Page 56 - Studio International - October1973
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attempt to be charming, loses his   some of the important things   Absolutely incredible. Anyway,   Welfare State, Shirley Cameron and
             identity.                      happening in British art today'.   Davie shows twenty paintings of   Roland Miller and the Natural
                                            Lynton's broad mind came up with a   1970-72, more than half oils, the   Theatre. A film of the travels of the
             A number of art exhibitions took   list of nine and a programme of   recent ones being gouaches on paper.   Welfare State, a band of happy
             place throughout the city as an   performance art, making sweet music   These unlikeable marks at one time   hippies, made jokes.
             appendage to the International   out of the baroque cacophony of   risked something, simple
             Festival. 'Objects USA' held at the   artistic licence, hoping to prove that   misunderstanding. The well-  Mark Boyle is similarly pleasurable. I
             City of Edinburgh Art Gallery, was   'modern art is not just a thicket of   established Davie now looks a little as   wonder if there was in the selection
             disappointing. Assembled only five   problems, interesting to a few people   if he is merely feeling himself against   some wish to meet the approval of the
             years ago by Lee Nordness and Paul   and pleasurable to none'. But the   the boundaries which he has set up.   Liverpool set who received their art
             Smith, the works already look dated.   simplistic individual introductions   One doesn't want Davie to move on,   education at the hands of the poets of
             This is due not to aculturation, but to   seem to be Lynton imagining how art   though, just to exercise a little more   the sixties ? Boyle freezes those
             an apparently undiscriminating eye   looks from the other side of a jam   energetically within his arena. Ken   moments when a pavement or small
             that was most impressed by     butty.                        Kiff showed scraps called     area of beach becomes a special
             decorative, novel, but often empty                          Psychoanalysis remembered.     physical reality rather than remaining
             form. The best piece in the exhibit   Entry to the show was gained  via   Mounted in a long glass display case,   joined to the rest of physical reality.
             was a ceramic Game by Jim      Philip Vaughan's room of neon-  they brought to mind museum 'finds'.   His isomorphic fibreglass facsimiles
             Melchert.                      generated stuff happening in the dark.   What mad pursuit ? What struggle to   of randomly selected bits of London,
                                            Responsible in collaboration with   escape ... ? Poor hounded Kiff.   life-size squares of rooftop or roadside,
             'Earth Images', an exhibition of   Roger Dainton for the Hayward   Devils chase him, the big head haunts   or squares of rocks and sand from a
             ceramic sculpture commissioned   Gallery neon tower, Vaughan states   him ; food, sex, and other pre-  beach in Argyllshire can't say more, or
             in cooperation with the Ceramic   his interest as being the 'use of solid   requisites of living belong, for him, to   less, than the Tate's kerbside yellow
             Workshop, Edinburgh, was held at   three-dimensional things for making   a grotesque world. I'm sure that   line. The skin series in Liverpool
             the Scottish National Gallery of   things which are not things'. There   Kiff's use of paint is borrowed from   means that Boyle has moved on to
             Modern Art. This show fell into   was a good deal of curved neon and   an array of painters who have also   skin. This is the nice thing about the
             the same trap as the LA County's   mirror reflections. It was good to move   dipped their brushes into their hearts.   art: it shouldn't be, and isn't, going
             unfortunate experiments in Art and   from light to painted steel, from the   The hand-writing is too studied, the   anywhere.
