Page 49 - Studio International - October1973
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everything he disliked in
                                                                       contemporary Hungarian art :   NEWYORK
                                                                       pseudo art, infantilism, anti
                                                                       communication, humorous-      October in New York will see the
                                                                       conceptual-kinetic, scientific and   auction of some 50 paintings and
                                                                       pseudo-scientific strategies, visual   sculptures from the collection of
                                                                       and verbal 'torso-problems', etc.).   Robert Scull at Sotheby Parke Bernet
                                                                                                     Mr Scull, owner of a fleet of taxi-cabs
                                                                       The exhibition produced (dare I say   and a well-known collector, will
                                                                       it?) the only really sensible, though   dispose of the art in orderto
                                                                       not wholly convincing, article on   concentrate on collecting the work of
                                                                       conceptual art which I have so far   young and unrecognized artists.
                                                                       read. It was by Nena Dimitrijevic.   Among the works offered for sale are
                                                                       In a way she undermined a third of   Target, 1961, by Jasper Johns,
                                                                       the exhibition when she said, quite   Double Feature 1959, by Robert
                                                                       rightly to my mind, 'an art procedure   Rauschenberg, Franz Kline's 1959,
                                                                       which is basically non-formal and non-  Orange and Black  Wall and Willem
                                                                       visual has become identified with a   de Kooning's 1955,  Police Gazette.
                                                                       particular form of presentation'. But
                                                                       perhaps in doing so she raised a   Shah 'Abbas and the Arts of Isfahan
                                                                       serious question about the correctness   opens at Asia House this month. The
                                                                       of considering conceptual art as   exhibition, presented by Professor
                                                                       something that belongs to the visual   Anthony Welch of the University of
                                                                       arts as we have conceived them.   Victoria, Vancouver, will include
                                                                                                     Safavi pottery, illuminated
                                                                       The perceptive reader will have   manuscripts, textiles and examples of
                                                                       noticed that I have so far said very   the famous Persian metalwork of the
                                                                       little about the exhibition itself. This   sixteenth, seventeenth and early
                                                                       was deliberate. To my mind the   eighteenth centuries. Among the
                                                                       crisis of the concept of 'new   imperial artifacts to be included will be
          Edward Zajec                   principle when it was stated that   tendency' is far more interesting   a letter from Shah 'Abbas to King
          T.V.C. 784781972               'execution is no longer in the hands of   than anything which might have   Charles I of England.
                                         the creator of the idea or design of the   been exhibited in Zagreb this year.
          It is questionable whether the   work, but is realized by specialists   Where else in the world will you get   'Reality and Trompe L'oeil', an
          original New Tendency movement   in workshops or else in factories'.   a group of international artists and   exhibition of French realist paintings,
          (if it ever was a movement) survived                         critics ready to hammer out the   has just closed at the New York
          beyond the third exhibition of 1965.   The confrontation and discussion,   problems which they know in their   Cultural Center. The exhibition was
          This is a point made by one of the   which might have produced some   hearts matter not only for art but,   intended to be a survey of ten years
          organizers, Boio Bek quoting   interesting results was fettered by its   more important, for society, and for   work by four French artists, Henri
          Alberto Biasi. It was for this reason   title, 'The Rational and Irrational in   individuals in society?   Cadiou, Pierre Ducordeau, Jean
          that computer art was introduced in   Visual Research', where neo-                         Malice and Claude Yvel. The 75
          1968 on the advice of Abraham A.   constructivist and computer art   It might be worth remarking that   examples of painting, drawing and
          Moles of Strasbourg. The intention   ranked as rational, while conceptual   the meeting of the International   watercolours are typified by Claude
          was good, but the advice was bad.   art was classed as irrational. Yet the   Association of Art Critics, which   Yvel's statement, 'In refusing to use
          The intention was to continue to   intervention of an East German   coincided with the exhibition, did   photography, preferring to work
          give haven to avant-garde movements,   critic, Frieder Nake, in a curious way   not leave a ripple on the surface and   directly from the model, like Cézanne,
          but even in 1968, computer art was   justified the whole exhibition. In   the remarks of some of the local   "sur le motif", we find it difficult to
          not an avant-garde movement; it was   his view it marked stages in   artists from Zagreb who attended a   remain completely neutral. The
          and is merely one method among   alienation. First, the neo-   few meetings do not bear repeating   emotional involvement with our
          others of putting marks on paper   constructivists who actually produce   on these chaste pages. So there is,   subject matter is communicated to ou
          (pace Prof. Moles and his pseudo   something by their own effort   perhaps, a case for New Tendencies   paintings.'
          aesthcio-scientific theories). As one   (except Vasarely who gets others to   6, though, since, presumably, it will
          participant in the recent exhibition put   do it for him — and should not be there   be beyond conceptualism, this may be   The estate of the late David Smith has
          it, you might as well speak of paint   anyway) ; next the computer artists   open to question.   been transferred from Marlborough
          brush art as speak of computer art.   who programme but do not produce;   Cyril Barrett    Galleries to Knoedler Contemporary
                                         and finally the conceptualists who                          Arts, according to Lawrence Rubin,
          In 1968 Jonathan Benthall is   produce nothing at all. (There was                          the new Director of Contemporary Art
          credited with suggesting that at the   also a splendid intervention by a   (On the wall) Reliefs by Dobrovic   at Knoedler. Currently, there is on
          next exhibition conceptual art should   Hungarian who praised conceptualism   (Foreground) Diagonal Reliefometre   view at the Hyde Collection in Glen
          be included. Whatever one may think   because it could rid the world of   by Richter       Falls, New York, an exhibition of
          of conceptual art, that was a sensible                                                     David Smith's sculpture and drawings
          suggestion. And so this year the
          three 'new tendencies' (all a little                                                       New York's Guggenheim Museum
          aged, perhaps) were: neo-                                                                  presents two large shows this month.
          constructivist, computer and                                                               A survey of the work of Richard
          conceptual art. Whether these are                                                          Hamilton contains approximately 150
          even the most important tendencies                                                         drawings, paintings, watercolours anc
          at the moment (whatever their                                                              collages from 1949 to the present. It
          novelty) is irrelevant. They are at                                                        will remain on view until 25
          least controversial and one of the                                                         November. The collection of Lydia
          chief, almost unique, features of                                                          and Harry Winston opens this month
          previous New Tendency exhibitions                                                          and runs through 6 January. It
          has been confrontation and                                                                 includes drawings and paintings of
          discussion between artist, critics and                                                     the Dada period by Balla, Boccioni,
          other interested parties on                                                                Severini, Picabia and Schwitters and
          controversial topics, that is, where                                                       sculpture by Arp, Brancusi and
          certain forms of art challenge the                                                         Moore. Also on view at the
          accepted norms. Moreover, as one of                                                        Guggenheim are several scale models
          the executive committee, Marijan                                                           of airplanes painted by Alexander
          Susovski, pointed out, as far back as                                                      Calder. The models are on loan from
          1963, conceptual art was admitted in                                                       Braniff airlines for whom Calder
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