, like the previous
            already strong position.      The pictures have a fascinating   Kunst, is Christo's Valley Curtain   exhibition in 1968, this year's was
            Frank Whitford                effect through their object-fetishism —   Project 1970/72 — the cool yet so    entitled 'New Tendencies'.
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