Page 54 - Studio International - October1973
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advantage inside. They could use the                        colour and touch. Getting unfudged   For example, in the same day one
            confines of a room to work against,                         should be his first priority. The grids   could attend the Yugoslav artists
            and I suspect their energies are a                          have to be thrown out : they're really   action which at one point consisted
            little dissipated in this setting. The                      jejune now— 60s cliches; art students   of the cruelly absurd extraction of
            earliest things look somewhat                               use them all the time. The whorls are   goldfish from water in order to time
            flimsy, having unhelpful connotations                       okay as such, but they should be   their points of expiration, a lecture
            of objects like deckchairs ; precarious                     broad and expansive, or continuous:   on 'The Quest for the Archetype'
            and impermanent, as if they could be                        they rarely work, discretely applied, in   presented by Jeff Poklen from
            folded up and stacked away at the                           a confined or limited space—the   Canada, the lyrical landscape film
            end of the day.                                             portrait in Pollock's Portrait and a   Timecheck by David Hall, or an event
                                                                        Dream is a brilliant exception.   by London's Tim Jones, one of the
            The best thing about Foster's work is                       Edwards has to completely revise his   more active of the young conceptual
            its inventiveness. You can see it most                      ideas about scale. He has to shape up   artists present.
            clearly in his  Spring, Frame III, and                      or ship out. His painting is similar to a
            particularly in his two recent pieces,                      lot of work around now in this   The walls of the Demarco Gallery,
            Slab Sculptures lI Et M. These tack                         country. And that's an indictment.   8 Melville Crescent, headquarters
            about unpredictably, and unlike the                         R. J. Rees                     for the pandemonium, seemed to
            others which have a rather                                                                 heave out those notable fallacious
            diagrammatic quality, one can only                                                         words of Marshall McCluhan,
            take them in by walking all round                           Visual arts at the Edinburgh   'Art is anything you can get away
            them. Steel and concrete are played                          Festival. Edinburgh Arts '73,   with'.
            off against one another in a tough and                       Objects USA, Earth Images,
            punchy way; for instance, concrete is                       Permanence de PArt Francaise,   The organization appeared devoid of
            deployed as paving slabs, effectively                       August/September.              order. The combination of
            stacked together.                                            The strategy of Edinburgh Arts '73   democracy and disorder resulted at
            Judy Marie                                                   was, ostensibly, to infiltrate the   first in a confused blur that temporarily
                                                                         Celtic skies with twinkling cultural   clogged one's senses. Many
            John Edwards  at the Rowan                                   luminaries and by using super stars   participants were forced to amplify
            Gallery, London, 31 August — 27                              from the art world, form a six week   their statements causing a perversion
            September.                                                   world of art.                 of their natural, often modest form.
            John Edwards's paintings at the                              This prospect was met by most with   Edinburgh '73 reflected the exciting
            Rowan gallery are mostly thin                                a guarded euphoria. Not only did   but indiscriminate and arbitrary
            vertical panels of variegated,                               Richard Demarco, wizard of this   accumulation of Kassel '72.
            dissonant colour. Each painting is                           embryonic microcosm, promise the
            similar in design : whorls, grids, and                       involvement of important artists, but   Of the best known advertised
            splotches — usually in vertical                              also an assemblage of lectures to be   artists, Joseph Beuys and Tadeusz
            sequence, inset to the framing edge.                         given by renowned experts in   Kantor materialized. Kantor
            The paint is invariably palette-knifed                       diversified concerns, exhibitions by   orchestrated his Cricot Theatre
            and scumbled — occasionally                                  prominent artists from France,   Company to the text of
            engraved ; or at times is impressed,                         Austria, Canada, Yugoslavia, Poland   Witkiewicz's 1922 play, 'Lovelies
            it would seem, from a painted transfer.                      and America and a school with a   and Dowdies'. The Forest Hill
            Rustic Whirl is typically scaled —                           cosmopolitan student populus which   Theatre, a medieval poorhouse,
            around 8 x 2 feet — and has a ground                         would participate in an accredited   became resplendent with brilliant
            of medium green overwashed with                              educational system that was to offer   visual imagery, surrealist illusion,
            orange and yellow. The primary                               at last a viable alternative to the   Boschian fantasies and carefully
            design is then superimposed : a loose                        constrictions of academia.    timed, flowing, repeating and
            diagonal grid of gray-mauve                                                                simultaneous forms. Like Artaud,
            occupying the top third of the                               What was not made clear at the   Kantor searches for the implementation
            canvas; a purple and brown-red   John Edwards Mono-Green 1973   inception, but which became   of maximal destruction of theatrical
             whorl in the middle; and, in the lower   Acrylic on canvas, 100x 28in   immediately evident, was that the   illusion.
            third, a grid similar to the one above                       dominant aesthetic viewpoint of
            but with pink splotches attached—  obliterated bright green whorl.   Edinburgh Arts '73 was one which   In contrast to the bizarre collection
            rosebuds on the trellis. The colour is   Everything finally cancels out, is   consisted of no viewpoint at all.   of Polish actors — a nymphomaniac
            mismatched and overwrought; the   redundant, is glutted, and the   Demarco, it turned out, was   Princess Sophia of Abcerage ;
            paint is pulled around without   confusion argues against the mess.   democratic about art. In his Oz,   Bestia Domestica who, dressed in
             apparently much thought. Bar,   The scale of each painting is   there exist no distinctions, no value   surgeon's white intently scrubs a
             identically scaled, has a top third   incommensurate with the design —  judgements, no standards. Everything
             composed of diagonal strokes in   painfully so. The grids and numerous   is reduced to a single, levelling
             indigo mingling with magentas and   interwoven forms are pretty arbitrary,   stratum, a hazardous equilibrium in   Lovelies and Dowdies
             mauves; the middle has 'rosebuds' of   indiscriminate in application, and   which there is no high or low.   Photo : Martin Bell
            strident pink ; the lower third has   indifferently applied. Everything
            some formless acid greens and olives;   is fudged and senseless. Edwards
             and a diagonal grid appears in parts.   should use oil paint or, at least,
            The surfaces appear to be flayed and   better acrylic — not that cheap art
            furious : but are really scroungy and   school stuff; oil might be better for
            debilitated. Edwards's colour is   his purposes to mix and manoeuvre
            simplistic : mostly complementaries—  on the surface. His surfaces never
             just clashing and getting frenetic. His   interact : they're simply added ; and
            ideas seem thrice-removed from their   the atmosphere is stiff and
            sources ; and the sources are meagre   embarrassed, like a doctor's waiting
             in the first place. The paintings are a   room. He should get more sceptical
             little disingenuous : like much   about his means : the inherited
             British art they are essentially   assumptions he works with are not
            reproductions or illustrations of   credible anymore ; the a priori
             aesthetic phenomena — never the real   decisions have to go — he has to work
             thing. Bright Bite has a lurid pink and   more intuitively with the painting : in
             tan whorl at the top; diagonal streaks   less of a programmed fashion. The
             of mauve, cerulean, flesh pink, and   colour is a real problem : it's so
             tan move from the middle to the base;   terrible. For a start, given his possible
             and the lower third has some pale gray-  interests, Edwards should look at
             green ellipses overlapping a partially   Gottlieb and learn something about
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