Page 41 - Studio International - November 1974
P. 41

UK reviews
          British Painting 1974, at the Hayward
          Gallery, London, 26 September —
          17 November
          If we felt there was an overriding
          necessity to forward a case for the
          unassailable value of British art now
          (that is, over and above or merely
          against North American or any other
          kind of nationalism in the field) as
                                        (Above) John Plumb Colour Barrier
          certain Blimpish elements in this
                                        no. 5 series 2 19 74
          currently dispirited land have suggested,
                                        (Far right top) John Hoyland Purple
          then we should take care to see that
                                        over Brown 20/5/74
          those persons remaining sceptical of
                                        (Right) Claude Rogers BE Flight 539
          the vaunted premise of an indestructible
          artistic force in our society should be   (Far right bottom) Bob Quick  Gig
          steered well clear of our national   19 74 Vitreous enamel on steel plate,
          contemporary painting extravaganza   53½ x 93 in.
          presently on show at the Hayward
             That the exhibition is a palpable
          failure on every level I can think of
          should not, however, be read as a
          criticism that is directed solely at the
          organizers or the exhibitors; and
          neither would it serve any purpose to
          suggest that the weakness lies in Mr
          Forge's nepotistic-grapevine-don't-
          blame-me selection strategy as seems
          to be one of the quibbles going around.
          This in fact is merely a matter of
          surface politics — although it's perhaps
          worth mentioning that a quick scan of   transvaluation of painting into religious   and by his artifice in calculating his   end and in optimism of the day when,
          the shown artists' addresses and   surrogate (vide, Clement Greenberg   readings etc., but most of us, I think,   if the skill and fortitude of the painter
          'histories' in the catalogue reminds us   and his lay-preachers) the activity has   would be singularly unimpressed by   prevails, we will be able to see
          once more that to be really  British a   become subject to the exigencies of   the relevance of his enterprise.   aggregates of endeavour which are not
          painter has to study, live, paint, and   preterite formal artifice and as such has   It would seem that the only   perfunctorily prefaced by apologia, as
          show in London and its environs. We   come to regard itself as a social anomaly  'interest' thrown up by developments   is the case in the catalogue introduction
          should perhaps rename the show,   (a condition which many seem to enjoy)  in painting over the past ten or twenty   to the items in this show.
          'London Painting 74', thereby giving   in so far as it has pruned its possibilities   years is its relationship to language   Peter Smith
          benefit of doubt, unwarranted though   to such a degree that its only remaining   whose traditional role has been one of
          it may be, that such mediocrity could   pursuit, if it is to remain consistent   support function or as interpretation —  'What this exhibition is trying to do is
          survive in our provincial domain. But   with its own proclamations, is that of   that is, as a meta-system. This function   to cut a deep slice through the ant-hill
          to dwell upon such factors is to miss   self-parody. However, these contentions  until recent years has been delegated   of painting in this country, to show as
          the point, for there seems to be more   are not specifically designed to   to the critic and historian, and   much as maybe in one exhibition of
          at stake than the success or failure of   undermine out of hand the executant   painters in particular have learned to   what is being done in the name of
          this 'one off' enterprise, and more,   skill which is manifest in some of the   become increasingly reliant upon the   painting by painters of different
          indeed, to worry about than the   representationalist contributions of   latter's services in proportion to the   generations and all sorts of affiliations'
          sustaining or otherwise of individual   Peter Blake, Richard Hamilton and   extent to which their work has ceased   (Studio International, September 1974).
          reputations. Any negative response to   Paul Gopal-Chowdhury whose single-  to have any mediational or   Andrew Forge, painter and critic,
          the exhibition, and I have already   minded objectives stand out, if only by   communicative value that one expects   attempted to realize his aim of giving
          heard several, should not be taken as a   contrast, with the myriad aimlessness,   — by definition — of a language. The   birth to an impartial representation of
          de facto suggestion that there is a more   tired eccentricity, and almost   fact that certain schools and styles   current British painting by taking the
          dynamic and vital aggregate of   predictable esotericism which typifies   may have some sort of esoteric or   role of the guiding ray of light which
          unselected canvases 'out there' which   the majority of the exhibits. But   privatistic code is hardly a justification   leaves no trace of the way in which it
          have regrettably been overlooked. The   neither is this to posit, simply, a return   for what in linguistic terms has been   has manipulated, probed and eventually
          truth is, the exhibition does serve a   to the 'subject'. In suggesting that   described as semantic inertia (that is,   selected from the material which falls
          function — albeit a negative one —  modernism, or the spurious avant-  in the case of cliche, tautology, jargon   into this category. To achieve selection
          because in a very definite way it is both   gardism that it fosters, renders itself   etc., ... the art of saying nothing   without leaving thumb-marked work
          typical and representative if not of   the servant of history (and a carefully   while appearing not to.' (Max Black) ).   Forge organized in the following way.