             Technology exhibition of several   lightweight to Phillip King : his Red   images too obvious. I found Kiff's
             years ago. It serves little purpose to   Between in the adjacent compartment   ineloquent pouring-out of fantasies   The new famous artist Karl Plackman
             extract artists from their primary   solidly stood for sculpture. It seems to   to be simply distasteful. So too with   is 'difficult'. He is a master at letting
             concerns in order to offer an   be a division between two sharply   Stuart Brisley, whose corny   us know that something is going on
             unfamiliar medium and approach.   defined moods; if it is possible to   crucifixions (with balanced diet and   but not letting us in on it except
             Many well known artists from   define a mood, King does it with his   time off for wee-wees) pop up with   through the title. His  Horizontal Man,
             England participated in this   forthright articulation of heavy gauge   amazing regularity. Leading the   the main piece filling one room, is
             programme, but few were       metal. Two moods can end up as two   performance art programme did not   made from wood, metal, rope, mirrors,
             excited by the works they executed   sculptures, but not in this case. The   exclude him from a space as one of   sand, acroprops, fluorescent lights,
             or the promise of future works in   ground-based lead-in stage upon   the chosen nine. He filled it with slides   cardboard, eggshells etc, and all
             ceramics.                     which the divide occurs (in the shape   and photographs of previous events   things nice. A blue ribbon leads from a
                                           of four upright beams on a slope   and his film, twenty minutes of   concrete bell mounted on one of two
             The American artist Jon Schneler,   towards the front) might be taken as                   cork things to a bulldog clip on a
             who has been living in Mallaig,   the unifying factor, but this is a first                 sketchpad-type object, standing at
             presented a show of oils and   impression. Unity becomes one with                          the top of one of two runways down
             watercolours at the Edinburgh College   stability as it is realized that the               the room (marked out with strips of
             of Art. His landscapes are Rothko-like   angular, space-enclosing forms on                 wood) ; at the end of this is a buffer
             abstractions informed of the changing:   one side of the fence, and the jumbled            which looks as though it smells of
             drama of sea and sky.         stalks sharing a few open segments                           creosote. Twelve feet up the wall sits
                                           (like peel of a carefully dealt-with                         a bathroom mirror. Four boards,
             The French government supplied an   orange) support one another, are                       splashed with grey paint, lean at an
             exhibition of recent paintings and   physically interdependent, yet                        angle of 60 degrees against the
             sculpture which was shown at the   touch at just one point. It would                       opposite wall. Is this a complex
             Royal Scottish Academy under the   work without a colour. The over-all                     installation, (or work), or just one
             pretentious title 'Permanence de   dark red is just to make sure. King's                   with a lot of things in it  ?No distance
             l'Art Francaise.' There was much   work is impressive. I can't say this                   too short or too long is put together
             academic abstraction and there were   about Hubert Dalwood : what                          with more economy, but that only
             no surprises. Outstanding, however,   a big boring sculpture I The                         means that there are fewer elements.
             were Cesar's flowing polyester   colour, a bathroom wall choice and                        A photograph of a London one-way
             expansions.                   the wrong one, came a close second                          street sits above a long leather
                                           to the size of the thing as the dominant                     watchstrap sits above the Vietnam
             Next door, the National Gallery of   feature. The near room-size platform                 War peace-signing photo sits above
             Scotland, with its magnificent   on which the suggestive-of-                              that marked polar bears photo : that's
             collection quietly offered an asylum   traditional-Japanese-architecture (or              all. Not too long out of the Royal
             from the impermanent and vacuous   something) columns, beams, walls,   The Minder's Line 1973   College, Plackman is definitely that
             and restated the persistent survival of   steps, and a bit of grass operated   Stuart Brisley, Deborah Sharratt,   strange guy with the amazing mind.
             quality.                      together, hindered rather than aided   Anna Flanagan        A little bit of writing hangs from a coat
             Lynn Hershman                 involvement. A distancing device no   Photo : John Mills, Liverpool   hanger construction which is really
                                           doubt, but matt red cardboard tubing                        an archery bow ;'... and there I saw
                                           isn't that holy, even with mysterious   Brisley's face entitled  Freedom   some words that were very bloody
             Magic and strong medicine at the   brass inlays.            through:Work. Brisley is our leading   cutting Words ...' balanced on the
             Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, until                        representative of the German horror-  other side with 'Homer, the master
             28 October.                   The three representatives of modern   because-isn't-it- horrible school of   builder and rebel against time ...'
             'Magic and Strong Medicine', the   painting at Liverpool were Alan   artists, the school which never makes   Lynton's introduction dramatically
             Peter Moores Liverpool Project 2,   Davie, Paul Huxley, and Ken Kiff,   clear what 'it' is. There must be some   asks 'where's the art in it?', and
             was selected by Norbert Lynton,   hardly a challenging selection but   point about the human condition   amazingly manages to continue 'I
             Director of Exhibitions at the Arts   more than interesting to see togeber.   being made. But Brisley never takes   have not at this moment seen
             Council. Moores' brief to Lynton,   In the context of this show, Davie is   us further with his complaints than   Plackman's work for this exhibition. I
             printed as a preface to the catalogue,   a real treasure, and I really can't   Brisley. And there one must remain,   gather that he has to a substantial
             specified the following :'only nine or   compete with our host : 'Davie's work   while he indulges some self-  degree planned it'. I trust that the
             ten artists, all British, all active now,   most self-evidently fits the title of   castigatory quirk. How long will it be   work lived up to his expectations. He
             but of different age groups : not   this exhibition ... (he belongs) to a   before we tire of waiting for something   was delivered the artistic equivalent
             necessarily an exhibition with a   mental world somewhere between   really nasty to happen to the man ?   of a carefully ruffled hairstyle.
             message or a line, but a choice of    dream and purposeful invention.'    Other performances came from The    Tony Rothon
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