Page 45 - Studio International - October1973
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introduced by them, beginning with a   and Germany, showing films, but also   techniques he's used to create a   this translation of a book first
           complete review of the home grown   taking the opportunity to see any new   finished print. On the opposite wall   published in Germany in 1970 is
            product; (3) occasional special   work, talk to film-makers and see how   hang the prints the artists consider   based on the catalogue of the Blue
            exhibitions of installation, and cinema   the interest in film and video in the art   their finished work.   Rider paintings owned by the
            in the round, work prepared for the   gallery situation was developing.                   Städtische Galerie, Munich ; the text
            gallery situation.            Highlights, ... long discussion with   The artists included in the   is written by a former director of the
             In addition, the Tate should   Kurt Kren, Birgit and Wilhelm Hein, a   portfolio are well-known : Denny,   gallery. A useful addition to the
            consider the possibility of building up   new film Violets are Blue by Jos   Hockney, Paolozzi, Cohen, Rot,   literature on the Blue Rider, with
            a collection of film work giving it the   Schoffelen, a couple of visits to   Sander, Abrahams, etc.   plenty of coloured illustrations; no
           same status as painting and sculpture.   Ursula Wever's Projection Gallery in   Not every artist has brought   bibliography is provided.
           In the USA, the Museum of Modern   Cologne, and a chance to look   freshness to the show ; some are too
           Art has a major collection of films,   through some of the films she has by   facile. And the honesty of the proofs   Photographis 73 edited by Walter
           many of which are classics of the   Nauman, Ruscha, Serra and Sonnier.   could be questioned since the artists   Herdeg. 263pp, fully illustrated, many
           commercial cinema. There is a good   Broad conclusions ... in both Holland   knew that they too were going on   in colour. Zurich, Walter Herdeg, the
           collection of the early avant-garde,   and Germany there is little liaison   view. Still, much of the show   Graphis Press, 1973. £13.
           and a small but growing collection   between the film-maker/artist making   demands attention and it's   Herdeg's glossy annual features
           of modern work. In Britain, because   and showing in the context   admirable in the insight it gives.   examples of advertising and editorial
           the B Fl deals with the collection of   established through the underground   Andrea Adam   photography chosen from book
           classics of the commercial cinema,   movement — and the artist/film (or                    jackets, calendars, packaging,
           and because there is no equivalent   video) maker showing or selling                       record and magazine covers, and
           to the Anthology Archive here, the   through the art gallery set-up. There                 television photography. The short
           Tate has a unique opportunity   is a distinct difference in their aims ;                   introduction comments on the
           to build a collection of avant-garde   the former still seeks to encourage                 tremendous expansion of colour
           cinema.                        popular involvement in film viewing                         photography and predicts the total
                                          and making, rarely selling films,                           demise of black and white. Those of
           Pat. No. 60179/72.             relying on film rentals, the latter                         us who still struggle with a medium
           From 30 October to 25 November   economically rests on the notion of                       such as oil paint, by hand, can only
           the Whitechapel Gallery, Gareth   the 'exclusive' object or limited                        gawk at the sheer slickness,
           Jones will be showing his  Light   edition selling to a wealthy few. In                    professionalism and polish of this
           Drawings. These are the results of a   spite of this the products come                     truly international applied art. Would
           novel patented invention used in   increasingly close, Sonier or Serra for                 that reality were one tenth as inviting
           conjunction with a standard    example are producing work which                            as these escapist images make out.
           domestic TV set. The modifications   can easily be related to the
           are not electronic, but very simple   'structuralist' films. In Britain, the two           Pictorial history of world art by
           paper masks, eliminating, in most   contexts have begun to overlap a                       Nathaniel Harris. 121 pp, 155
           cases, all but thin linear strips of the   good deal, but here and in Europe,              illustrations, 100 in colour. Hamlyn,
           picture. Though the device is simple,   the main resistance to this                        1973. £2.75
           the results are not simplistic, nor   development comes from that aspect   David Hockney  Postcard of Richard   Lascaux to Roy Lichtenstein in 121
           are they simply decorative     of the commercial gallery scene where   Wagner with glass of water 1973   pages: amazing encapsulation ! This
            abstraction — again, though they do   something expensively saleable has                  kind of picture book is probably aimed
            not encourage a 'puzzling-out' of the   been made out of 'non-objective'                  at the secondary school market and
            picture which is being masked, they   ideas, or easily reproducible,                      depends for its appeal on souped-up
            do encourage questions concerning   cheaply-made art works.   BOOKS                       colour reproductions; unfortunately
            the nature of the information normally   Malcolm Le Grice                                 it is typical of such ventures that truth
            carried by broadcast TV. They                               Arts and crafts movement in   to the originals is the first casualty.
