Page 37 - Studio International - November 1974
P. 37

News and notes                were produced. This venture is   of Bryan Ferry. The futurism and   by Bruce Nauman.
                                        different from 'homage to the shrine',   stardust glitter of David Bowie was
          Art and design: a marriage of   or courtesy at the mausoleum. It   bound to backfire into an over-the-  Professor Roy Shaw will succeed
          convenience? was the title of a   follows a thread of development   shoulder look at Hollywood, swimming   Sir Hugh Willatt as secretary —
          symposium, held on 28 September   present in other subject areas, notably   pools, neckties and the 1930s.   general of the Arts Council next
          which was sponsored by the Society   the sciences, where one has to build   Mr Ferry, with his group `Roxy Music'   spring.
          for Research into Higher Education   into educational programmes some   has obligingly come up with the
          and held at the Trent Park precinct of   factor which deals with the enormous   answer, and in his act we have   Malcolm Hughes is the new Senior
          Middlesex Poly. It was opened by   influence of advanced specialism in   references to everything from Nietszche  Lecturer at the Slade.
          Clive Ashwin (Middlesex Polytechnic)   America.              to Nijinsky, albeit wrapped up in hard
          who described the historical origins of   It has been customary for the   rock n' roll.  In  the provinces Ferry   Antony Caro is having an extensive
          the alliance between art and design   student, when travelling abroad, to be   dressed in a gaucho outfit complete   retrospective at the Museum of Modern
          education. He went on to point to   influenced by some Byronian   with lasso, whilst in London, against a   Art, New York from April to July 1975.
          some of the factors which seem to be   romanticism; the sense in which a   backdrop of Nazi eagles, he is a cross   A Bigger Splash,  Jack Hazan's film of
          working towards a divorce of the areas;   'grand tour' was made. The student   between a Spanish policeman who has   David Hockney, opened at two Paris
          these included the changing nature of   responded to the picturesque and the   lost his horse and Erich von Stroheim.   cinemas on 16 October. The premier
          the subjects themselves and the   ennobling but sought comfort in the   Like Warhol and Duchamp, whom   was originally scheduled to coincide
          absorption of art colleges into larger   stability of his own country's   Ferry cites as important musical   with the opening of Hockney's show
          institutions. Clive Ashwin concluded   institutions, changing them just slightly   influences, no one asks whether you   at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs but
          by presenting some of the arguments   on his return. It was cosy, and self-  are laughing with or at him.   the film was at first refused a certificate
          for maintaining the alliance.   congratulatory, a Bloomsbury   Roxy Music's performance is all   until the Minister of Culture intervened
             After questions the second principal   bohemianism which fitted in well with   built on a careful seventy-seven minute   and changed the ruling. The film
          speaker, Dr Michael Twyman (Reading   that era's notion of an artists' role.   masterplan: the same numbers are   should open in London soon.
          University) highlighted some crucial   Universal education, and mass   played at each venue, unknown ones to   'An Anthology of British Photography'
          differences between the role of the   communication media since then have   begin with to get the audience listening   is now scheduled to run from mid-
          designer and the fine artist; these   brought about a revolution in the use   and then this is broken by playing their   March to mid-May 1975 at the
          differences were particularly acute in   of travel. One can reference the world,   last single (a year old). Under   Hayward Gallery, London.
          the modern world with its sophisticated   and with an NUS ticket get there   programmed lighting effects Ferry
          demands upon design expertise.   cheaply. Our feeling at Hull about   rushes back and forth between piano   Old and new works of the experimental
          Although he did not oppose the fine   travel to America or anywhere else   and vocals, Andy Mackay, the brilliant   cinema are shown every Monday and
          art/design bonding per se, he felt that   (our plans for the future do include   saxophonist (and oboist) 'Bonzo-Dogs'   Tuesday nights at 11.15 pm by the
          the excessive strength of this particular   other venues) is that it needs a structure.  across the stage and then after an   Gate Cinema Club at the Gate Cinema,
          bonding had inhibited the formation   Reference to the USA by pin is out.   'encore' when the audience have just   Notting Hill Gate, London W11. On
          of other bondings equally relevant to   At first the college set up a Foreign   come alive all is over. In other words,   18 and 19 November they are showing
          design education, such as those with   Visiting Lectureship, and an important   like a Nazi rally, we are all under their   videotapes and films by Taka limura.
          the behavioural sciences and engineering.  figure in the college's development,   rule, we must do and react just as they   The directors of the cinema are Barbara
                                        Jerrold Maddox, an American artist/   want us to, there is no room for real
          He concluded by outlining the rationale                                                   and David Stone, editors of  Film
          of the new degree in Typographic   teacher, was appointed. As a direct   encores, a package band on a package   Culture, and Alan Power, the art
                                        result of his presence in 1963-4 the   tour, yet within this framework they
          Communication at Reading, which had                                                       collector.
          implemented a multi-disciplinary   college was put in the picture about   are brilliant.
          approach to design education.   that vague rumour in the provinces   The Serpentine Gallery is looking for   Winners of the 'Art into Landscape'
             During the afternoon the chairman   that something generically new was   paintings, prints, photographs, drawings,   competition: In the professional
          David Warren Piper (Teaching Methods   happening in American Art. The   indoor and outdoor sculpture, multi-  category the prize money of £2,000
          Unit, London University) invited   feeling took hold in a provincial   media installations and 'performed'   was shared between Roger Fagin and
          research reports and case studies from   college that provincialism was   work for its next Summer season   David Cashman (Laycock School),
          the floor. Ben Austen (Design Council)   something to do with being away from   ( J une—September 1975).  Applications   Martin Naylor (Five chairs from which
          expressed concern over an apparent   where seminal debate is taking place,   are invited from artists in their 20s and   to view the world), and Slobodan Dan
          drift from industrial relevance in some   not to do with being away from   30s who have not yet exhibited   Paich (Two offerings).