          British art then certainly of British   sifted history at that) I am in no way   The italicised reference to 'difficulty'  He chose 24 artists ('whom I admired
          painting and the 'standards' of its   suggesting that these latter painters are   above does not suggest a programme to   and who covered a wide spectrum
          current dimension. If we were to raid   more significant or ambitious than the   be tackled with the traditional armoury   corresponding more or less with my
          the fine art painting studios of any of   rest. They exhibit consummate skill   and objectives of painting but with   own tastes') and invited them to
          several art schools around, taking only   in handling the tools of the trade and   renewed courage and determination.   recommend up to ten other artists,
          those objects that are colourful and   are patently journeymen who perceive,   It is, moreover, a suggestion that   maintaining the right to the last word
          indisputably 'painting' (I use the term   copy and practice what they are good   painting has in the past completed   throughout. The organization of the
          as an objective definition, not as an   at. I suppose it is honest endeavour   itself. Drawing and painting are   show is riddled with gestures towards
          attribution of value), we could, with a   and, as such, refreshing against a   obviously employable for providing   impartiality, lip-service to the idea of
          modicum of discrimination and a fair   background of hysterical upstaging.   images in education and commerce etc.   an exhibition of British painting for
          deal of surplus energy, arrive at the   However, simply turning one's back on   But it's when we come to the suggestion   and by British painters taken 'en masse'.
          same kind of licensed anarchy in our   the pedantic aspects of abstract   of transcendent values for specific   What has actually happened is a
          more or less random collection that we   painting and the determinism that it   objects that we run into trouble — or at   Hayward show of painting of Forge's
          can now see on display at the Hayward.   entails for its practitioners is also   least we ought to run into trouble.   lop-sided choice, pretending to be what
          But painting, as a cultural pursuit   beside the point. The problem of   Once we get over the traditional   it isn't: a comprehensive survey. One
          above and beyond its utilitarian   contemporaneity was never previously   prejudice against, for example, 'non-  man did decide upon the original two-
          function, has become difficult, rarified,   acquiesced by ignoring history and it is   painted' art (as a recent contender) or   dozen names, a further loss of
          retardataire, academic in its 'modernist'   unlikely that it will be now. The   the 'lesser-arts' and realise that painting   perspective occurring by allowing this
          guise, and almost uniformly reactionary   figurative painters mentioned   does not automatically have some   biased choice of artists to invite their
          in its adherents' obstinate and purblind   (possibly excepting Hamilton) could   ontologically self-contained value or   favourites. Far from devising a method
          belief that the activity should be   in fact be likened to a disenchanted   essence by way of its past achievement   of selection whereby painters of all
          preserved at all costs. Since painting   chemist deciding to return to the   or establishment in our 'cultural'   generations, affiliations, denominations
          denounced the world (an event which   eighteenth-century problem of proving   hierarchy, we will perhaps be in a   etc. stood an equal chance of
          is not to be confused with the advent   that air contained a gas we now know   position to see painting in a more   representation (the Academy Summer
          of abstraction — although popular   as oxygen — that is, to re-do Lavoisier.   objective or disinterested light. I do   Show manages it), Forge assured that
          extrapolation often suggests otherwise)   We might remain in admiration of the   not forward these notions as yet   the exhibition would show all the
          or alternatively since the annunciation   dexterity he employs in employing the   another attempt to 'cry the death of   right artists and that the slice through
          of the modernist myth and the    traditional rubric of the lab. equipment   painting' but towards a more positive    the ant-hill would be made with a
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