            utilize and draw attention to factors                       America 1876-1916 edited by
            of the televisual image, like tone,                         Robert Judson Clark. 192pp,   Torres-Garcia by Enric Jardi. 287 pp,
            colour, rhythm, rate of change, as   GRAPHICS               illustrated, bibliography. Princeton,   fully illustrated, many in colour,
            information normally made redundant                         New Jersey, Art Museum Princeton   bibliography, text in Spanish.
            by the identification and     Last year the Bernard Jacobson   University, 1972. $15, paperback   Biblioteca de arts Hispanico.
            interpretation of the picture.   Gallery, Maddox St, London, W1,   $5.95.                 Barcelona, Ediciones Poligrafa, 1973.
                                          published a portfolio  'Big Prints'   A large format book/catalogue of an   Distributed in England by Idea Books.
                                          by fourteen different artists. The   exhibition of arts and crafts, mainly   £16.
                                          gallery felt those particular artists'   furniture and pottery, borrowed from   Joaquin Torres-Garcia (1874-1949)
                                          works would look better on a larger   museums and collectors throughout   is a minor figure in terms of modern art
                                          scale. This month many of the same   America, organized by R. J. Clark,   as a whole, but an important artist in
                                          artists are represented in a show of   assistant professsor in the art   the context of South American art.
                                          miniature prints that are for sale as   department of Princeton University.   He is probably best known for his
                                          a portfolio in an edition of 100 at the   There are three essays on work   ideographic, compartmentalized
                                          price of £900                 produced in different regions of the   paintings halfway between figuration
                                                                        United States—the Eastern seaboard,   and abstraction. Torres-Garcia was a
                                          The idea for the exhibition seems   Chicago and the mid west, the   Uruguayan artist who spent many
                                          dangerously gimmicky and      Pacific coast— plus an essay on book   years working in various European
                                          commercial but Bernard Jacobson   design, and one on art pottery, all by   countries, however he is chiefly
                                          has brought it off and even added a   different writers. Here, for once, is an   associated with Spain, hence his
                                          new dimension to the popularization   American art movement that was   comprehensive monograph in the
                                          of the print medium. Eighteen artists   chiefly inspired by Britain. Strange   'arte Hispanico' series. His early
                                          were commissioned and their only   that these refined and tasteful objects   development was very similar to that
                                          restriction was size — 5 7/8 x 8¼ in., the   were being created in America during   of Picasso's, showing the influence of
            N CC, the end                 size of Bernard Jacobson's memo   the era of the Wild West. A scholarly   Toulouse-Lautrec. Reproduced in this
           At the end of August, Derek Hill   pads. The aim of the show was to   and discreetly designed publication   book are many examples of prosaic
           declared his New Cinema Club   illustrate the complex process of   with a four page bibliography. Pity   murals closely imitating the neo-
           redundant, though this does in fact   print making and the different   there are no colour plates, without   classical formula of Puvis de
           leave quite a gap. However, we can   decisions the artist must make in   them the iridescent glazes of the art   Chavannes. It was not until 1917 that
           certainly expect him to show up in   reaching his conclusion.   pottery are merely tones of grey.   Torres-Garcia began to assimilate the
           new guises in the near future,                                                             lessons of Cubism, then he created
           perhaps as film critic for a national   On two walls there are several   The Blue Rider by Hans K. Roethel.   some elegant wooden sculptures
           paper or as a film programmer for TV.   series of drawings and proofs,   274pp, 100 illustrations, 77 in colour.   which are perhaps better than his
                                         mounted in sequence, in order to   Praeger, 1971. $17.50.    paintings. At £16 this publication
           Holland and Germany           show the viewer — step by step — the   In 1911 Kandinsky and Marc founded   is mainly for specialist art libraries.
           Recently, I went on a tour in Holland    artist's thinking and the different    the Blue Rider group in Munich and    John Walker
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