          recent design education. Harriet   London. Laurence Alloway, with   substantially in London. Graduates   'Audio Arts', the magazine on cassette
          Sleigh described her research at the   prophetic zeal, was saying the same in   should allow a minimum of one year   tape, have a new issue out. On one
          Slade School, in which she had   London colleges. Another American
                                                                       to elapse between completing their   side is 'A Question of James Joyce'
          produced a typology of fine art   visitor who proved crucial to the   studies and applying for a show.   which includes Joyce reading Anna
          teaching procedures in sociological   College was James McGarrell, a
                                                                       Closing date for applications is   Livia Plurabelle and on the other side
          terms. Other speakers outlined   figurative painter active in a similar
                                                                       December 20. All submissions of slides   is 'Recollections of C.K. Ogden and
          experiments in course design and   area to Pearlstein. He visited Hull on
                                                                       and photographs must be accompanied   others' which includes Wittgenstein
          design projects.              the way to Paris in 1965, and soon
                                                                       by an application form. These will be   and the Tractatus and is by Mark
             At a final plenary session the issues   after his visit the first of a line of
                                                                       sent by request to the Serpentine   Hayman. 'Audio Arts' costs £8 p.a.
          which had emerged during the day   postgraduate applications to America
                                                                       Gallery, Kensington Gardens, London   (4 issues) and is available from their
          were reduced to a list of key problems.   was made. Some of these were
                                                                       W2 3XA. tel. 01-402 6075.     new address at 64 New Kings Road,
          These included the relative status of   successful and the first thread of
                                                                                                     London S.W.6. (Tel. 01-731 3997).
          art and design activity, the recurring   continuous contact became apparent.   The British Theatre Exhibition
          need for remedial education at college   A sequel to this was that John Hughson,   scheduled for the Hayward Gallery   Banco, a new gallery, has opened at
          level and the problem of integrating   one of Hull's successful post-graduate   London next summer has been cancelled   Via Agostino 3, Brescia, Italy. In
          course ingredients. A report of the   applicants, initiated the present   due to inflation. The risks involved in   November they are showing a third of
          Symposium will be available shortly   exchange.              terms of how much the cost would be   an exhibition by Daniel Buren, the
          from The Administrator, The Society   The programme of the exchange is   offset by takings have made the show   other parts being at Sperone in Turin
          for Research into Higher Education,   that Americans study in the second   less and less justified and the Arts   and Sperone/Fischer in Rome. The
          25 Northampton Square, London EC1.   year of the college's DipAD (CNAA)   Council felt that they should guard   gallery is directed by Massimo Minini.
                                         course, having worked out certain   every penny to help other organizations  Gerald Laing's book 'Kinkell' on his
          Hull College of Art and the New York   specialisms in that area. The British   in the provinces.   settlement in Scotland will be
                                        students study in the equivalent year of
          State University at Fredonia have                                                          published on 10 November by Latimer
                                        the Fredonia Degree Course. Each   The International Committee for the
          recently negotiated an exchange                                                            New Dimensions, price £4.95. Gerald
                                        group enrols in its home college, so no   Kassel Documenta in 1976 is Kynaston
          between their two Fine Art faculties.                                                      Laing's speech at the 'Black and
                                        transference of funds is made. In   McShine, Edward Fry, Jan van der
          This is certainly the first exchange to                                                    White Oil Show' appears on page 189
                                        addition, once the pilot scheme has   Marck, Pontus Hulten, Klaus Honnef,
          include the whole of the second year of                                                    of this issue, in the article by Peter
                                         run for a little longer, there is facility   Evelyn Weiss, Gerhard Bott, Erich
          an undergraduate programme ever                                                            Cook.
                                        for staff exchange, a pilot staff   Herzog, Karl Ruhrberg and Wieland
          arranged within the DipAD (now
                                         exchange having taken place in 1973-4,   Schmied. Documenta will show the   Charles Harrison has asked us to state
          CNAA) Fine Art sector. D. Booth,
                                        a factor which we hope will be of   present art scene against a background   that he was incorrectly described in the
          head of the School of Fine Art at Hull,                      of its historical beginnings. Harald
          writes: Why take such initiatives?   great help in extending the range of                  September contributors' notes as a
                                         experience for staff in Hull.   Szeeman, director in 1972, will be   founder-editor of  Art-Language.  He
          Often the initiative to travel abroad,
                                                                       presenting his 'museum of obsessions'.   was not involved in the editing of
          particularly by Americans, is taken in
          order to re-discover historic   Roxy Music were on tour and at the   The whole show may possibly be   Art-Language until two years after the
                                                                       transported to Philadelphia for the 2nd
          relationships between indigenous   Rainbow Theatre, London, in the                         publication of the first issue.
          cultures and those of other people. In   autumn. Gordon Lowe and Paul   Centennial of the Declaration of   John Hulton is leaving his position as
          all art education young students have   Martin write: After ten years of forced            Head of the Fine-Art division of the
          travelled in order to research into   decadence, pop music has at last taken   Robert Self opened his new gallery in   British Council, London, to take up
          masterpieces, studying them in the   a new direction in the tuxedoes, the   Haunch of Venison Yard (off Brook   landscape architecture. He will be
          geographical context in which they    Valentinos and now the Fourth Reich    Street), on November 7 with a show    succeeded by Gerald Forty.
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